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COVID-19 medical mask shortage - can hunting gear companies help?

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I forgot my mask once... Had to visit the wonderful Verizon dealership... I pulled a microfiber cloth from the console, folded it triangular and pulled a bungee cord - pressed the hooks through the corners and into the store I went.

I found my wife was really adhering to the social distance rule... from me. She said that was about as redneck as it gets. I smiled, unbeknownst to her.
Casper isn’t woke. In Rawlins it’s about 15% wearing masks, and most of that 15% have the masks pulled down to smoke a cigarette...
Same in most of Kansas, or they pull it down to put a chew in. Most of the state has filed exemptions for Kelly’s order. Haven’t needed one yet, don’t mind if people wear them.
The virus is reported to be in the 0.06 to 0.14nm size range. The 1st electron microscope image that was published early on measured it at 0.05nm. You'll note that the N95 mask is only effective when properly worn down to 0.3 microns. Thus the N95 is in reality ineffective and other paper or fabric masks are less than worthless for this virus. The virus is airborne; you can't avoid it. Just the way it is. The most effective way to protect yourselves is to add 30mg. of zinc each day to your diet. The zinc blocks the virus' ability to replicate in healthy cells. If it makes you feel better then wear one; just don't bully and shame your fellow citizens for not following in kind. This has been a public service announcement.

Size of the virus particle notwithstanding, it is not traveling by itself, but in droplets large and small, created by exhalation, singing, sneezing, coughing and spitting. That is why when I’m wearing a mask in public I’m protecting my fellow Americans by capturing droplets in my mask.

In my profession, I’m in the direct line of fire, as I’m up close and personal and my patient is likely spewing aerosol up and out of their mouth (I’m a dentist). The face shield and mask I wear is to both protect myself and also my patient, should I be shedding (any) virus.

To your point on zinc: there is indeed some interesting articles coming out supporting this idea.
The virus is reported to be in the 0.06 to 0.14nm size range. The 1st electron microscope image that was published early on measured it at 0.05nm. You'll note that the N95 mask is only effective when properly worn down to 0.3 microns. Thus the N95 is in reality ineffective and other paper or fabric masks are less than worthless for this virus. The virus is airborne; you can't avoid it. Just the way it is. The most effective way to protect yourselves is to add 30mg. of zinc each day to your diet. The zinc blocks the virus' ability to replicate in healthy cells. If it makes you feel better then wear one; just don't bully and shame your fellow citizens for not following in kind. This has been a public service announcement.

View attachment 145888

Based on your descriptive language, and lack of microbiology knowledge, I believe you are not qualified to make a public service announcement. A professional would not use the phrase "less than worthless". "Airborne" just applies that physical contact is not required to spread the disease. And a "most effective" 30mg of zinc is for what weight patient? Please explain in your public service announcement, how the zinc dosage is accounted for and how the virus travels independently with out a carrier that increases the size, and is still making the mask worthless. If you are a professional on this topic you will be able to answer these questions and add value to your post. If not I think you were just blurting.
Based on your descriptive language, and lack of microbiology knowledge, I believe you are not qualified to make a public service announcement. A professional would not use the phrase "less than worthless". "Airborne" just applies that physical contact is not required to spread the disease. And a "most effective" 30mg of zinc is for what weight patient? Please explain in your public service announcement, how the zinc dosage is accounted for and how the virus travels independently with out a carrier that increases the size, and is still making the mask worthless. If you are a professional on this topic you will be able to answer these questions and add value to your post. If not I think you were just blurting.

I provided proof that the N95 isn’t effective against the Kung flu which unequivocally means that all lesser masks are worthless against it. Your time would have been better spent proving me wrong. Do your own research.
Kryptek has masks

@AlpackaRaft is now making PPE

I provided proof that the N95 isn’t effective against the Kung flu which unequivocally means that all lesser masks are worthless against it. Your time would have been better spent proving me wrong. Do your own research.

