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Creedmoor no more

I have a box of the 127g Barnes LRX. If they don’t group well I’m going to go to the 124g Hammers. I want to end up in Or close to the 3k bracket. From what I’ve read that seems doable with Varget and maybe with H4350.

My Kimber shoots the 124 Hammers at 2900. Super performance powder.
I really do not think that you will gain enough with the 260 ai, over a standard, to make it worth the hassle. You do not get that much extra velocity and you also get into fire-forming casings etc. Buy a Criterion .260 and be done, but then again, I would stay with the Creed. There is virtually no difference and the Creed will handle long bullets better, due to the better magazine fit. I like my .260s just fine, but the Creed is a better choice, if you want to push 130-grain+ bullets. Don't get all hung up on velocity. Any bullet pushed over 2700 fps, will do just fine in the field.
I agree with SB. Unless you just want a 260AI.
It was definitely a bad barrel and or chamber.
I would recommend just rebarrel it and move on. Can’t go wrong with a GOOD custom barrel.
I agree with SB. Unless you just want a 260AI.
It was definitely a bad barrel and or chamber.
I would recommend just rebarrel it and move on. Can’t go wrong with a GOOD custom barrel.

The 260ai is basically just a ream and reinstall on a barrel already chambered for the Creedmoor. Right now that is the best route for me. I am having a 300 Sherman built and that is where my gun money is going. So this 260ai may just be a band aid on a bad barrel, but it’s what funds I have. Like I said if nothing more I can get all the fire forming done. That will save wear and tear on a new barrel after the funds recover from the 300.
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The 260ai is basically just a ream and reinstall on a barrel already chambered for the Creedmoor. Right now that is the best route for me. I am having a 300 Sherman built and that is where my gun money is going. So this 260ai may just be a band aid on a bad barrel, but it’s what funds I have. Like I said if nothing more I can get all the fire forming done. That will save wear and tear on a new barrel after the funds recover from the 300.

Makes sense to me! I’d make sure he sets the shoulder back enough and rechamber all the old throat out.
The 300 Sherman is a great design by an awesome guy. Rich designs some well thought cartridges.
Are you going SS or Max?
My rifle WAS a Stevens 200 with factory 22" barrel. Throat was shot out (almost 6,000 rounds). Re-barreled to 24" E.R. Shaw in 250 Savage.

As for SBHooper, CAhunter, i agree and disagree.
With the short 308 based casing, the improved configuration doesn't give enough volume to significantly increase velocities.

Fireforming cases to me at least is still good trigger time. With the bonus that accuracy doesn't suffer while doing it.

As for the longer bullets, it is only true if Zach (or anyone) is using AR type mags.
Single feed, internal mag (especially on a Savage) will let you load those long bullets out of the powder charge.
Long, heavy match bullets in an AR mag are the only reason for the existance of the Creedmoor.
Otherwise the 260 Rem has it covered.
My rifle WAS a Stevens 200 with factory 22" barrel. Throat was shot out (almost 6,000 rounds). Re-barreled to 24" E.R. Shaw in 250 Savage.

As for SBHooper, CAhunter, i agree and disagree.
With the short 308 based casing, the improved configuration doesn't give enough volume to significantly increase velocities.

Fireforming cases to me at least is still good trigger time. With the bonus that accuracy doesn't suffer while doing it.

As for the longer bullets, it is only true if Zach (or anyone) is using AR type mags.
Single feed, internal mag (especially on a Savage) will let you load those long bullets out of the powder charge.
Long, heavy match bullets in an AR mag are the only reason for the existance of the Creedmoor.
Otherwise the 260 Rem has it covered.
How have ER Shaw barrels been for you? I hear that bad ones slip through their quality control once in a while.
Makes sense to me! I’d make sure he sets the shoulder back enough and rechamber all the old throat out.
The 300 Sherman is a great design by an awesome guy. Rich designs some well thought cartridges.
Are you going SS or Max?

Just 300 Sherman, it’s the 30-06 case improved. I didn’t want the extra recoil of the Max. After talking with Rich, the plan is to push 180-190 right at 3k.
I had a .260AI for several years, it killed a lot of stuff. I actually hunted with the fire-forming load a few times, it hit what I aimed at and it was a real .260 load so I figured why not. Mag length was a hassle in a 700 ADL configuration, I'd do that differently next time; I don't know what the length in the LAW is. I never pushed it very fast, my go-to load was a 139 scenar at 2820 with H4831.
I'd be nervous about that barrel myself but I don't blame you for trying it again.
The Sherman use minimal body taper, 40 degree shoulder and longer necks in most of Rich’s designs.
He has done a lot of work and you can now buy formed brass and dies from him also.
How have ER Shaw barrels been for you? I hear that bad ones slip through their quality control once in a while.
I really like the E.R. Shaw barrels! They re-tooled a few years back, so their QC is pretty decent.
E.R. Shaw barrels are looked down upon from people using higher end barrels. But from a hunting rifle perspective, they more than meet my demands.
The 250 Savage barrel was an over run special. 24" Savage contour, polished, blued for $125. I'm running +P pressures with 115gr Berger VLD Hunting bullets over RL17. (Modern bolt gun)
5 shots around 1 MOA, so i definitely can't complain about anything there!

I bought a 1.5 contour, 24", polished, blued, 11 degree recessed crown barrel for a Mauser build in 284 Win. $242 delivered to my door. Shoots 150gr Ballistic Tips under 1 MOA for 5 shots.

And i do sometimes shoot both these 600 and 1,000 yards at the range. For hunting rifles, they hold their own just fine!

Oh, and E.R. Shaws bluing is a thing of beauty!

Getting ready to order a 3rd barrel for a Mauser build for my daughter. Going with #1 contour, 22", polished, blued with recessed 11 degree crown in 7X57 Mauser.
Well pulled the trigger on building the 300 tonight. Dies are on there way and the action gets shipped out tomorrow. So between the 260ai and the 300 Sherman I should be all set to hunt if grizzlies get delisted....again.
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Well, I finally made it to the front of the line at the Gun smiths. It appear that the original LAW Wilson barrel was reamed very sloppy and out of round by .004. Between that and the exsisting chatter marks the decision was made to get a new barrel. So now for a new barrel to be contoured I am back to the waiting game. I sure how this Friday gun shoots when it finally comes home.