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CO Bill to ban Semi rifles and shotguns moves to senate floor.

The PR argument is the best one. We have way more shooters than hunters now, and as pressure on wildlife increases, that number will increase, and for many, their favorite rife is the AR.
It almost sounds like they are turning into California. It is hilarious to me to see a senator or representative stand up in front of a crowd and try to describe how an ar works. They should also be fiction book writers because they make it so suspenseful and dangerous sounding. They would sell millions of copies. On a serious note, this is terrible and there is no reason for them to ban any particular firearm. If they pass this, like others have said, it would be a stepping stone for other things to.
It almost sounds like they are turning into California. It is hilarious to me to see a senator or representative stand up in front of a crowd and try to describe how an ar works.

They literally have no idea. Our mental giant Congresswoman DeGette told everyone a few years ago that banning the sale of magazines would mean eventually they would all go away, because after you shoot the ammo you have to throw the magazine away! It would've taken her approximately 2 minutes on Wikipedia to understand the fundamentals, but actually familiarizing herself with the issue would've been too much work! These are the people who write the laws that we have to abide by...
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Other than more slippery slope. Yes this bill (rather sweepingly) goes after semi’s with magazines, the difference between those and your everyday Rem 11-87 is incomprehensible to most laypersons. The focus on “semi-automatic ” even when qualified by “specified” is just another re-framing of the anti-gun focus once again. Will they ever run out of scary terms? Not likely.

Assault rifle…. Check

Black rifle….check

Sniper rifles…. Check

High power…. Check

Armor piercing… check

Weapons of war…. Check

Mass casualty weapons…. Check

Ghost guns…. Check


Large caliber…..check

3D Printed …..check


adjustable stock/detachable magazine/gas operated/threaded barrel/forearm grip/pistol grip/shortened/modular/etc etc.

any word, literally any, will one day be attempted. wait til “bolt action” or “break action” or dual barrel or concealable…or lightweight… or synthetic stocked…. Gets used. They will be.

so fight it all!
Fight like hell! You’re exactly right. They never stop. Completely disarmed is the end game. I got news for these idiots.
They literally have no idea. Our mental giant Congresswoman DeGette told everyone a few years ago that banning the sale of magazines would mean eventually they would all go away, because after you shoot the ammo you have to throw the magazine away. It would've taken her approximately 2 minutes on Wikipedia to understand the fundamentals, but actually familiarizing herself with the issue would've been too much work! These are the people who write the laws that we have to abide by...
It’s pretty wild. Colorado General Assembly rams through 3-4 gun control bills per session. Based on that trajectory they will be on to confiscation or highly encouraged gun buy backs pretty soon. Denver/Boulder Dems in the state house/senate are beholden to the Everytown/Giffords/Bloomberg campaign money. In order to keep that flowing they have to pass new gun control bills every year.

On the political spectrum there are Dems, there are blue states, and way left of that there is Colorado General Assembly crazy. Nothing surprises me anymore.
well we are led by a Governor from CA who doesn't know where to put his penis! I moved to the western slope to "get away" from all those crazy leftists... and my neighborhood continues to fill up with Californians... and boomer Denverites.. Wish I could move to another state...
In other news David Hogg, Parkland shooting survivor and gun control progressive activist was elected vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. If you’re a gun owner, you may not be welcome in the Dem party any longer. Apparently you have zero right to own a firearm. And if you own a semiautomatic rifle you are particularly evil.
And people actually talk about compromise with these lefty loons? Total confiscation is their ultimate goal, never doubt it! Either the 2A means what it says, or it doesn’t. Traitors to the Constitution is what they are.
I have been here for 16 years and literally nothing has gotten better, either politically or quality of life. The population growth in the extreme lefty metro plex has pushed what was a purple state that I felt bordered on libertarian to what is now a nearly coastal whacko version of red. FFS, the ballot that those idiots voted for the wolf fiasco they also voted for the most disgusting, up until the moment of the first breath, abortion bill (which they made a state constitutional right this last election). The ONLY thing that puts ANY temper on the gun stuff at all is that the current governor has aspirations of a national level and knows if he signs off on too much that will dissolve. Sadly, it will only get worse here if you look at population trends. I love the mountains and the variety of game but I will be moving back to the midwest as soon as I can now. All of the things I enjoy about CO are becoming more and more difficult and expensive, the people who have migrated here (on top of the political portion) are generally more and more unpleasant and I don't want my legacy/family "home" to be here.

