
Colorado 2nd Draw?

No luck for me on deer tag.

Didn’t draw in the primary, tags were available for secondary draw and again no bueno.
I’m pretty sure there will be at least 1 tag when leftovers come out which means I’ll get to try once more for the same damn tag only to be to slow on the internet and miss again.
Those are my tags. My kids are too old for kid status. Not surprised at either tag. Or that all 3 elk tags my group put in for were not drawn
Same on the antelope no dice. Put in for 87 with 2 tags knew that wasn't happening.
Haha I put in for that also, pretty much knew it was a no go, but figured why not. Ended up drawing a cow elk and doe deer tag in a unit pretty close to home, so not all a wash.
No deer tag for me. The email got me excited momentarily until I got it opened up
Haha I put in for that also, pretty much knew it was a no go, but figured why not. Ended up drawing a cow elk and doe deer tag in a unit pretty close to home, so not all a wash.
I was only going to apply for my nephew then I saw there were leftover bear tags in the unit I already had a elk tag in next thing I know we're both applied across the board. If you're not applying a kid probably best to not even look at the list and just avoid the temptation.
You're not gonna believe this, but I pulled a hat trick. It turns out I drew a pronghorn tag too. Unfortunately there's no way I can go so I need to send it back. I've never done it, can somebody give me a shourtcourse on returning a tag.
Did a ton of research for the first draw... So disappointed not to draw.
Have a younger new hunter I'm helping get into hunting.
Today am so relieved that we both were successful on the second draw for buck in the same unit. Now need to figure out how to approach Unit 29 in 4th rifle season.
You're not gonna believe this, but I pulled a hat trick. It turns out I drew a pronghorn tag too. Unfortunately there's no way I can go so I need to send it back. I've never done it, can somebody give me a shourtcourse on returning a tag.
Just mail it in. See Returned and Refunds.
My maiden elk hunt for canceled last year with covid. I sent my tag in with a cover letter and they gave me my points back.

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