Covid-19 Data, Models, References - NO DISCUSSION

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I gave up on TV news almost fifteen years ago. I listen to the radio while I work. It’s ridiculous that I can’t listen live to a president’s speech for twenty minutes, and then five minutes after it’s over, the top of the hour network news snippet has a ten second quote, and then claims that the president said something 180 degrees opposite of what I heard come out of his mouth.

Back to covid.
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I don't accept that -- these trends have been built up over years - ample time for people to have voted with their feet. The problem is people say they want one thing but act another.

For example, the majority of Americans say they want more respectful political discourse and less acrimony but, the majority chooses to consume 99% of their news from only the left (MSNBC etc) or only the right (Fox etc) rather than consuming from a variety of angles so they can actually understand and appreciate the views of others. And high conflict politicians consistently generate more grassroots contributions than bridge builders.

America is getting exactly the media and politicians it has earned. Don't let us off the hook by passing the buck. Until Americans actually act like they want a different public/political outcome it will not change.
All that aside. Let’s say that a governor has data that they trust which shows that sheltering in place for another month will kill twice as many of his citizens over the next five years. As opposed to everyone going back to work tomorrow.

Is it worth it politically to swim against the current? Or would they just ride along with the current flow? I’m trying to see how this train gets turned around, when it is actually time to turn it around. Whenever that may be.

Seems the downside of doing what is right will be greater than going with the status quo...even it does more harm. It will take a lot of political courage to do the right thing and that seems to be a rare commodity these days. I don’t see this ending well. Change my mind ha
All that aside. Let’s say that a governor has data that they trust which shows that sheltering in place for another month will kill twice as many of his citizens over the next five years. As opposed to everyone going back to work tomorrow.

Is it worth it politically to swim against the current? Or would they just ride along with the current flow? I’m trying to see how this train gets turned around, when it is actually time to turn it around. Whenever that may be.

Seems the downside of doing what is right will be greater than going with the status quo...even it does more harm. It will take a lot of political courage to do the right thing and that seems to be a rare commodity these days. I don’t see this ending well. Change my mind ha
I think if they really believed the numbers you hypothesize, I believe many would do the right thing. But given the more likely broad estimates, fuzzy statistics and a lot of "maybes", my guess is they take the path of least resistance.
I think if they really believed the numbers you hypothesize, I believe many would do the right thing. But given the more likely broad estimates, fuzzy statistics and a lot of "maybes", my guess is they take the path of least resistance.
I hope you are right. But you have more faith in our high level politicians than I do. I can’t remember the last time I saw one do anything that wasn’t politically expedient
I thought this thread title had a "No Discussion" in it. I vote we start a forum titled "Guys that want to argue and/or derail threads, and possibly drink too much while posting".
The following is from Irene Ken physician, whose daughter is an Asst. Prof in infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University:

* The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule ( in this case RNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, can convert them into aggressor/multiplier cells.

* Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it is not killed, but decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and type of material where it lies.

* The virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat. That is why any soap or detergent is the best remedy, because the foam CUTS the FAT (that is why you have to rub so much: for 20 seconds or more, to make a lot of foam). By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own.

* HEAT melts fat; this is why it is so good to use water above 25 degrees Celsius for washing hands, clothes and everything. In addition, hot water makes more foam and that makes it even more useful.

* Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol over 65% DISSOLVES the external lipid layer of the virus.

* Any mix with 1 part bleach and 5 parts water directly dissolves the protein, breaks it down from the inside.

* NO BACTERICIDE OR ANTIBIOTIC SERVES. The virus is not a living organism like bacteria; antibodies cannot kill what is not alive.

* The virus stability varies with surface:
-between 3 hours (fabric and porous),
-4 hours (copper and wood)
-24 hours (cardboard),
- 42 hours (metal) and
-72 hours (plastic).
Storing groceries outside the house for 72 hours may be a good idea.

* If you shake clothes it or use a feather duster, the virus may be airborne for up to 3 hours, and can lodge in your nose.

* The virus molecules remain very stable when frozen

They also need moisture to stay stable, and especially darkness. Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade it faster.

* The virus CANNOT go through healthy skin.

* Vinegar is NOT useful because it does not break down the protective layer of fat.

* NO SPIRITS, NOR VODKA, serve. The strongest vodka is 40% alcohol, and you need 65%.

