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COVID-19 medical mask shortage - can hunting gear companies help?

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Paul in Idaho

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2012
Southwest Idaho
This week I have seen a lot of posts by medical professionals concerned about the lack of N95 masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE). Now, a surge of requests is starting for people to make fabric masks for hospital staff to have some level of protection. At least one hospital has a formal request on their website. https://www.providence.org/lp/100m-masks

I started thinking that companies like Sitka, First Lite, Stone Glacier, Seek Outside, and others likely have sewing machines and skills for prototyping, even if their production is done overseas. Probably someone on this forum has connections to one or more of these companies, so I thought it would be worth posting for consideration.

So far there doesn't appear to be a strong consensus on the most effective fabric types to use, but information is being shared rapidly. A waterproof/water resistant fabric seems a likely choice for the outer layer, and that sounds to me a lot like what most modern hunting clothes are made from.

Most of the information I have seen is on Twitter, using hashtags #MillionMaskChallenge and #MillionMaskMayDay

Other links
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The N95 mask problem goes deeper than most know. The material used in the N95 is mostly made in Germany. Even most of the Chinese N95 masks were made with imported sheets of 1 micron material. This is the whole problem. I can't find the article now but it was interesting. Many experts say that we ALL should be wearing masks, not the N95 but even a bandanna in public. Not to keep from catching it, but for those who don't know they are infected to help keep from spreading in when they cough, of even spit when talking. The 2 countries that have flattened the curve are ones where everyone wears a mask
The N95 mask problem goes deeper than most know. The material used in the N95 is mostly made in Germany. Even most of the Chinese N95 masks were made with imported sheets of 1 micron material. This is the whole problem. I can't find the article now but it was interesting. Many experts say that we ALL should be wearing masks, not the N95 but even a bandanna in public. Not to keep from catching it, but for those who don't know they are infected to help keep from spreading in when they cough, of even spit when talking. The 2 countries that have flattened the curve are ones where everyone wears a mask

Just currently adopted this strategy when going to grocery, pharmacy, hardware........
I am supplying at risk folks in addition to our household.
Wife is fabricating - using local website info.
Lotsa' info out there on www concerning fabrication.
And I look better to others......
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Masks do nothing. They actually can be detrimental. Sheeple. A virus goes straight through a mask. Masks originally were used to stop TB. They can help with germs and bacteria but if you can breathe through them, then the virus goes through without a hitch. SMDH.

I cannot believe that the leftist mayor of Boise is making them mandatory in public. Wake up, people.
Masks do nothing. They actually can be detrimental. Sheeple. A virus goes straight through a mask. Masks originally were used to stop TB. They can help with germs and bacteria but if you can breathe through them, then the virus goes through without a hitch. SMDH.

I cannot believe that the leftist mayor of Boise is making them mandatory in public. Wake up, people.

Says who, the epidemiology experts recently anointed with their certificates from "Zuckerberg U?"

Sheeple? I wear a mask in public. Yeah, it's a bit of a PITA. If that little inconvenience can help, count me in.

Leftist are recommending/requiring such, eh? The real experts, including the POTUS' advisers, say you are wrong. Or, maybe those are "leftists." I saw Pence wearing one in TX, along with the Governor. They leftists? Not just the "leftist" Mayor of Boise. Now, even the Red State Governors are saying such. TX, FL, AZ, all of them, leftists and sheeple according to you.

You remind me of the guy who saw me in the grocery store line a couple weeks ago. He recognized me, even with the mask. He walked up while I was in line and gave the smart ass retort, "I didn't take you for being the kind who was scared of stuff," referring to me wearing a mask, then walked off as if his refusal to not wear a mask somehow made him a badass. In my younger days, one of us would have been doing a tooth inventory.

Bunch of tough guys get their feeling hurt because others want to help out by following the experts' advice by wearing a mask. Didn't take you and others for being so easily offended. I think the term you've used in the past for the easily offended people is "snowflakes." If the shoe fits.

