CO 66 Archery Deer


Oct 4, 2011
Lubbock, TX
I drew archery deer in CO unit 66, and was looking at the Big Blue creek trail. I live in TX and will likely only get 1 scouting trip. I was wondering if anyone that has hunted archery deer in that unit would be willing to share the elevations they see deer at, hunting pressure experience 5+ miles in, and if I would be making a mistake to hunt the first week of the season? I plan to spike in on foot, and would assume I should expect everything from snow to sunny and 80’s?? Any insight appreciated
I'll keep it to general info for that area, you should definitely be hunting the first week of the season, it's a high country hunt, the bigger bucks will mostly be shedding velvet sometime in the first couple of days and tend to disappear once they do, your best chance is while they are still above treeline.

I would almost expect more pressure 5+ miles back as that is where the outfitters are, however, most are hunting elk, I can't say I've seen more than a couple of deer hunters in that area during archery season, I'd expect to mostly have the deer to yourself unless you're targeting one visible from the road.

in general, I'd be looking at the top edge of treeline and above, approx 11K to close to 14K, there are the occasional bucks lower in the timber buts it's far too random to make it a good first plan, better to spot and stalk the known deer above timberline and take the timber buck if you stumble into one while walking in or out.
GrantK, thank you for the insight, sounds like it will save me some effort that would not be rewarded by going deep.
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