* The more confined the space, the more concentration of the virus there can be. The more open or naturally ventilated, the less.

* You have to wash your hands before and after touching mucosa, food, locks, knobs, switches, remote control, cell phone, watches, computers, desks, TV, etc. And when using the bathroom.

* You have to HUMIDIFY HANDS DRY from so much washing them, because the molecules can hide in the micro cracks. The thicker the moisturizer, the better.

* Also keep your NAILS SHORT so that the virus does not hide there.

The following is from Irene Ken physician, whose daughter is an Asst. Prof in infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University:

* The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule ( in this case RNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, can convert them into aggressor/multiplier cells.

* Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it is not killed, but decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and type of material where it lies.
This has been floating around for some time. While the bulk of this post presents reasonable precautions, the first two bullets are just incorrect for those who care about the science. I actually fixed this one many pages back.
"Good morning. Strange world we now live in. I remain working. I will continue to until I'm shut down or quarantined. If you would prefer to cancel or push back our scheduled time i only ask you give me as much heads up as possible. I greatly appreciate your buisness"

That's the text i sent scheduled customers Monday. I trusted that my customers were adults and capable of making decisions for themselves. The government will not be there to pack sheetrock for me, nor to pay me when it's complete.

The issue so many are making are emotional. Similar to using the crying mom whose child was shot in gun law meetings, or the young man in a wheelchair at DUI meetings.

Some, try to play a game in which we pretend money(the economy) don't matter. "If it saves just one life".

Life is 100% about risk assessment. We could nearly end ALL traffic deaths by simply mandating cars not travel faster than 10mph. Yet we don't.

Our friends on the left are correct, we could end ALL gun deaths by irradicatingall guns. Yet we don't.

My father in law busted his hump as a truck driver, and then in a food warehouse. He doesn't have a nice STATE retirement. He doesn't have a Fed retirement. He has only the money he saved via 401k/Roth.

I point this out because he, with diabetes and pushing 70 is who we are "protecting" by crashing the economy. He was in good shape money wise Now not so much. And continuing down this blind path we are on Will leave him SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. At 70. With a worn out body from decades of labor. During a pandemic which kills his group at higher numbers. He will eventually be forced out of retirement.

It's childish and silly to read grown men, whom seem thoughtful and intelligent on the vast array of subjects in this forum, offer up such emotional, dramatic fluff on this subject.

IT IS NOT offering anyone up as "cannon fodder" to suggest the cure is worse than the disease.

This country promised seniors social security. The money is gone. The ponzi scheme left is based on younger generations paying the freight. We are not doing so now.

Like others I agree this will pass. But what will be left is an entire generation of seniors who we "protected" that are forced to reenter the job market in order to survive. A working age generation so badly damaged economically they will simply walk away, leaving bankruptcies everywhere in their wake. And a generation of teens, kids, and unborn who will never know anything other than crushing interest rates, lower life expectancy, and economic despair.

The real conversation unfortunately needs to be a life vs a life. Trading the next generations life's for one's today is exactly what we are doing today.

The folks in here who blindly believe their retirements and pensions will be paid in a depression are in for a shock. Those who think we will flip a switch and the economy will roar back, are devoid of any common sense.

You CANNOT borrow your way to prosperity.


There is a real reckoning coming. There is going to be a very serious conversation around APRIL 30.

People absolutely will die. Both from the disease and the cure.

Time is rapidly coming to address risk assessment. Time for the adults to enter the room
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"Good morning. Strange world we now live in. I remain working. I will continue to until I'm shut down or quarantined. If you would prefer to cancel or push back our scheduled time i only ask you give me as much heads up as possible. I greatly appreciate your buisness"

That's the text i sent scheduled customers Monday. I trusted that my customers were adults and capable of making decisions for themselves.

The issue so many are making are emotional. Similar to using the crying mom whose child was shot in gun law meetings, or the young man in a wheelchair at DUI meetings.

Some, try to play a game in which we pretend money(the economy) don't matter. "If it saves just one life".

Life is 100% about risk assessment. We could nearly end ALL traffic deaths by simply mandating cars not travel faster than 10mph. Yet we don't.

Our friends on the left are correct, we could end ALL gun deaths by irradiating all guns. Yet we don't.

My father in law busted his hump as a truck driver, and then in a food warehouse. He doesn't have a nice STATE retirement. He doesn't have a Fed retirement. He has only the money he saved via 401k/Roth.

