CO Bill to ban Semi rifles and shotguns moves to senate floor.

Been sending plenty of emails also. Not much hope of stemming the tide and almost no responses.

Colorado is a single party state and Everytown/Giffords/Bloomberg exert total control over the Colorado Democratic Party policies.

They won’t stop until gun ownership is functionally unattainable for most citizens.
SB25-003 prohibits knowingly manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling or purchasing a “specified semiautomatic firearm,” which is defined as a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine.

From this, how does this group reach the conclusion below?

This bill, which is devastating to the hunting community, is scheduled to be heard on the floor tomorrow, January 31.
Not seeing anything devastating to the hunting community in that. It is a de facto 'mass casualty assault weapon' ban. If that causes you to quit hunting, you were a shooter more than a hunter anyway. This is the only 'handgun' in the ban. Not for hunting animals.
Just wasting tax money and gun proponents lawyer money so we have less to fight against previous frivolous laws. None of these are constitutional and they know it. Just a game of wasting time n money, throwing sh!$ at the wall.
SB25-003 prohibits knowingly manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling or purchasing a “specified semiautomatic firearm,” which is defined as a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine.

From this, how does this group reach the conclusion below?

This bill, which is devastating to the hunting community, is scheduled to be heard on the floor tomorrow, January 31.
Not seeing anything devastating to the hunting community in that. It is a de facto 'mass casualty assault weapon' ban. If that causes you to quit hunting, you were a shooter more than a hunter anyway. This is the only 'handgun' in the ban. Not for hunting animals.
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I've used my AR pistol for hunting.

Not sure on all the specifics, but this is real bad.

It will impact the hunting community.

And the shooting community.

Edit. I've used both my AR Pistols for hunting. .300 BLK for lions (daughter has killed one) and my .556 for coyotes ans varmints.

Handy and effective depending on the circumstances.
SB25-003 prohibits knowingly manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling or purchasing a “specified semiautomatic firearm,” which is defined as a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine.

From this, how does this group reach the conclusion below?

This bill, which is devastating to the hunting community, is scheduled to be heard on the floor tomorrow, January 31.
Not seeing anything devastating to the hunting community in that. It is a de facto 'mass casualty assault weapon' ban. If that causes you to quit hunting, you were a shooter more than a hunter anyway. This is the only 'handgun' in the ban. Not for hunting animals.
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Maybe they're smart enough to know that if this passes it's just the beginning.
Not seeing anything devastating to the hunting community

Other than more slippery slope. Yes this bill (rather sweepingly) goes after semi’s with magazines, the difference between those and your everyday Rem 11-87 is incomprehensible to most laypersons. The focus on “semi-automatic ” even when qualified by “specified” is just another re-framing of the anti-gun focus once again. Will they ever run out of scary terms? Not likely.

Assault rifle…. Check

Black rifle….check

Sniper rifles…. Check

High power…. Check

Armor piercing… check

Weapons of war…. Check

Mass casualty weapons…. Check

Ghost guns…. Check


Large caliber…..check

3D Printed …..check


adjustable stock/detachable magazine/gas operated/threaded barrel/forearm grip/pistol grip/shortened/modular/etc etc.

any word, literally any, will one day be attempted. wait til “bolt action” or “break action” or dual barrel or concealable…or lightweight… or synthetic stocked…. Gets used. They will be.

so fight it all!
SB25-003 prohibits knowingly manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling or purchasing a “specified semiautomatic firearm,” which is defined as a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine.

From this, how does this group reach the conclusion below?

This bill, which is devastating to the hunting community, is scheduled to be heard on the floor tomorrow, January 31.
Not seeing anything devastating to the hunting community in that. It is a de facto 'mass casualty assault weapon' ban. If that causes you to quit hunting, you were a shooter more than a hunter anyway. This is the only 'handgun' in the ban. Not for hunting animals.
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I can’t say whether it would cause anyone to quit hunting. That is a personal decision. Many hunters use modern sporting rifles or AR platforms for hunting. In fact they are the best selling rifles in the country. If their sales are banned there could be a significant drop in Pittman-Robertson funds.
First, I’m not an AR guy. I have little to no use for them. I do believe every person should have the right to own one and a bunch of ammo for said rifle, just because…

Outside of hunting, think about the economic impact of that. I know a lot of the independent gun shops here, while they all carry hunting rifles/shotguns, make their money on AR’s and handguns. If they were banned overnight I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of them close. As was stated above AR’s and handguns absolutely drive a chunk of PR funds, if that was limited to just hunters to fund I think we’d be in way worse shape. Hunters don’t drive that funding, it’s shooters.

Also, I’ve done a lot of hunting with 742’s and 7400’s. I’m guessing those would both fall under there, too.

Most importantly, it’s really about them winning anything. Any step they take forward just encourages more. They absolutely want your hunting rifles, it’s just figuring out the presentation to take them.
A big part of our problem is the "FEAR OF GUNS"! Of course most of the general public including most of the politicians have never touched or fired a gun. They have this phobia of guns, only see what happens when bad people use them.

A couple of years ago when I sold my home on the front range and was doing a walkthru with the buyer he literally panicked when he seen a BB gun laying on my work bench. He immediately left the garage and asked him family to wait outside while he nervously told me about a gun laying in plain sight. I told him it was a bb gun I use to shoot trash eating squirrels and asked if he wanted to hold it - he replied ABSOLUTELY not and I need to get this gun away us.

I am certain in his mind - he couldn't tell the difference between a BB gun and an AR.

That man and his family were terrified of the BB gun.

This is what gun owners in Colorado are facing and the current political situation feels the same about gun and gun ownership.