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Comments on Kerry's War Record, Voting Record

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
One man with exceptional qualifications in that regard is retired Army Col. Glenn Lackey, who also knows something about life in the verbal combat zone known as Capitol Hill, where he served a stint as Chief of Staff for a Member of Congress.

Before that Lackey not only spent combat time in Vietnam, but also in Somalia and the Gulf War.

Recently, Lackey decided to express his thoughts on Kerry's public record, and being a very direct kind of guy, did it directly, by writing the following letter to Kerry, which I thought might interest readers of this space:

Dear Mr. Kerry;

After spending only four months in the country of Vietnam, you testified before Congress in 1971 with these exact words about incidents you say you witnessed: "They personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blew up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Viet Nam."

Spread that on a farmer's field where it will do some good. I spent a year there in 1968-69 in a combat arms unit. I was a Field Artillery Forward Observer in an Infantry company and I saw combat every day until I was wounded. When I returned from the hospital, I was assigned to an artillery battery. I saw brave men fight and die; I saw brave, good men pass out all their rations to hungry kids, build churches and schools, donate to orphanages, cry silently at the sight of villagers slaughtered by North Vietnamese, but I never saw anything approaching the war crimes that you happened to witness as your boat sped by villages on the river bank. If you witnessed atrocities and did not report them, you are guilty of aiding and abetting. If you lied, you are simply unfit for leadership at any level. The most serious incident I witnessed was a young sergeant who grabbed the arm of a Vietnamese woman during a village search. An older, more experienced noncommissioned officer knocked the sergeant to the ground and told him, somewhat forcefully, that that woman was someone's mother and would be treated with respect. That's it, Kerry, that's my confession - I didn't report the incident.

I have children, and my children have children. They will, perhaps, stumble upon your words, much as one might stumble upon a pile of dog droppings. I do not relish the thought of having to explain that your "experiences" are either a bald-faced lie, or you belong to that less-than-1% of Viet Nam veterans who committed war crimes/atrocities. Either way, your words do great harm to the institution of the Senate, my home state of Massachusetts, the Armed Services in which I proudly served for 27 years, and the very country that you aspire to lead.

Is it true that you single-handedly prevented a vote on a Senate version of H.R. 2833, the Viet Nam Human Rights Act of 2001 - a bill that passed the House by a vote of 410-1? There are many who believe that our failure to speak decisively on that issue cost the lives of thousands of Montagnard tribesman in Viet Nam.

Where do you stand on H.R. 1587, the Viet Nam Human Rights Act of 2003? Will you support a parallel bill in the Senate? Is it true that you served as Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on MIA/POW Affairs and in that role you fought hard to limit the expenditure of funds to investigate sightings or search for remains?

You have, I believe, been a steadfast, staunch and vocal advocate for normalizing relations with Viet Nam. Could it be that your beloved first cousin, Mr. Forbes, CEO of Colliers International, recently signed a contract with Hanoi worth billions of dollars?

Any truth to the rumor that you didn't really fling your "hard-earned" military medals over the White House fence in a juvenile fit of pique as you say you did, but rather, you threw your roommate's medals instead?

I know dozens of retired military professionals. None of them support you - there is a reason for that. They all served honorably and well, and they all believe that you did not.

I know war heroes, and you, sir, are no war hero.


-- Glenn Lackey

Why is some lobbyist "immenently qualified"? Is it because he would lose access to the White House? Glad to see you supporting the positions of Lobbyists to the White House and he would certainly have nothing to gain... :rolleyes:
Founded for the new millennium by former Member of Congress Michael Flanagan of Chicago, FLANAGAN CONSULTING LLC is a full-service strategic public policy consulting and lobbying firm located in the heart of our nation's capital. The Congressman is joined at the Firm by Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA Retired), Army Forces Operations Division Chief for the 1991 Gulf War and expert on Pentagon procurement and logistics; Lieutenant Colonel Steven D. Geise (USA Retired), an expert in information technology systems and former member of the Army General Staff; and Adam Eisgrau, former Senate Judiciary Committee Counsel and a skilled lobbyist with deep roots in both the public and private sectors.

Working closely together, the principals of FLANAGAN CONSULTING LLC specialize in adding demonstrable value to client companies and organizations by designing and executing strategic plans to take full advantage of the public policy, federal agency and legislative processes. To that end, the Firm offers all of its clients timely and strategic access to key Members of Congress, the Administration and senior staffs, and routinely navigates clients through the complexities of Pentagon and other federal procurement practices.

