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CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

Brother and his neighbor joined your gathering. Said he enjoyed meeting several of those present. Someone gave them a couple stickers.
He hasn't hunted in some 15 years though knows the importance of conservation efforts, applied via tools inclusive of trapping / hunting.
They're a bit concerned as a couple ladies within their church were recently sharing pamphlets, Yes on 127.
Same time, during some BBQ gatherings the topic has been raised with good opposition for 127.

At church. Really?
One interesting thing brought up in the video in post #158 above is that currently the cpw offers damage claims for livestock loss due to lions since lions are currently game species. If 127 passes, lions will no longer be considered game animals in Colo so rancher’s that loose livestock to lions won’t be offered damage claims.

Also, $ generated from hunters is currently flipping the bill that pays ranchers for damage claims.

If 127 passes it is a big hit in the wallet for Colorado ranchers living in lion country.
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