Caribou Gear Tarp

Colorado unit 49

Big daddy

New member
May 2, 2024
Hey guys. Just wanted to pick everyone’s brain about unit 49 for elk. Hoping I will get some good feedback. I won’t be getting a tag but a good friend of mine has enough points to go check the unit out. It will be his first bull elk hunt and I’m just trying to make sure we at least get into some elk. I know it’s an above average in it in co but I would still love input if you’re willing to share. TIA
It is a unique unit because it’s one of three spots in the state that biologists know of where elk spend more time in the trees than on the ground. A chance at a trophy arboreal elk is worth the points in my opinion. When you get in there and start glassing, make sure not to neglect the tree crowns and upper canopy for antlers. If you get lucky and catch it during the peak rut in early November, you can catch them swinging nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree, bugling like a troop of howler monkeys. Good luck @Big daddy, and I’m sure you’ll be back to let us know how it goes!
Hey guys. Just wanted to pick everyone’s brain about unit 49 for elk. Hoping I will get some good feedback. I won’t be getting a tag but a good friend of mine has enough points to go check the unit out. It will be his first bull elk hunt and I’m just trying to make sure we at least get into some elk. I know it’s an above average in it in co but I would still love input if you’re willing to share. TIA
Hi Big daddy.
You must be referring to the 2025 season, correct? What season and what is the choice of weapon ? Will you be truck/ tent, backpack camping or hotel? What's your experience and conditioning? PM me if you are able.
Hi Big daddy.
You must be referring to the 2025 season, correct? What season and what is the choice of weapon ? Will you be truck/ tent, backpack camping or hotel? What's your experience and conditioning? PM me if you are able
Yes sorry I was pretty vague. We plan on hunting co mid to late sep in 2025 archery. More than likely tent camping/spike camping. We just got back from unit 36 in New Mexico and filled 3 bull tags in 3 days on our first ever elk hunt. We are and will be in very good shape and we understand what it takes to kill bulls. Just curious as to how the elk numbers are in co 49 and if we pass a few bulls will we regret it. Feel free to pm me Westelker I don’t know how to pm you
Hi Big daddy.
You must be referring to the 2025 season, correct? What season and what is the choice of weapon ? Will you be truck/ tent, backpack camping or hotel? What's your experience and conditioning? PM me if you are able.
What research have you guys done on your own re unit 49? What areas within 49 attract you the most? HT'ers will give realistic pointers re units, hunting techniques and tactics, but what have you and your friend done so far. Still confused...when are you planning to do this hunt?
We were mainly looking at the west side of the wilderness. From what we understand there are bulls there we just have to find them. Figured we would go to the worst spot of the unit and see what it holds.
It won't be like that.
I would also like to say there were tons of people who told us we were crazy for getting 3 elk tags in that unit cause we wouldn’t fill one. And they also said it would be very hard to find and be in elk consistently
I would also like to say there were tons of people who told us we were crazy for getting 3 elk tags in that unit cause we wouldn’t fill one. And they also said it would be very hard to find and be in elk consistently
Sounds like you are due for some elk hunting humble pie.
I would also like to say there were tons of people who told us we were crazy for getting 3 elk tags in that unit cause we wouldn’t fill one. And they also said it would be very hard to find and be in elk consistently
Unit 36 is absolutely loaded with elk, who ever said it would be difficult to find elk there must not know it very well.
Sounds like you don’t need us then.
Definitely not saying that to brag at all. So if that’s the way you took it I apologize. I’m just sayin people don’t always have the best opinion of areas because everyone hunts a little different. I value everyone’s opinion and am just trying to gather any info I can
Sounds like you are due for some elk hunting humble pie.
Yea I’m sure it will come. I’m by no means trying to brag about what we accomplished just saying not everyone’s opinion is accurate cause not all of us hunt the same.
Definitely not saying that to brag at all.
I would also like to say there were tons of people who told us we were crazy for getting 3 elk tags in that unit cause we wouldn’t fill one. And they also said it would be very hard to find and be in elk consistently
We just got back from unit 36 in New Mexico and filled 3 bull tags in 3 days on our first ever elk hunt. We are and will be in very good shape and we understand what it takes to kill bulls.

I was asked what our elk hunting experience consisted of. So I told him. Not to brag. We have only hunted elk for 3 days. We are not professionals by any means. You should try looking at the whole conversation not just a piece of it. Starting to act like a democrat.
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