Every client of FLANAGAN CONSULTING LLC, whether fledgling venture or Fortune 500 veteran, deserves and can depend upon our integrity, creativity and productivity in the service of success. We believe in trust-based, long-term client relationships and will do what it takes to earn that trust and to build each relationship. We are committed to solving our clients' problems and to helping them make the most of every possible opportunity. Our credo is carpe diem.
Glenn Lackey's letter to Mr Kerry bears no relevence to you? Your liberal sensibilities are amusing sometimes. You're a bright guy, thats obvious, but you haven't served and that too is obvious.

Glenn Lackey and John Kerry were combatant commanders in Viet Nam, Officers. "Officer" is not just a word or a mere indicator of status, or the natural result of going to college before joining the military. The mantle of Officer incurs a solemn and grave responsibility, and it requires men of substantial character.

Colonel Lackey, as a veteran field commander is "eminently qualified" to speak on the role of officers in combat. He took Senator Kerry to task over his testimony before congress, of crimes he claims he witnessed. Crimes that were fully within his authority as an officer to do something about. Mr Kerry did nothing. More correctly John Forbes Kerry, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, United States Navy witnessed enlisted men brutalize villagers in south Viet Nam and he did nothing about it. So, by his own admission John Kerry has painted himself into a moral corner. At best, he was devoid of the character required of an officer. At worst he is a liar. Either way he is unfit to be Commander in Chief of the warriors of this nation.

Gunner, you don't get it because you haven't lived it.

Why did Mr. Lackey feel compelled to release his letter to the public? He did it for political purposes and publicity. It was an attack letter on a candidate. If he was truly concerned with Kerry's behaviour, he had 32 years prior to address the issues. He even worked on Capitol Hill, and didn't seem concerned with Kerry's actions 32 years ago.

It is funny that the GOP wants to hold Kerry's actions of 30 years ago against him, but the don't want Dubya's actions of the 70-80's to be part of the campaign.

Erik, do you agree that the letter by Lackey is Political?

PS. Erik, I do give you credit, as you generally have the best composed and articulate thoughts in SI, including me. And sometimes you are even on on the correct side of the issues... ;)
If you criticize Kerry, are you considered Just a no good lobbyist who wants to work in Washington? That is a chilling observation of our freedoms and the foundation of our government.

R.I.P. The United States Constitution... d. 2004 :(

If a lobbyist worked for the Sierra Club and he believed president Bush was raping the planet and he stated that most of the lobbyist friend don't support Bush would that bother you? If you are a lobbyist you cannot voice you opinion?

If you are a former cabinent official writing a critical book voicing your opinions against Bush you are totally justified? Help me out here. If it is anti Kerry that's bad and shouldn't be allowed, if it is anti Bush that's good and the guy should poor it on. Do you believe Richard Clarke's book is political?

Seems like a pretty big double standard.


I didn't use "no good lobbyist". I made no value judgement on the values of lobbyists. Merely pointing out the possible motivation of Lackey.

I am not sure of Clarke's motivation. On Sunday, when I saw the 60 Minutes, I thought it was to sell books. After 3 days of the discussions, I am not so sure what his motivation was. Today he is in front of the 9/11 Commission, the one that Dubya only offered to spend an hour with, and the same commission that Condi Rice refuses to testify under oath.

I think the whole 9/11 commission is smoke with no fire, until after they wrap up AFTER the election....
I will grant you that you made no value judgement about lobbyist. You do appear to me to be inconsistent regarding critisism of Kerry.

How much time did Mr. Clinton Allocate to the 9/11 commission? Condi Rice should have the same class as Colin Powell, hell even Donal Rumsfeld testified.

Hope you get your frustrations worked out.

Of course Lackey's letter is political, at least the deliberateness of the timing is political but if you'll pardon the lame pun, that's politics.

I tend to think his dislike of Kerry is genuine. Maybe Lackey knew of Kerry's service/protest history and it wasn't until Kerry's emergence as the Dems nominee that he was motivated to write the letter. Being a Washington insider, Lackey certainly knows the value of "timing". Cheap shot? Maybe, but again, thats tactical politics and the timing doesn't make Lackey's letter any less relevant.

I contend that JK had political ambitions long before he ever joined the Navy. He had to be aware of the coincindences of initials and home state between himself and the other JFK, the Patron Saint of the Democratic Party.