I point this out because he, with diabetes and pushing 70 is who we are "protecting" by crashing the economy. He was in good shape. Now not so much. And continuing down this blind path we are on Will leave him SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. At 70. With a worn out body from decades of labor. During a pandemic which kills his group at higher numbers.

It's childish and silly to read grown men, whom seem thoughtful and intelligent on the vast array of subjects in this forum, offer up such emotional, dramatic fluff on this subject.

IT IS NOT offering anyone up as "cannon fodder" to suggest the cure is worse than the disease.

This country promised seniors social security. The money is gone. The lonzo scheme left is based on younger generations paying the freight. We are not doing so now.

Like others I agree this will pass. But what will be left is an entire generation of seniors who we "protected" that are forced to reenter the job market in order to survive. A working age generation so badly damaged economically they will simply walk away, leaving bankruptcies everywhere in their wake. And a generation of teens, kids, and unborn who will never know anything other than crushing interest rates, lower life expectancy, and economic despair.

The real conversation unfortunately needs to be a life vs a life. Trading the next generations life's for one's today is exactly what we are doing today.

Not much data here. Plenty of emotion and opinion thou.

I will say for those who have a "STATE" or "Fed" retirement, they earned it every bit as much as your father in law earned his 401k Roth.
Not much data here. Plenty of emotion and opinion thou.

I will say for those who have a "STATE" or "Fed" retirement, they earned it every bit as much as your father in law earned his 401k Roth.
I agree that we need more data and less emotion. Let's all try and contribute more of both. Though hossblur's opinion is not less valuable than any others that have been posted.
"Good morning. Strange world we now live in. I remain working. I will continue to until I'm shut down or quarantined. If you would prefer to cancel or push back our scheduled time i only ask you give me as much heads up as possible. I greatly appreciate your buisness"

That's the text i sent scheduled customers Monday. I trusted that my customers were adults and capable of making decisions for themselves. The government will not be there to pack sheetrock for me, nor to pay me when it's complete.

The issue so many are making are emotional. Similar to using the crying mom whose child was shot in gun law meetings, or the young man in a wheelchair at DUI meetings.

Some, try to play a game in which we pretend money(the economy) don't matter. "If it saves just one life".

Life is 100% about risk assessment. We could nearly end ALL traffic deaths by simply mandating cars not travel faster than 10mph. Yet we don't.

Our friends on the left are correct, we could end ALL gun deaths by irradicatingall guns. Yet we don't.

My father in law busted his hump as a truck driver, and then in a food warehouse. He doesn't have a nice STATE retirement. He doesn't have a Fed retirement. He has only the money he saved via 401k/Roth.

I point this out because he, with diabetes and pushing 70 is who we are "protecting" by crashing the economy. He was in good shape money wise Now not so much. And continuing down this blind path we are on Will leave him SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. At 70. With a worn out body from decades of labor. During a pandemic which kills his group at higher numbers. He will eventually be forced out of retirement.

It's childish and silly to read grown men, whom seem thoughtful and intelligent on the vast array of subjects in this forum, offer up such emotional, dramatic fluff on this subject.

IT IS NOT offering anyone up as "cannon fodder" to suggest the cure is worse than the disease.

This country promised seniors social security. The money is gone. The ponzi scheme left is based on younger generations paying the freight. We are not doing so now.

Like others I agree this will pass. But what will be left is an entire generation of seniors who we "protected" that are forced to reenter the job market in order to survive. A working age generation so badly damaged economically they will simply walk away, leaving bankruptcies everywhere in their wake. And a generation of teens, kids, and unborn who will never know anything other than crushing interest rates, lower life expectancy, and economic despair.

The real conversation unfortunately needs to be a life vs a life. Trading the next generations life's for one's today is exactly what we are doing today.

The folks in here who blindly believe their retirements and pensions will be paid in a depression are in for a shock. Those who think we will flip a switch and the economy will roar back, are devoid of any common sense.

You CANNOT borrow your way to prosperity.


There is a real reckoning coming. There is going to be a very serious conversation around APRIL 30.

People absolutely will die. Both from the disease and the cure.

Time is rapidly coming to address risk assessment. Time for the adults to enter the room

For future reference. if you going to shit on emotional reasoning for decision making you might want use an non emotional based argument to make your point. Otherwise you just sound hypocritical, and " other wise intelligent "
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