Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Critters in Weird Places

My brother manages a custom harvesting crew and they see a fair amount of moose in wheat and corn fields of Central ND and NW MN each year. Not where most people expect to see moose but I think the people that live around there know they are around. This video was an aggressive young bull that was hanging around for several days.

Several years ago, a small herd of antelope showed up at the horse boarding facility I kept my horse and donkey at, in Clinton, MT (about twenty miles east of Missoula). They came and went for a few weeks, then one day they up and left and never came back.
The possum army advances north…
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I'd say over the past 10-15 years, I've seen 3 or 4 roadkilled in Iowa. The first time I know for sure in far NEIA, as I pulled over to look at it.

The rest were just "huh, looks like roadkill armadillo (proceeds to hit scan on the radio)" somewhere north or south +/- 50 miles off i80

Eta- handful of black bear in NEIA, heard rumors of naturally establishing themselves here.
I co n fess I've been startled one or twice by critters, know I've startled them. Family of Flying squirrels nesting in the tree stand seat.
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I found this guy out turkey hunting in the flats of eastern Wyoming. Talked to game and fish, they thought he came over from Nebraska. Number 1 Dream animal of mine to hunt. Originally saw him at 20 yards, they are bigger than I imagined up close.

Nebraska is basically the hotbed for bighorns and mountain goats.
In about 83 or 84 I saw the worlds tallest badger while moving pipe in southeast Idaho, Specifically Grace.
I drew a picture of it and sent it to PBS, Marty Stouffer, Wild America.
The next summer I got a response. I had drawn an accurate depiction of a wolverine. While not common, SE Idaho is within the known range of the wolverine.
Back in the early 1980's I saw 5 pronghorn east of King City California. The first pronghorn I had ever seen. I was in my 1983 Toy 4x4 so couldn't have been before that date. I knew they had been in the San Joaquin valley while it was still un-irrigated desert, but that was 100 years ago.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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