He is of that generation for whom military service was considered a prerequisite for one's future electability. Does Kerry's family have a tradition of Naval service? I honestly don't know. Did a young John Forbes(or his family) see himself as the potential heir apparent to Mr. Kennedy's legacy and sought to cast himself in the same experiential light for future political gain. Did John-boy join the Navy and end up commanding a small boat by pure accident? I happen to doubt it. That Kerry got shot up validates his combat service and Purple Hearts however, I cast a jaundiced eye towards the Silver Star awarded to a politically well-connected, Harvard educated, Boston Brahmin. The Navy has a long, long history of coddling the sons of the elite.

As I stated on another thread, Kerry came home to the realization that the war was unpopular and he made a concious decision to denegrate his own service for personal, political gain. I contend that if the war had been more popular, John Kerry would have testified as to the nobility of the effort instead of making up or exaggerating stories of crimes committed by American soldiers.

I remain firm in my belief that Mr Kerry's lifelong polestar has been maintaining his own political viability, which makes him a text-book feckless political whore. Everything about him is contrived and in my view patently untrustworthy.

Bush just might be a dipshit, but I trust him. Call it a gut feeling. He's not contrived and he became President largely by accident. OK, nobody becomes POTUS by accident...but GW's political life didn't really begin until he was in his mid-forties. His lack of so-called sophistication and/or savvy translates into a personal genuine-ness which inspires trust. I don't like everything he does or stands for but I honestly believe that George W. Bush is motivated by whats right for the country and not by some grandiose social agenda. I am willing to write him "hall passes" as you call them, for most of what happens during the re-election campaign only because these campaigns are always ugly affairs and largely beyond the control of the candidate.
Guys takea peek in at and look at the discussion regarding Kerry's Vietnam service. The boys are really getting hot! They are demanding to see the original write-ups for Kerry's 3 Purple Hearts, earned on a Patrol boat in less than four months and his Silver Star with "V" device. They also want to know who submitted the recommendations for the award. There is a rumor that Kerry beachedthe boat on a sand bar, was rescued by his commander who swam to the boat and freed it and that is the incident that earned Kerry the Silver Star! It is clearthat if is any representation of the military vote; Kerry will need to look elsewhere for support.
I think we would get to know the real Lt. Kerry if we could track down the Chiefs that knew him. Leave it to the senior NCO corp to knock the shine off a turd.

I'll just pick and choose the parts of your post to poke at. It is too long for me to rebut everything....

Originally posted by Erik in AK:
Of course Lackey's letter is political, at least the deliberateness of the timing is political but if you'll pardon the lame pun, that's politics.
We agree that Lackey's letter was political. :cool:

I tend to think his dislike of Kerry is genuine.
I disagree, Lackey is a lobbyist, and looking for some publicity. I think it is staged, and full of mock outrage. If he was so concerned, why didn't he work against EVERY other election of Senator Kerry.

Maybe Lackey knew of Kerry's service/protest history and it wasn't until Kerry's emergence as the Dems nominee that he was motivated to write the letter.
Is US Senator not important enough for Lackey to be motivated off his lazy a$$ to write a letter?

Being a Washington insider, Lackey certainly knows the value of "timing". Cheap shot? Maybe, but again, thats tactical politics and the timing doesn't make Lackey's letter any less relevant. It is a political smear, and no more relevant than any of the smear quotes I put up against Dubya. It happens all the time, and that is part of the fun of politics. Yes, we both agree it was a cheap shot by the RNC.

I contend that JK had political ambitions long before he ever joined the Navy. He had to be aware of the coincindences of initials and home state between himself and the other JFK, the Patron Saint of the Democratic Party. This is kind of interesting. Why the condemnation of Kerry for wanting to be a public servant as a young man, and following thru with that dream? For some reason, you have made a couple of posts that somebody having a career path is a bad thing? Would he be better qualified if he was like Dubya, who drifted thru the '70s in a blur of DUI?

