CO: RMEF urges opposition to initiative for introducing wolves.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is one of the leading supporters of keeping public lands in public hands, the strongest voice for the enhancement of habitat to support elk among many other big game species.

Benefits vs loss. To each his / her own.

RMEF Warns of Colorado Wolf Reintroduction Ballot Initiative
MISSOULA, Mont.—The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is signaling a warning about an organized ballot initiative effort just underway in Colorado seeking to forcibly introduce gray wolves into the state.

“To be clear, RMEF strongly opposes the forced introduction of gray wolves to Colorado,” said Kyle Weaver, RMEF president and CEO. “We have witnessed 20 plus years of lies and litigation in the Northern Rockies concerning wolves. This Colorado effort is driven by the same groups using the same tactics to accomplish their agenda.”

Also worth noting, Jim Heffelfinger mentioned on one of Randy’s podcasts that CO wolf introduction could/would ruin Mexican gray wolf recovery efforts in Arizona as their population spreads.
Joy... 🙄 Likes of Sierra Club, Rocky Mountain Wolf Project, Center For Biological Diversity, etc.
  • Proudly display wolf-friendly bumper stickers (esp. “Colorado Needs Wolves Need Colorado” from the Colorado Sierra Club, and “Colorado Needs Wolves” from the Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center)
  • Share posts & photos from reliable, factual sources and wolf-advocacy organizations on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (one post/photo per week)
  • With the help of your local Colorado Sierra Club Group Project Wolf Team member, write timely letters to your local newspaper

Rocky Mountain Wolf Project... The apparent driver to have wolves relocated from elsewhere to Colorado.

Take Action
Re-establishing wolves in western Colorado could connect the entire North American wolf population. It would be difficult to overestimate the biological and conservation value of this achievement.

The latter portion of the video after their rally cry, the one missing from Colorado landscape... 🤗

This is a humor bit within their terms of service,
  1. Further, Rocky Mountain Wolf Project does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.
Also worth noting, Jim Heffelfinger mentioned on one of Randy’s podcasts that CO wolf introduction could/would ruin Mexican gray wolf recovery efforts in Arizona as their population spreads.

Pretty certain Colorado would have to do an EIS for this translocation project, and I don't see how they could work around the potential impacts on the Mexican gray wolf.
I’m still curious how such an initiative would work. Colorado can’t just buy wolves and let them go. Glad RMEF is opposed and hope it doesn’t pass.

It won't in my opinion. It's a donation tactic that works, and is working on the opposition side as well. I'm stunned at how easily people are separated from their money.
Also worth noting, Jim Heffelfinger mentioned on one of Randy’s podcasts that CO wolf introduction could/would ruin Mexican gray wolf recovery efforts in Arizona as their population spreads.

I have spent the last week accumulating all the science I can find on this. Jim has been a great help. As have a few others.

This is an issue the promoters of the Colorado wolf ballot effort want to discount and hope does not see the light of day. In effect, this science would show these supporters are making a choice that displays blatant hypocrisy; introduce CO gray wolves for the huge cash and membership benefits, and doing so knowing such action spells the end of the Mexican wolf. Not the position these groups want to have to defend, but the position they are taking.

It is my personal task for the next year to gather the folks who understand this science of genetic swamping and if the science proves to be valid and accepted by professionals, use media platforms to make sure Colorado voters know that playing the game of "electoral wildlife science," they are doing so to the demise of the Mexican wolf.
Also worth noting, Jim Heffelfinger mentioned on one of Randy’s podcasts that CO wolf introduction could/would ruin Mexican gray wolf recovery efforts in Arizona as their population spreads.
You have a link to that? Sounds like a good listen.
I have spent the last week accumulating all the science I can find on this. Jim has been a great help. As have a few others.

This is an issue the promoters of the Colorado wolf ballot effort want to discount and hope does not see the light of day. In effect, this science would show these supporters are making a choice that displays blatant hypocrisy; introduce CO gray wolves for the huge cash and membership benefits, and doing so knowing such action spells the end of the Mexican wolf. Not the position these groups want to have to defend, but the position they are taking.

It is my personal task for the next year to gather the folks who understand this science of genetic swamping and if the science proves to be valid and accepted by professionals, use media platforms to make sure Colorado voters know that playing the game of "electoral wildlife science," they are doing so to the demise of the Mexican wolf.
Thanks Randy. It is good to hear of a proposed science based alternative to the usual “wolves will eat your babies” message from the Bubbas at BGF.
Hey Charles, my bad. I’m pretty sure it’s actually this more recent one.

This is it. Thanks.

Fantastic interview! The dynamic actions of Mexican wolves finding themselves faced with Canadian wolves who migrated south, that are much larger, and how that adversely affects the intent to support the reintroduction of the Mexican wolves... The breeding between the various wolves throw the whole recovery project out of whack.

The content how these environmental wacko wolf lovin' organizations are waiting for USFWS to delist - then, instant clog up the judicial system. Federal judges who hold their bias over the USFWS scientific research and rule upon their bias... Meanwhile the ESA minimum becomes 5,10...x's the size...

Relating to this topic;

Jim Heffelfinger;
"Their advocating, in my opinion, for destruction of the Mexican wolf, genetically."

It's good to hear some frank discussions on these topics.
I HIGHLY doubt that RMEF is opposing this to protect the Mexican Wolf

Point being, the wolf supporters within Colorado are not considering the entirety of the situation... Scroll back to Randy's post, and shared podcast (Shared by MTGomer) with Randy and Jim. It's a good listen, if you have the time...
I HIGHLY doubt that RMEF is opposing this to protect the Mexican Wolf

No, that is not why this would be brought up by RMEF, if RMEF does actually make a case of the Mexican Wolf issue. To date, I've not read where they are making such case, though I am trying to determine if the existing science will support the case.

RMEF, and most hunters I know, advocate for science-based wildlife management and this CO proposal is not based on science. Seems reasonable to interject the most blatant case to illustrate how science would be completely disregarded with the CO wolf ballot initiative.
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