I guess the thing about the migration I will never understand is people leaving places (ie CA) that have turned into toilets because of policy and then coming to a new place and insisting on doing the same crap......
I have been here for 16 years and literally nothing has gotten better, either politically or quality of life. The population growth in the extreme lefty metro plex has pushed what was a purple state that I felt bordered on libertarian to what is now a nearly coastal whacko version of red. FFS, the ballot that those idiots voted for the wolf fiasco they also voted for the most disgusting, up until the moment of the first breath, abortion bill (which they made a state constitutional right this last election). The ONLY thing that puts ANY temper on the gun stuff at all is that the current governor has aspirations of a national level and knows if he signs off on too much that will dissolve. Sadly, it will only get worse here if you look at population trends. I love the mountains and the variety of game but I will be moving back to the midwest as soon as I can now. All of the things I enjoy about CO are becoming more and more difficult and expensive, the people who have migrated here (on top of the political portion) are generally more and more unpleasant and I don't want my legacy/family "home" to be here.

I guess the thing about the migration I will never understand is people leaving places (ie CA) that have turned into toilets because of policy and then coming to a new place and insisting on doing the same crap......
I had a patient that I took care of recently that was from somewhere in Montana and he lives here on the eastern side of the country now and he said that it is so expensive and different that he is glad that he left there. So many people from California moving into places like these bringing all of their issues with them to put into a new place. If you move somewhere, you would think it would be because that place is different and you want to live a different lifestyle but I guess that is not the case for those out that way. I'm sure people that live in Montana have seen this first hand especially due to political issues, finances and also the tv industry like the show Yellowstone, which I enjoyed just as much as the next person but everyone wants to move to Montana and "live on a ranch" even though they don't have a clue. Sad world we live in.
I had a patient that I took care of recently that was from somewhere in Montana and he lives here on the eastern side of the country now and he said that it is so expensive and different that he is glad that he left there. So many people from California moving into places like these bringing all of their issues with them to put into a new place. If you move somewhere, you would think it would be because that place is different and you want to live a different lifestyle but I guess that is not the case for those out that way. I'm sure people that live in Montana have seen this first hand especially due to political issues, finances and also the tv industry like the show Yellowstone, which I enjoyed just as much as the next person but everyone wants to move to Montana and "live on a ranch" even though they don't have a clue. Sad world we live in.
Thank God there is no TV show called "Idaho Falls". Things are bad enough here.
In other news David Hogg, Parkland shooting survivor and gun control progressive activist was elected vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. If you’re a gun owner, you may not be welcome in the Dem party any longer. Apparently you have zero right to own a firearm. And if you own a semiautomatic rifle you are particularly evil.
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View attachment 359582
The democrats clearly have no desire to win any elections.

Drop the fight with the second amendment, move on to universal healthcare, including mental health care, increasing minimum wage, protecting public lands, you know doing something for the working class.

This kind of crap is not a mandate or a platform that will work.

This vice chair decision is idiotic.
Thank God there is no TV show called "Idaho Falls". Things are bad enough here.
I kid you not, my mother in law is the biggest Yellowstone fan in my family and she would be all about moving there except she won't let my father in law shoot the deer during the season that come into the back of their land or won't go outside in the dark without someone with her lol.
The democrats clearly have no desire to win any elections.

Drop the fight with the second amendment, move on to universal healthcare, including mental health care, increasing minimum wage, protecting public lands, you know doing something for the working class.

This kind of crap is not a mandate or a platform that will work.

This vice chair decision is idiotic.
Plum ate up with DA!
Still waiting for one post addressing how this is any threat to hunting. That is what I call bullchit on. It is disingenuous to trot out 2A and ignore the first 4 words. A well regulated militia. Gun laws are regulations to this nonexistent militia. No bazookas, special license for full auto, felons can't have guns. The argument here is about what regulations to have, SCOTUS already upheld that regulations are legal. Moves to divest federal lands, those are a direct threat to hunting. This bill is not. Where oh where is the threat to hunting? Oh, you thought you saw it behind the curtain. If you live and die by SCOTUS, they have already declined to review this law in several states. If passed, it will stand in CO on precedent, unless SCOTUS runs short of toilet paper that day. See Roe V. Wade.

“Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. [It is] not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

Justice Antonin Scalia

District of Columbia V. HELLER, 2008

Want data, such as the fact that 85% of mass casualty deaths in 'Merica resulted from use of semiauto weapons w high capacity removeable mags? Look here, US gov't website: Oopsie, it disappeared last week!
National Institute of Justice (.gov) › topics › articles › public-mass-shooti...

No information is available for this page.

This page along with thousands of others reporting data we taxpayers paid to have researched and reported, was ordered CENSORED by the ass-clown-in-chief.

Know what Amendment comes before 2A?
Like it or not, this also applies to the Despot-in-Chief. Which he just violated.
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