PEAX Equipment

Colorado quadrupled it's wolf population last week.

Near the central concentration of designated wilderness areas: Holy Cross, Hunter-Fryingpan, Maroon Bells-Snowmass, Collegiate Peaks. Easy stroll to Gore/Eagle's Nest, West Elk, Raggeds, Mt. Massive, Fossil Ridge and even east to Buffalo Peaks Wilderness. Lone wolf sighted in South Park before the latest release.
That article indicates two of the previous wolves released were illegally shot. Were the people who killed them caught? Have any of the other wolves died from any other causes? Wonder how quick there will be a noticeable impact.
I read that the one male from the copper creek pair had a bullet in it. This one died in CPW custody. They said it could have been shot prior to Colorado release.
Canadian Super Woofs!?!?! Houses are blowing down now!

All humor aside, my position has been made known on this topic. I feel for ya, Coloradoans. Confronted by city slicker ballot box biology... Glad the second one was whammied! I can not imagine the enthusiasm had they succeeded twice in a row! 100% success versus the reality, 50% success. Wish it was 0% though better 50% than 100%. No telling how much more $$$ their international funding would increase if they were batting 1000 circumventing State game agency biologists, etc.
Canadian Super Woofs!?!?! Houses are blowing down now!

All humor aside, my position has been made known on this topic. I feel for ya, Coloradoans. Confronted by city slicker ballot box biology... Glad the second one was whammied! I can not imagine the enthusiasm had they succeeded twice in a row! 100% success versus the reality, 50% success. Wish it was 0% though better 50% than 100%. No telling how much more $$$ their international funding would increase if they were batting 1000 circumventing State game agency biologists, etc.
I believe people were trying to get it back on the ballot to rehash it but the powers that be pushed hard for the release behind the scenes. sounds like many people would reverse their vote? I know some pro wolf people in the mix aren't for the reintroduction after the first release failure... I know a lot of people say they will shoot them on sight but I think they are blowhards! I thought about it but im not willing to risk my hunting privileges and 100,000 fine especially with how shady these people are and technology.
I believe people were trying to get it back on the ballot to rehash it but the powers that be pushed hard for the release behind the scenes. sounds like many people would reverse their vote? I know some pro wolf people in the mix aren't for the reintroduction after the first release failure... I know a lot of people say they will shoot them on sight but I think they are blowhards! I thought about it but im not willing to risk my hunting privileges and 100,000 fine especially with how shady these people are and technology.
they were trying to pause the release of more wolves with the commission. Commission did not approve. There is a group trying to get it put on the next ballot
@elkduds How has this quadrupled CO wolf population? I thought 10 were released during the first Center for B.S. celebration day end of 2023 + a few that have been in and around prior to forced re-introduction. While I supported the effort to pause this recent reckless release, the total released: 7m/8f that would be roughly 2x's, no? What am I not following?
@elkduds How has this quadrupled CO wolf population? I thought 10 were released during the first Center for B.S. celebration day end of 2023 + a few that have been in and around prior to forced re-introduction. While I supported the effort to pause this recent reckless release, the total released: 7m/8f that would be roughly 2x's, no? What am I not following?
because they trapped most of the 1st release... I think they missed 1? I don't know how many are naturally here and I don't think the government knows either because they were here long before the first release and vote. maybe they know but just ignored that fact so they could push through reintroduction.
That was a big use of license and PR dollars. What a great use of hunters money. I’m so happy Colorado couldn’t find something better to use that money on
@elkduds How has this quadrupled CO wolf population? I thought 10 were released during the first Center for B.S. celebration day end of 2023 + a few that have been in and around prior to forced re-introduction. While I supported the effort to pause this recent reckless release, the total released: 7m/8f that would be roughly 2x's, no? What am I not following?
My math was that 5 survived from last year's release of 10. There is no accurate accounting for wild migrant wolves in the northern part of the state. Per the article, the remaining 5, a female and 4 juveniles have been penned since recapture last fall. Their alpha male was captured as well, had to be euthanized due to many injuries. He was the chief livestock predator. So CPW released 15 new BC wolves and the 5 survivors from last year, in a more central part of the state and away from the North Park area where livestock depredation was turning the politics very ugly.
@elkduds How has this quadrupled CO wolf population? I thought 10 were released during the first Center for B.S. celebration day end of 2023 + a few that have been in and around prior to forced re-introduction. While I supported the effort to pause this recent reckless release, the total released: 7m/8f that would be roughly 2x's, no? What am I not following?

There were 5 still out there, then they re-released the previously re-captured Copper Creek pack of 5 and put 15 new Canadian ones on the ground, 7 males and 8 females.
My math was that 5 survived from last year's release of 10. There is no accurate accounting for wild migrant wolves in the northern part of the state. Per the article, the remaining 5, a female and 4 juveniles have been penned since recapture last fall. Their alpha male was captured as well, had to be euthanized due to many injuries. He was the chief livestock predator. So CPW released 15 new BC wolves and the 5 survivors from last year, in a more central part of the state and away from the North Park area where livestock depredation was turning the politics very ugly.
That isn’t accurate. The wolves captured with the female and since deceased male were their pups.

One wolf died by mountain lion.

This male died in captivity.

And one other died that I know of.

That leaves 7 from the original release plus pups.