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Colorado quadrupled it's wolf population last week.

Near the central concentration of designated wilderness areas: Holy Cross, Hunter-Fryingpan, Maroon Bells-Snowmass, Collegiate Peaks. Easy stroll to Gore/Eagle's Nest, West Elk, Raggeds, Mt. Massive, Fossil Ridge and even east to Buffalo Peaks Wilderness. Lone wolf sighted in South Park before the latest release.
That article indicates two of the previous wolves released were illegally shot. Were the people who killed them caught? Have any of the other wolves died from any other causes? Wonder how quick there will be a noticeable impact.
I read that the one male from the copper creek pair had a bullet in it. This one died in CPW custody. They said it could have been shot prior to Colorado release.
Canadian Super Woofs!?!?! Houses are blowing down now!

All humor aside, my position has been made known on this topic. I feel for ya, Coloradoans. Confronted by city slicker ballot box biology... Glad the second one was whammied! I can not imagine the enthusiasm had they succeeded twice in a row! 100% success versus the reality, 50% success. Wish it was 0% though better 50% than 100%. No telling how much more $$$ their international funding would increase if they were batting 1000 circumventing State game agency biologists, etc.