Evidently the "I'm a badass and you are all a bunch of sheeple" point of view is the only way folks like you can see it. Heaven forbid that someone wants to do what they can to help protect others we might expose to illness. Gotta make some sort of smart ass comment to make your position sound like a tough guy.

Maybe you should take your smartass comments elsewhere. Take them to the other websites where you like to rail on Hunt Talkers as a bunch of whiners, snivelers, liberals, leftists, and the other terms you like to use when describing folks here.

Better yet, I'll help you.

You remind me of the guy who saw me in the grocery store line a couple weeks ago. He recognized me, even with the mask. He walked up while I was in line and gave the smart ass retort, "I didn't take you for being the kind who was scared of stuff," referring to me wearing a mask, then walked off as if his refusal to not wear a mask somehow made him a badass. In my younger days, one of us would have been doing a tooth inventory.

Some weeks ago while waiting to buy some chicken at the grocery deli,, an older guy asked me,,,," so do you think the mask makes you safer?" I looked at him and asked him,,,"Do you think the mask is going to make it more likely for me to get infected?" He left that unanswered.

On the macro level, masks do not have to stop the virus in its tracks. If it reduces the rate of spread, that is very beneficial from a public health aspect.
I figure the mask stuff a few ways:

1. If the employees in the stores, gas stations, etc. are good enough to wear one to protect others, I'll be good enough to wear one to protect them. I appreciate that they are still going into work and keeping things open.

2. A vast majority of the literature/research/science points to them helping.

3. A good friend of mine, that I used to work with and still hunt elk with, is a front-liner and spent some time in NYC at the peak of things there. He told me he wears a mask when out where he may come in contact with others.

Finally, there just doesn't seem to be a reasonable downside to wearing a mask in stores, etc. other than the inconvenience.

My wife and I went to a couple stores today here in Laramie, and I bet 70% of the people there were wearing masks.
I figure the mask stuff a few ways:

1. If the employees in the stores, gas stations, etc. are good enough to wear one to protect others, I'll be good enough to wear one to protect them. I appreciate that they are still going into work and keeping things open.

2. A vast majority of the literature/research/science points to them helping.

3. A good friend of mine, that I used to work with and still hunt elk with, is a front-liner and spent some time in NYC at the peak of things there. He told me he wears a mask when out where he may come in contact with others.

Finally, there just doesn't seem to be a reasonable downside to wearing a mask in stores, etc. other than the inconvenience.

My wife and I went to a couple stores today here in Laramie, and I bet 70% of the people there were wearing masks.


I wish people down here would wear masks. We may have 25 or 30 percent of people wearing them. I don't get it. There are places set up giving them away in a lot of the towns around here. What is the downside?
Masks do nothing. They actually can be detrimental. Sheeple. A virus goes straight through a mask. Masks originally were used to stop TB. They can help with germs and bacteria but if you can breathe through them, then the virus goes through without a hitch. SMDH.

I cannot believe that the leftist mayor of Boise is making them mandatory in public. Wake up, people.

My wife works in the ICU, via her I probably have an elevated risk of contracting the virus.
I wear a mask because it’s quite possible I’m an a-symptomatic carrier and I want to reduce the chances I get someone’s grandma sick while I’m buying groceries.

If masks reduce my possible transmission by any amount I feel like it’s worth it.
I figure the mask stuff a few ways:

1. If the employees in the stores, gas stations, etc. are good enough to wear one to protect others, I'll be good enough to wear one to protect them. I appreciate that they are still going into work and keeping things open.

2. A vast majority of the literature/research/science points to them helping.

3. A good friend of mine, that I used to work with and still hunt elk with, is a front-liner and spent some time in NYC at the peak of things there. He told me he wears a mask when out where he may come in contact with others.

Finally, there just doesn't seem to be a reasonable downside to wearing a mask in stores, etc. other than the inconvenience.

My wife and I went to a couple stores today here in Laramie, and I bet 70% of the people there were wearing masks.

