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CVA's Acurra V2 LR or PR?


Aug 3, 2013
Staten Island, NY
Hey All, looking at the Cva's Accura V2 LR or Cva Pr muzzleloaders. Looking to do some reasonable long range shooting for elk with open sights in Colorado. What Say You ?
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I got the V2 LR earlier this year and love it. I was worried that the 30" barrel would make it a little too heavy and bulky but I honestly dont even notice it. It shoots sub MOA at 100yrs. I havent been able to use it at farther distances yet.
I don't think the lr has open sights. I just bought an accura v2 this weekend myself! Hope it shoots as well as it handles.
Accura V2. It is perfect with open sights. The PR im not even sure is drilled and tapped or sights. Or the CVA Optima, lower price but still the same great trigger and accuracy.
Just bought a CVA plains rifle waiting for the UPS to get it here, drew a muzzle loader tag in Arizona so hope it shoots good
I bought the plains rifle this past yea. Great so far. Am still dialing my load but am doing pretty well so far. Shooting 110 gr Blackhorn 209 with Scorpion PT gold 300 grain bullet, crush rib sabot. Am going to try a different sabot to tighten things up. Friend has same rifle but notes the sabot/bullet is tighter in his barrel than appears to be mine so some slight variance there.

I have a scope on it but it is drilled/tapped to be able to put open sights on it. I asked in case I wanted to go to Idaho or CO for a western hunt with it. I had to buy a 209 breechplug for it for consistent ignition but they also make an "open" breech plug to satisfy the ID muzzleloader regulations.
CVA for sure , the combination of the 30” Bergara barrel and a lights out trigger, things a tak driver
I have an Accura V2 w/thumbhole and love the gun, but need to do something with the fiber optic sights I have on it now. I think a peep/globe upgrade is going to happen before the next Colorado mulie trip. Current setup is fine for Wisconsin woodland hunting but was a handicap in a more open setting.
Hi All, I have some time yet and still mulling it over. Open and/or peep sights are a must in Colorado. Thanks for the feedback !
I am also trying to decide between the LR and the PR options of the CVA V2. Any updates on which one you got and how you like it? I hunt Nebraska and have handled both guns and the added weight of the LR is not an issue so I am leaning towards it. Thanks for any additional input from any previous posters!
did you find out if the 50 cal lr version is drilled and tapped for open sights ? the video on cva mentioned the stock is well suited to sights but no mention of the holes being there jeez
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