
Colorado 2nd Draw?

I’ve got a buck deer tag to turn in but I’m going to wait until after the youth draw so it goes to the reissue list instead. Youth draw should be does and cows. Yes I do have children and I still feel this way.
You guys don't let your kids hunt!? I want them to experience it more than myself!! I moved to CO 1 year ago just to give me the chance to take them with. I could hunt where I wanted when living on the east coast. Problem was that my son (well and now my daughter) would have never had the opportunity. Now that we are here I would love to give them every chance to be successful so that the tradition and just passion for the outdoors will continue. So when you say "dad draw" I understand that some dads may take advantage for themselves. And while I do take advantage, the advantage for youth is there for that very specific reason. If it weren't then how do you get kids involved while they are young to build their experience, confidence, and everything else?
You guys don't let your kids hunt!? I want them to experience it more than myself!! I moved to CO 1 year ago just to give me the chance to take them with. I could hunt where I wanted when living on the east coast. Problem was that my son (well and now my daughter) would have never had the opportunity. Now that we are here I would love to give them every chance to be successful so that the tradition and just passion for the outdoors will continue. So when you say "dad draw" I understand that some dads may take advantage for themselves. And while I do take advantage, the advantage for youth is there for that very specific reason. If it weren't then how do you get kids involved while they are young to build their experience, confidence, and everything else?
Respectfully, I think you missed the point. No one was saying that youth shouldn't be able to hunt. The point being made was that youth shouldn't have preference for drawing trophy tags; and there will be some trophy tags in the "secondary draw" which is really just the youth draw since all youth applications are processed before any adult applications.

I think everyone here fully supports youth hunting in general. Youth have all the opportunities that adults have, they can buy OTC tags or apply like everyone else, PLUS they have the "secondary draw" PLUS the extended youth deer, elk, and pronghorn seasons.
You guys don't let your kids hunt!? I want them to experience it more than myself!! I moved to CO 1 year ago just to give me the chance to take them with. I could hunt where I wanted when living on the east coast. Problem was that my son (well and now my daughter) would have never had the opportunity. Now that we are here I would love to give them every chance to be successful so that the tradition and just passion for the outdoors will continue. So when you say "dad draw" I understand that some dads may take advantage for themselves. And while I do take advantage, the advantage for youth is there for that very specific reason. If it weren't then how do you get kids involved while they are young to build their experience, confidence, and everything else?
So OTC tags, regular draw tags, youth seasons, 50% of the tags for doe tags in 54/55/66/67/551, extended seasons, and re-issues don't constitute opportunity?
The secondary gets a bad wrap. Last year, looking at just O and L elk tags (bc I don't care about PLO) CPW gave out 5972 elk tags to adults and 1193 tags to youths.

The caveat being once you look at tags worth zero pts or more it shifts to 48 adults and 397 youth, which imo is way better adult odds than all the posts would lead you to believe.
Let’s remember that these are all tags that were turned back in. The adults had their chance at the tags. I’m glad kids get first crack

well, predominantly leftover, with a good healthy spattering of surrendered and unpaid for tags.
The secondary gets a bad wrap. Last year, looking at just O and L elk tags (bc I don't care about PLO) CPW gave out 5972 elk tags to adults and 1193 tags to youths.

The caveat being once you look at tags worth zero pts or more it shifts to 48 adults and 397 youth, which imo is way better adult odds than all the posts would lead you to believe.
and if you look at the good tags it's 100% youth.

Let’s remember that these are all tags that were turned back in. The adults had their chance at the tags. I’m glad kids get first crack
Which is another whole can of worms, piles of tags going out the door with zero points spent.

CO needs to stop that bullchit. Something like 80-90% of the max point pronghorn tags were returned last year... Ram tags, goat tags, 44 4th season deer, unit 2 and 201 elk...

and if you look at the good tags it's 100% youth.

Which is another whole can of worms, piles of tags going out the door with zero points spent.

CO needs to stop that bullchit. Something like 80-90% of the max point pronghorn tags were returned last year... Ram tags, goat tags, 44 4th season deer, unit 2 and 201 elk...

I agree. People shouldn’t be able to return premium tags without losing points. Unless they have a good excuse like death in the family etc.
but also remember that premium tags are offered to “the next applicant in line” when returned. And only when they will not be taken, are they sent to the leftover list.
Here I am just hoping my childish sense of humor passes for "youth-like" when I apply for the secondary draw 🤣 #PleaseLetGetMyTags #IJustWantToHuntWithMyFriends
Not to open a can of worms here but........

You turn your tag back in - You loose your points or you get a refund, not both....
You draw a type A tag, regardless of when your draw it - You loose your points.

There are a lot of people playing the system and drawing tags and turning them in so their kids have a shot at the tags and so on and so forth.....lots of shenanigan's going on....If you don't think its happening then you have your head in the sand.

This is getting ridiculous and Colorado is allowing it. Too many people pulling the strings over there that are too invested in the system to make the right call....
It literally should be simple. Colorado is milking hunters for all they can and that the nuts and bolts of the situation.
Not to open a can of worms here but........

You turn your tag back in - You loose your points or you get a refund, not both....
You draw a type A tag, regardless of when your draw it - You loose your points.

There are a lot of people playing the system and drawing tags and turning them in so their kids have a shot at the tags and so on and so forth.....lots of shenanigan's going on....If you don't think its happening then you have your head in the sand.

This is getting ridiculous and Colorado is allowing it. Too many people pulling the strings over there that are too invested in the system to make the right call....
It literally should be simple. Colorado is milking hunters for all they can and that the nuts and bolts of the situation.
Plus then you add wolves into the mix..

Something’s gotta change and it’s gotta happen sooner rather than later
It’s ok man, it will all get better when they restructure it some day… lmao You probably have a petition out there to have corgis legally classified as children! Look at the positive, if it goes through maybe you can get in on the youth tag pack out game. Just have to get a bark trigger.

It is called the “Pet Parent Application period” and you would get cited if you K9-child was not with you during the hunt. Lol
This is getting ridiculous and Colorado is allowing it. Too many people pulling the strings over there that are too invested in the system to make the right call....
It literally should be simple. Colorado is milking hunters for all they can and that the nuts and bolts of the situation.
P&W doesn't have time to focus on big game management and tag allocation, they have their hands full with paying for wolves and reminding management to not tell people to get to the back of the bus.
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