He is of that generation for whom military service was considered a prerequisite for one's future electability. Does Kerry's family have a tradition of Naval service? I honestly don't know. Did a young John Forbes(or his family) see himself as the potential heir apparent to Mr. Kennedy's legacy and sought to cast himself in the same experiential light for future political gain. Did John-boy join the Navy and end up commanding a small boat by pure accident? I happen to doubt it. That Kerry got shot up validates his combat service and Purple Hearts however, I cast a jaundiced eye towards the Silver Star awarded to a politically well-connected, Harvard educated, Boston Brahmin. The Navy has a long, long history of coddling the sons of the elite. What a funny charge against Kerry. You refer to him as Elitist, and condem him for going to Harvard and being in the Navy and being from New England. Why is it a bad thing that Kerry is from Boston, but is ok for Dubya to be from Connecticut? Why is it a bad thing for Kerry to be Harvard educated, and OK for Dubya to be from Yale? Why is it a bad thing for Kerry to be in the Navy, commanding a boat in a hostile zone, and a good thing for Dubya to be in Texas (maybe) or Alabama (less likely) being in the Guard? So Kerry's "connections" landed him a spot on a patrol boat in a war zone? And Dubya's connections got him ahead of 800 more deserving guys for a slot in the Texas Guard? :rolleyes:

Bush just might be a dipshit, but I trust him. Call it a gut feeling. He's not contrived and he became President largely by accident. OK, nobody becomes POTUS by accident...but GW's political life didn't really begin until he was in his mid-forties. His lack of so-called sophistication and/or savvy translates into a personal genuine-ness which inspires trust. That is interesting, that lack of savvy could translate into trust. Why wouldn't it leave more opportunity for him to be a puppet of Oil Inc. or Karl Rove? :eek:

I don't like everything he does or stands for but I honestly believe that George W. Bush is motivated by whats right for the country and not by some grandiose social agenda. Even with his catering to the Far Right and their agenda???

I am willing to write him "hall passes" as you call them, for most of what happens during the re-election campaign only because these campaigns are always ugly affairs and largely beyond the control of the candidate.
I think in the early '70s Nixon learned that he WAS responsible for the campaigns and the staffs, and the Congress offered no Hall Passes. :eek:
OK I'll play. Some tit for your tat.....

Its not a smear if its the truth. The matter of the timing is as we have established part of the gamesmanship of politics.

Dislike: Again Lackey was a combatant commander substantially more experienced than Kerry. Gunner you need to appreciate the significance of honor to career military people. Kerry turned his back on his brothers in arms for gain. And No, Senators are not necessarily worthy of immediate censure. Who's to say Lackey's dislike (or even hatred) for Kerry was deep and bitter enough to inspire him to wait for an opportune moment to do what he felt would be more significant political damage.

Dreamy career paths: Horseshit! (sorry) A dream of public service? Oh come on?! How about a hunger for political power. This is not exclusive to the Dems but John-boy has it in spades. Please spare me the altruistic platitudes of John Kerry's political career. Silver-Spooners from old money, east coast establishment families don't tend to cotton to selfless public service.

Kerry went to Yale, class of 68 (my mistake).
Kerry's family is old money, Boston establishment and as such tend to do nothing without considering their next move. That he's a Bean-Towner is not in and of itself bad, it just casts doubt on this supposed serendipidous ennui of JK's political being. Getting a scion to the White House is every Brahmin's dream. Bush's granddaddy Prescott was a long time Senator and influential in his own right but he was nothing but a lapdog in those circles. W is a Texan, just ask him. I didn't say its a bad thing for JK to have been a brown-water sailor. I said I didn't think it was a coincidence. W was a fighter pilot. I know a lot about fighter pilots, I keep them alive when they go to work. Bush's connections probably did get him a slot in the TANG but he still got himself through pilot training and he still flew 102's. Flying fighters is dangerous work, even in peace time. As far as Alabama is concerned, all I can say is "dude...its the guard". Who are these 800? Texas has what 15 million people? There might be(key word-might) 800 people in the whole state in any one year who have the necessary intelligence and skill sets to be a fighter pilot. 800? Try 80, maybe.

Unless I missed something Bush hired Rove. Bush is from Midland Texas, himself a failed oilman, son of an oilman. Big deal.

finally, please define "Far Right"

John Kerry is contrived, machiavellian, sibliant. I do not find anything about him that I can embrace, that I can trust. He scares me. I will work to see him defeated in November.

The saddest thing about American politics is that the best are often unviable so we're stuck with choosing the lesser evil, but I digress...
Originally posted by Erik in AK:
OK I'll play. Some tit for your tat.....

Its not a smear if its the truth. The matter of the timing is as we have established part of the gamesmanship of politics.

Dislike: Again Lackey was a combatant commander substantially more experienced than Kerry. Gunner you need to appreciate the significance of honor to career military people. Kerry turned his back on his brothers in arms for gain.
I'll defer to you on this one, but it would seem like going, serving, returning, and then protesting is better than not going, joining the Guard and marking "no overseas duty" on the application, and then going AWOL. Erik, I'll defer to you on this one, but can you see how I would be stumped on which is more honorable?

