PEAX Equipment

Dalton Hwy Caribou

Dustinf... see you up there!

JWH525 and brownbear932008 .... Thank you for the good info. This is exactly the kind of info I was looking for. I am confident in my hunting and shooting abilities I just wanted more suggestions on the details. Your post helped with our final plans! THANK YOU!

havgunwilltravel ... I apologize if I seem like a mouch for making one of my first posts asking for advice with "no introduction and no previous history of writing hunt reports or willingness to help others". So allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Patrick Bishop.
I'm just an average guy from Bozeman, MT, (I live a few blocks from Randy)
I grew up hiking the north woods of Yellowstone.
I am one of you.
I am not a movie star. (Although I did run for congress)
I am not an athlete. (Although I did wrestle with lawnboy and his brother in High school)
I'm just the average guy. (Although I am probably the greatest elk caller in the world)
My main job is a religious educator for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I do not try and take that experience to television.
My second job is owner of 3D Big Game ( and we hope to be seen on television.

So after that infringement of copyright introduction, I will admit that I have rarely used these sites (iceshanty, archery talk etc.) to help others, although I probably should, as it has just benefited me.
However if any of you ever need advice for elk hunting I am your man. Just message me and I will help! I wish I had time to read all the threads and give imput but as a father of 5 and serving God and Country my time is limited.

My best to all of you!!!

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good luck on your hunt.I had a fun caribou hunt 3 years back with another member.Bugs could be bad,and the walking is torture
Were back! We had 4 of out 5 hunting days socked in with rain and snow and fog but we did manage to get one bou down with a bow. Thanks for all you advice! Despite the poor conditions and only getting 1 caibou between the 3 of us I would recommend this hunt to any one.
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Good for you guys, just getting there is a monumental task and being successful is icing on the cake even if it is only one, that is a trip of a lifetime with a hunt thrown in as a bonus. AWESOME
Magnificent animal, congrats to your crew! Just curious, did you spot and stalk in, or was there a migration where you could wait for them to come down a "trail" ? Oh, and, how many arrows did it take :D
I was just noticing last night I am almost outta bou time to get back up there some of the best meat ever. Dustin looks like backstraps can't wait to read the story?:D
Maybe I am out of the loop on meat preferences, but I have never heard of anyone talking about how great caribou meat is. Is it that good? How does it compare to elk?
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