COVID-19 medical mask shortage - can hunting gear companies help?

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Curious what you have to gain by trying to convince everyone that all the medical experts are wrong. Exactly what harm are you hoping to prevent to all of us? Or is it something else?

I’m not trying to convince everyone. I put out a counter argument that disputes what these selected medical “experts” are claiming. These selected experts have all been wrong in their uniform claims, projections and models. The ones who haven’t gone along and claimed otherwise have been attacked, and vilified. Remember the two Drs. from Bakersfield? They had a full court press put on against them for calling these experts and their policies out. The WHO has been unmasked as a tool of the CCP and defunded by Pr. Trump for their behavior. The harm is in the creation of a social construct which further vilifies the citizens who are rightly skeptical, do some investigating, pay attention and refuse to buy into the fable. Next time you go to the grocers walk around and observe the mask wearers. Masks are a one time use item. You don it securely and then never touch it again except by the strings until removal and disposale. Folks are wearing gloves touching everything like normal in the fruit and produce sections then touching their masks to readjust it or scratch their noses. This isn’t helping. It’s absurd. And bandanas or something else homemade? C’mon. These are “feel good” measures and you don’t have to be a medical affiliate to dope it out right. The “experts” have cried wolf for too long and have lost all credibility. This disease is now fully treatable and you still only have a 0.03% chance of dying from it. But it is an election year and you can take it to the bank that the CCP is keen on seeing a turnover at the top.
Your argument appears flawed and your stats are a bit cherry-picked. "Buy into the fable"? That properly worn PPE helps reduce transmission? I don't recall the three times I have had surgeries my doctor, the nurses, etc. "debating" on whether or not to wear PPE during the procedure. I would argue everyone might just freak out a little if their surgeon rolled in wearing street clothes and finishing up a sandwich before grabbing the scalpel and asking "Ready to get this done?" Don't worry, masks are just to make you feel better, OK?

Also you mention 'selected' experts and that they have "all been wrong". Does that include all of the healthcare workers, dentists, etc. that are currently wearing masks and PPE and requiring it if they see a patient? I am lost with the "selected" part...
And you mention mask wearers in the grocery store. All masks are not 'one time use'. You also point out improper use of a mask and/or gloves. That is an accurate observation. It does not though negate the effectiveness of PPE, it highlights that humans are fallible, and rush to put one on, don't like how it feels so they have the thing around their chin, etc. Hell, I have to remind my 72 year old mother in law to buckle up when we ride together, and half the time she wants to wear the seat belt under her arm because "it itches her neck." Improper seat belt usage doesn't mean the seat belt is ineffective. You have to actually use the thing properly for it to protect you. Same goes for PFDs, helmets, ear protection, etc.

But here is one other angle. There is a lot of medical information out there about mask use and their effectiveness and the stats are in favor of mask use. If the doctors and scientists are right, I could potentially prevent someone from getting sick. Same goes for when others wear a mask -- they may help keep me from getting sick. If I helped prevent one person, especially someone high risk from getting sick, I consider that a small victory and just helping out.
Now, if the experts are 100% wrong, the most I am out is the inconvenience of wearing a mask when I am in a store, busy place, etc.
Please post your sources. Are you joking about the zinc? It is clear you have no scientific literacy and therefore have no business attempting to educate others on this important topic.

I'm an RN. In an average year, I take care of patients with a variety of infectious respiratory illnesses: RSV, hMPV, Rhinovirus, Influenza, coronaviruses, and now COVID-19. The idea that a mask does nothing is so unbelievably ridiculous that I'm not going to sit here and tell you why or post my sources. COVID-19 is only airbone in specific situations that aerosolize the virus: performing CPR and intubating a patient, as one example. In this case, a fitted N95 is used.

This isn't a political issue.

Infection control works with appropriate PPE in the healthcare setting working with numerous extremely ill patients. Wearing a mask in public is an important component of reducing the spread of Covid-19. Case closed.

You bolster my argument. In a proper infection control environment with gowns, gloves, “properly fitted” N95 masks, which were created to protect healthcare workers from TB, not corona viruses, and facility wide HEPA filtration the masks are effective for the wearer. But only 95% of the time right? I’d like to see any empirical peer reviewed evidence to support the claim that the general populations wearing of a mask is an important component of stopping the spread of this Kung flu. Just one. The case is closed for you but not I. But then of course I don’t have to tow the line to keep my job. The 30mg. of zinc isn’t going to harm you and does disrupt the viruses capability to replicate. The problem with the zinc is that big pharma can’t make any money off it. PS. Everything is political concerning this. It’s impacting every aspect of our lives and is now being used to turn neighbor against neighbor. But to what end? Neighbor not wearing a mask? Dial 1-800-ima-nazi. The only good thing I’m liking about the masks is that 85-90% of the women wearing them you don’t want to see anyways. 😷. That’s a joke; don’t get your panties in a wad over it ok. 😆
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