You provided a table with no reference from from where it originated or supporting text of the purpose behind the table in the document (required verification). Medical documents have different comparative level tables to break down and define the boundaries for verification and validation discussion. Your reference table may be a reference to a worst case filter condition (was it?) that has a possibility but is unlikely based on the size break down for filtration. I am a lead engineer for a medical implant design and manufacturing company. I have read, written, approved, and researched, device/technique requirements, drawings, manufacturing routings, testing reports, verification/validation, regulatory submission, clinical trials, quality follow up, etc. I have attended surgeries and trained surgeons and supporting staff through out the United States. I am trying to help you out by telling you what you need if you want anybody to believe what you are posting as medically credible(not a blurt). Kansasdad, another medical person that called you out on your post are just pointing out that your post is meaningless with out support documentation in the medical world. There are other medical professionals on this website that could walk all over your posts on medical topics as well. Just your medical posting format is proving you questionable or wrong. If you handed me a document like your post, I would laugh and slide it back to you and say capture your own research.
Yawn 😫; whatever. I guess Ill forget the last 25 years of my career spent in medicine. I don't care if anyone believes what I post. I actually prefer they don't, but just maybe they'll go digging and discover the truth for themselves. You still haven't proven the diagram is false and you cant because its true. The N95 only stops particles at the 0.3 micron level 95% of the time. The Sars-cov-2 is 10x's smaller then its filtration capability and 100x's smaller than the best surgical mask. Its not disputable bubba. Masks don't work in the presence of the virus and they never did. I've long suspected its airborne due to its rapid spread around China. A country whose peoples wear masks like religious zealots. That's the only explanation for its rapid and continued spread despite all efforts to the contrary. Wear a mask I don't care. Lead engineer huh? Medical company lead sanitation engineer most likely from all the unnecessary pucky you toss out. Required verification? I'm not presenting for my Phd in waste mgmnt.
Yawn 😫; whatever. I guess Ill forget the last 25 years of my career spent in medicine. I don't care if anyone believes what I post. I actually prefer they don't, but just maybe they'll go digging and discover the truth for themselves. You still haven't proven the diagram is false and you cant because its true. The N95 only stops particles at the 0.3 micron level 95% of the time. The Sars-cov-2 is 10x's smaller then its filtration capability and 100x's smaller than the best surgical mask. Its not disputable bubba. Masks don't work in the presence of the virus and they never did. I've long suspected its airborne due to its rapid spread around China. A country whose peoples wear masks like religious zealots. That's the only explanation for its rapid and continued spread despite all efforts to the contrary. Wear a mask I don't care. Lead engineer huh? Medical company lead sanitation engineer most likely from all the unnecessary pucky you toss out. Required verification? I'm not presenting for my Phd in waste mgmnt.
Curious what you have to gain by trying to convince everyone that all the medical experts are wrong. Exactly what harm are you hoping to prevent to all of us? Or is it something else?
The virus is reported to be in the 0.06 to 0.14nm size range. The 1st electron microscope image that was published early on measured it at 0.05nm. You'll note that the N95 mask is only effective when properly worn down to 0.3 microns. Thus the N95 is in reality ineffective and other paper or fabric masks are less than worthless for this virus. The virus is airborne; you can't avoid it. Just the way it is. The most effective way to protect yourselves is to add 30mg. of zinc each day to your diet. The zinc blocks the virus' ability to replicate in healthy cells. If it makes you feel better then wear one; just don't bully and shame your fellow citizens for not following in kind. This has been a public service announcement.

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Please post your sources. Are you joking about the zinc? It is clear you have no scientific literacy and therefore have no business attempting to educate others on this important topic.

I'm an RN. In an average year, I take care of patients with a variety of infectious respiratory illnesses: RSV, hMPV, Rhinovirus, Influenza, coronaviruses, and now COVID-19. The idea that a mask does nothing is so unbelievably ridiculous that I'm not going to sit here and tell you why or post my sources. COVID-19 is only airbone in specific situations that aerosolize the virus: performing CPR and intubating a patient, as one example. In this case, a fitted N95 is used.

This isn't a political issue.

Infection control works with appropriate PPE in the healthcare setting working with numerous extremely ill patients. Wearing a mask in public is an important component of reducing the spread of Covid-19. Case closed.
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