COVID-19 Links, facts and discussion. Politics and hyperbole welcome.

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Has anybody heard about if you get it and recover can you get it again? If you do is it less severe? Or is it a get it once and your are immune?
It is currently unknown if post infection immunity is conferred, and if, so to what extent or for how long.
In Wisconsin we are still providing an education for kids at schools.......this will be handled digitally using resources. We have some practice with this but obviously the "hands-on" subjects will be more difficult. Parents are obviously able to help with the work, but the schools are still educating, just in a different way. It's not like all the kids are suddenly forced into being home schooled by parents
Our past due utility fees and shutoffs are being waived. The city manager and all department heads had a meeting first thing Monday morning going over our emergency declaration plan. As soon as a case shows up in our county or a neighboring county, all employees get sent home. Bills will be received at a drop box or online. The fiscal officer and assistants will be working remotely from home. I'll be solo 7 days a week at the plant until the emergency is lifted or if I would get sick my number 2 guy steps in. I've made preparations to quarantine at the plant if I'd get a minor case of it. I've got camp cot and sleeping gear already there. I figured it's the least I could do for my guys since I'm in charge of the whole system. The collection and water distribution boys will be on call only for emergency breaks or repairs. The good thing is the city will continue to pay all of us without us having to use sick or vacation. My wife is a teacher so she is home with the kids. I just say that I'm lucky to work for the folks I do.
None of that changes the average age of death by Covid 19. Over 80 years old. I think it is pretty much the same across the globe. Your chances of death by Corona if 70 or under is very low. We have about 200,000 confirmed cases and approx 8,000 deaths. That is a pretty large sample size.
The 2 people in Indiana that died were in their early 60's
This may be old news for many of you, but as a teacher in Colorado just thought I'd give the heads up of what's coming in terms of education. My district is preparing for being closed the rest of the year. All state testing is being cancelled for the year. We are planning on launching remote learning systems the week after spring break (March 30). Still trying to figure out what that is actually going to look like, and it may depend on the teacher. The challenges facing lower income students with limited technological access, students with high or specific needs, or difficult home lives are going to be huge.
It will be interesting to see when they get more data if the "hypertension effect" is real or just an artifact of the age of the patients - by this I mean, if you are 45 years old and have treated hypertension are you actually at higher risk.
If you take an ace 2 inhibitor. Which you only take if you have hbp
We have an employee that has all the symptoms.

She went to the hospital and they told her that unless she was hospitalized they wouldn't test her. They might have more tests on Friday and be able to test her then. Until then they asked her to self quarantine.

Now we are having to ask other employees that were working with her to self quarantine as well.

Sure would be nice if there were actually some tests so we could find out.

It is hearsay, but I heard that they have a whopping 10 test kits for Lubbock, a town of over 300,000. No wonder we just got our first positive test result today.
I am hearing that apparently we have run out of tests in MT and getting works that other states are seeing the same problem with test availability. This is getting frustrating. In the press conference yesterday Dr Fauci said they can run thousands of tests now. It looks like he was a little off.

There are two problems with testing that I think are being conflated. There is the availability of test kits, and then there’s the availability of lab capacity to process them. In some places the bottleneck is one, in some places it’s been the other from what I’ve read. Not saying you’re wrong, just pointing out a distinction, depending on where people are.
If you take an ace 2 inhibitor. Which you only take if you have hbp
This is not a fact, it was posed as a question in a non-peer reviewed letter. See my previously posted links addressing this premature and unsupported concern over HT meds.
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