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Colorado Elk Hunt Help


New member
Sep 11, 2011
We will be going to Colorado for Elk hunting in October. We were thinking about the Meeker area unit 11 and 22. Anybody ever hunt the area? I've never been there and am leaning towards those units based on what I've read on other forums. Please feel free to suggest other units I should look at. We will be doing an DIY plublic land OTC hunt. Last year we hunted the Durango area with absolutely no luck didn't see a single animal, hoping this year will be better.
I am doing a solo backpack hunt in unit 24, second rifle. OTC bull tag and leftover cow tag in hand. Lot of elk in the area - just gotta find them!
I will also be on a backpack hunt next week in Unit 24. My uncle has the tag, and I will just be tagging along to help.
I hunted area 11 during 3rd season a few yrs ago and saw a few elk. This area is really winter range and now I just cow hunt there in Dec. There were a lot of hunters out when I was there in 3rd season. I was just hunting deer at the time and don't know if the others were after deer or both elk and deer. Wherever you decide to go I wish you the best of luck. It is a nice area and I'm sure you will have a good time
We got a leftover cow tag today for unit 11 - 211. We'll probably get a OTC bull tag once we get there.
I had a bit of a scheduling problem, do you guys know if the CO DOW will exchange my 3rd season leftover cow tag for a 4th season leftover cow tag?
Yes they did, got the new tag in the mail today. We'll be in Meeker on Nov 15 any advice? Just looking for a cow this year.

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