Agree with all those points, and I’m glad so many in Laramie are wearing them. If you don’t count employees, I haven’t been to a store in Casper yet where I saw more than ~15% with masks.
Agree with all those points, and I’m glad so many in Laramie are wearing them. If you don’t count employees, I haven’t been to a store in Casper yet where I saw more than ~15% with masks.
Casper isn’t woke. In Rawlins it’s about 15% wearing masks, and most of that 15% have the masks pulled down to smoke a cigarette...
In my view, wearing a mask or face covering in public is the most patriotic thing a person can do right now.

And I love the OP's line of thought. It would be great to see our outdoor companies take the lead here. I think it could be good for their business but certainly would help the image of hunters across the board with the general public, if done correctly.
A virus particle might make it through a mask just like a bullet might make it through tree growth. It's more likely to hit some fiber/trees and get stuck there than making it to the target. Could it make it? The thicker the mask the thicker the forest you are shooting through! Just putting this in hunting terms to wake up the anti-maskers.
A virus particle might make it through a mask just like a bullet might make it through tree growth. It's more likely to hit some fiber/trees and get stuck there than making it to the target. Could it make it? The thicker the mask the thicker the forest you are shooting through! Just putting this in hunting terms to wake up the anti-maskers.
It's not about the facts man. Some people have twisted this into a political civil liberty patriot individual rights thing... frankly it is embarrassing. When 3rd world countries can figure this out, take a very simple action and prevent scores of their people from dying... It's just embarrassing. But it all starts at the top. When their "leader" blows off face coverings, what do you expect the followers to do? And they call those of us who are willing to be inconvenienced because we care about our fellow Americans "sheeple." LOL What a joke.
Says who, the epidemiology experts recently anointed with their certificates from "Zuckerberg U?"

Sheeple? I wear a mask in public. Yeah, it's a bit of a PITA. If that little inconvenience can help, count me in.

Leftist are recommending/requiring such, eh? The real experts, including the POTUS' advisers, say you are wrong. Or, maybe those are "leftists." I saw Pence wearing one in TX, along with the Governor. They leftists? Not just the "leftist" Mayor of Boise. Now, even the Red State Governors are saying such. TX, FL, AZ, all of them, leftists and sheeple according to you.

You remind me of the guy who saw me in the grocery store line a couple weeks ago. He recognized me, even with the mask. He walked up while I was in line and gave the smart ass retort, "I didn't take you for being the kind who was scared of stuff," referring to me wearing a mask, then walked off as if his refusal to not wear a mask somehow made him a badass. In my younger days, one of us would have been doing a tooth inventory.

Bunch of tough guys get their feeling hurt because others want to help out by following the experts' advice by wearing a mask. Didn't take you and others for being so easily offended. I think the term you've used in the past for the easily offended people is "snowflakes." If the shoe fits.

Evidently the "I'm a badass and you are all a bunch of sheeple" point of view is the only way folks like you can see it. Heaven forbid that someone wants to do what they can to help protect others we might expose to illness. Gotta make some sort of smart ass comment to make your position sound like a tough guy.

Maybe you should take your smartass comments elsewhere. Take them to the other websites where you like to rail on Hunt Talkers as a bunch of whiners, snivelers, liberals, leftists, and the other terms you like to use when describing folks here.

Better yet, I'll help you.

View attachment 145645
Randy I was already a fan, but you just gained a fan for life. I'd like to cut and paste this reply to my social media, with credit given of course, with your permission. Thanks.
I started this thread in March when some hospitals couldn't even get basic surgical masks for their employees. I didn't expect it to get dredged up, or to get such a negative response. Randy, thank you for keeping it from going in the ditch.

It's great to see Mystery Ranch stepped up to donate to healthcare workers and is also making masks for the general public.

For anyone who is interested in the medical science of mask effectiveness, here's one of the best articles I have found so far. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/368/6498/1422.full.pdf
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