And No, Senators are not necessarily worthy of immediate censure. I am amazed that Lackey and Erik find US Senators not worthy of working to defeat in an election. Unfortunately for US Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho), the ElkGunner IS so motivated. :D

Dreamy career paths: Horseshit! (sorry) A dream of public service? Oh come on?! How about a hunger for political power. This is not exclusive to the Dems but John-boy has it in spades. Please spare me the altruistic platitudes of John Kerry's political career. Silver-Spooners from old money, east coast establishment families don't tend to cotton to selfless public service. Erik, go read up on the life of Bush41. He was from Old Money New England, with a Silver Spoon. He lied to join the military to serve, and spent a career serving his country out of a sense of Duty. I thought BushSr. would be the last US President we would ever see that saw Service to the Nation as a high calling. Clinton and Dubya looked at them as things to avoid (Oxford or Alabama). But it looks like Kerry is cut from the same cloth as Bush Sr. :cool:

Kerry went to Yale, class of 68 (my mistake).
Kerry's family is old money, Boston establishment and as such tend to do nothing without considering their next move. One's Zip Code is likely not a good predictor of motive. That he's a Bean-Towner is not in and of itself bad, it just casts doubt on this supposed serendipidous ennui of JK's political being. I doubt anything was serendipidous. Which is probably OK. Getting a scion to the White House is every Brahmin's dream. Bush's granddaddy Prescott was a long time Senator and influential in his own right but he was nothing but a lapdog in those circles. Can you expand on Prescott being a lapdog? W is a Texan, just ask him. Do Texans embrace him as one of their own, or do they see him as a Yankee, who moved down when he had nothing to do, and struggled around the Oil patch on his Daddy's connections. I read one article on Dubya, and the claim was Dubya moved to Texas to distance himself from his Yale classmates who he realized were smarter than him. I didn't say its a bad thing for JK to have been a brown-water sailor. I said I didn't think it was a coincidence. W was a fighter pilot. Is this true? I thought he trained on something, that was obsoleted 1/2 way thru his training, so he never completed. I know a lot about fighter pilots, I keep them alive when they go to work. Bush's connections probably did get him a slot in the TANG but he still got himself through pilot training and he still flew 102's. Did he finish training? Flying fighters is dangerous work, even in peace time. Moreso than commanding a patrol boat in a War Zone??? As far as Alabama is concerned, all I can say is "dude...its the guard". Who are these 800? This one is from memory, but supposedly there was a roster for the slot in the TANG that was 800 long, and Duyba jumped to the top, over more qualified candidates. Resulting in others not getting in, and being sent to Viet Nam. (The 800 numbers is from my memory, consider it suspect.) Texas has what 15 million people?
Unless I missed something Bush hired Rove. Bush is from Midland Texas, himself a failed oilman, son of an oilman. Big deal.

finally, please define "Far Right". Formerly known as the Moral Majority.

The saddest thing about American politics is that the best are often unviable so we're stuck with choosing the lesser evil, but I digress... I disagree. The saddest thing is the divisivness of this process, this time.
Gunner Guard positions are based on AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code) needs. In other words for this thing to work the 800 folk waiting for the TANG slot would all presumably need to be single engine jet pilot qualified/certified/ or trainable within the specialty. Sounds really fishy to me. Also when waiting lists do exist ; you will discover that the majority of folk on the list are either already members of the unit who may be attempting to upgrade, retrain, or gain commissions or are simply otherwise occupied and no longer available for access. (Like; already been drafted!) My guess is that the list would only be updated when someone new was added or when a slot was opened.
"Far right"
That would designate any one that doesn't believe the government should run every thing and that we should just hand over all our earnings to it. The military should be abolished because the world will all sing the old "Coke" song about perfect harmony and holding hands around the world. Like that will ever happen. They are the ones that don't believe we should just bury our heads in the sand and hope we can all just "Get Along". That there really isn't enough money in the world to save the world and that even though some problems are man caused, they all are not. We are the ones that find the positive in the world and don't center our very beings on the negatives, only to try and draw others into that empty void that such negative people create. Sorry Gunner, no matter how negative you think you can get, and how much disease you can dredge out of the world, I for one will look past such decay and see the good that comes from a more upbeat life...I am very sorry for you that you have to live such a negative and dull existence, but I suppose it is some peoples fate to live with a cloud over their heads for their whole lives...
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