Caribou Gear Tarp

Computer work question


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
I have a program at my shop and I am only allowed one seat ( cause its to expensive to buy another seat), sometimes when I get home and its all quit here in the house I need to access that program and finish up some work. how can I do that?
I heard of pc anywhere, but dont know if that would work.
it is a cad cam program not really heavy on graphics and does some rendering but I dont need to use the rendering that often.

I thought about buying a laptop and installing it on that, but damn they are expensive and they dont have serial ports on lap tops no more. and I am lap top stupid.
I talked to Dell Computers today and the lady told me there 700 lap top, you can use for only 2 hours and then have to let it cool off. she tried to talk me into a 4k laptop so I figured it was a sales pitch. the only down side with lap tops is they all have vista and this program wont work on vista( not supported yet) and I need to run xp pro.


A bunch of issues here...

Re-read your End User License Agreement (EULA) that you have with your software. See what it actually allows. Some licenses allow the software to be installed on a back up device, some allowed the back up device to be used when the main device is not "available", but NEVER at the same time. If your license doesn't allow, see if you can call the software company for them to modify your license. MicroSoft won't do it, but smaller software companies might.

Laptops have USB, with the S being "serial"... There might be some other adapter for serial via another slot in the laptop.

I can't believe Dell sells a laptop that can only run for 2 hours. Go to Costco and buy a Compaq or HP that will run all day.

As for XP, go to CompUSA or some other place and find a XP laptop still for sale. Or, buy a Vista one, and install XP....
the problem with this program is that it is password protected with that new password crap that reads your cpu serial number, so I have to call them if I change the pc or format it too( they said) to get a new pw, for example if my pc went down after 7pm eastern time I couldnt use that program until the next am when I get a new password. ( kinda sucks)

I just found a serial usb adaptor

I couldnt believe dell said that either. I was like WTF. I specifically asked if it was do to the battery, she said no that cad takes alot of resources and runs hotter than most programs, she said the cheaper ones dont have the proper cooling to run cad, Typicle sale pitch.

if I do get a lap top Thats what I was going to do as I have 2 brand new seats of xp pro thats never been used.
Del, Dell is blowing smoke up your @$$.

A-cad will not cause a machine to run hotter than any other program. I've tested it myself on at least 6 different platforms. I had to do benchmarks to determine which vendor we would go with. The machines ran just as hot with word as A-cad. A-cad is just a RAM junkie, meaning more RAM is more better

There are fan plates you can get for like $30.00 that will help keep your laptop cool. You sit the machine on it.

If you have your firewall right you might be able to remote it with Remote Desktop. The one I like to use is Remote Administrator. I think you can get a down load free for a trial. If not let me know I might, might be able to get you a copy.

Draftstud that wouldn't work unless every machine he plugged it into was identicle (sp) in every way.
Most programs that are computer specific allow you to get 2 passwords. I know Acad does and they watch this field probably the best. We can load it on a Desktop, and one we take home or to the field with us.

As far as Laptops, Everyone in our office has a HP. the battery only lasts 2 hours but at the office we plug them in. We've left them on for days. No problem. I think we're paying about $1,200 for the machines. they are the widest screens I thnik that are outthere, 17". I run it on a dual monitor. I should show you the setup.

Anyway, call the company and tell them you need to load it on a laptop for field work. then load it on another PC if you don't like the laptop. it shouldn't matter.

I run a renter program on a External drive, like draft stud says. I can take it home or to the office. never tried Cadd on it though.
oscar why don't you upgrade one of your lap tops and sell me one LOL
I am looking into buying another seat.

that external hard drive deal you were talking about, there was an online program that would allow you to put games and such and being able to play them on different pcs.

thanks 2 fast i will let you know
Del I have a PIII 800 (IIRC) lap top that needs a little work. Ram and maybe an OS, it was running XP pro . it's yours if you want it. I'm not much of a laptop repair guy (see the pyle behind me I need to fix) I'm to heavy handed (boiler makers fix chit with hammers) but I've replaced the display and have a spare. I think it even has a spare battery. Pay A couple of hundred bucks to someone who works on them regular and it would be fine. I've even got a new 40 gig HDD for it. Let me know.
2fast thanks.

I think I am going new, I found some older xp pro models at discounted prices , going to look tonight

Del, look into the remote connection that may work. Jennifer accesses her computer via remote and then from that gets into the court stuff that is controlled. Hope that helps.
Remote Desktop over a secured connection is the way to go. It is by far the easiest way to work away from work.
Del, look into the remote connection that may work. Jennifer accesses her computer via remote and then from that gets into the court stuff that is controlled. Hope that helps.

Remote Desktop over a secured connection is the way to go. It is by far the easiest way to work away from work.

Thanks we might do that but probally not, as I did get another seat and we are going to get a laptop.

Check here , I paid 450 for my toshiba and run XP.
Frys sucks, everytime I go in there I get screwed at least the ones here in phoenix.
That being said we did find one there that was $850 with a ton of nice options
hp reman.
17" screen
1gig ram
200 gig hd
dvd and cd both read write
plus it had a tv tuner and a crap load of other things inlcuding a remote control :rolleyes: and windows xp .

Heres the problem I have been in finding lap tops, they dont come with a number pad, only the 17" screen ones come with those. it wont do me anygood with out a number pad.

anyway we are going to look around a tad more, I have this one on hold just incase

Hello Strangers!

Robert told me your were discussing laptops so I thought I would jump on into this subject. Since December 1st I have been a subcontractor for Thurston County Prosecutors Office running a program for the DOJ. I work onsite, at home, I go to meetings and different business trips, so I needed a laptop. The PAO let myself and a computer guy from the Sheriffs office pick out a laptop to finish up this program.
I NEEDED a number pad and I don’t like tying to read a small screen so I purchased a Widescreen HP. My first priority after having the number pad was testing out the keyboard. I would be skeptical about purchasing a computer online because I do so much typing and I needed a comfortable keyboard, so I did a test drive on all the ones I considered. It has two hard drives, comfortable keypad, 4 USB Ports and a DVD Drive. It cost about 16,00 with Case, cordless mouse, and wireless rounter for my house.

The computer I have will run for about 4 hours with out running out of juice. I am always running it till it dies. This particular computer is the Media edition so it advertised that it would place 2 DVD’s with out dying. I keep it on my lap and it gets warm but never hot. The ONLY Complaint I have is that this computer does get heavy on your arm. I traved to Nashville for a week in January and it was a pain in the ass to walk around the airports with this thing, it got heavy fast!!!!!!

After my job is done and the computer leaves my hands I would like to purchase one just like it. I feel it is worth the money and it is nice to have a portable computer so Robert and I can both be using the computer. It is also nice to be able to take it wherever I go to use this computer, although I will go back to being a stay at home mom after June so I may not use it as much.hump hump hump hump
Del mine doesn't have a 10-key type pad either but I just plug one in through the USB and bang fix at about $17.

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