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Cluster Headaches

I want to thank you all for contributing to my curiosity. As severe headache sufferers and care givers to those who suffer, we often deal with our pain in secret. Part of that secrecy is the inability to accurately describe the pain to others but also the after effects of the pain. Those of you who deal with this know the exhaustion, depressed mood and edginess that comes with the cycle.

For those of you who have a spouse, son or daughter who deals with severe pain, God bless you all! I know I could not do this without my caring wife and am blessed to have her.
I deal with chronic migraines. I can count on both hands the days I haven’t had a migraine in the 7 years I haven’t had one. Botox was the only thing seems to knock down the severity of them but it’s not worth the aggravation to get the injections.
I suffer from chronic cluster headaches which is said to be the worst pain known to man. The condition is said to affect 1 in 1000 mostly men. I have wondered if when you look at a football stadium packed to the gills, how many people in that crowd have been diagnosed? Given the size of the population of this forum, I wonder if anyone else here deals with cluster headaches? Just asking out of curiosity.
Something that a lot of folks don't realize is that physical therapy can be an effective treatment for headaches and migraines, including cluster headaches. As a PT myself, I am certainly biased, but I do actually see a lot of relief in the treatment of these conditions. We have a lot of manual therapy techniques at our disposal and dry needling treatments tend to be a game changer...and the evidence supports this. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
Something that a lot of folks don't realize is that physical therapy can be an effective treatment for headaches and migraines, including cluster headaches. As a PT myself, I am certainly biased, but I do actually see a lot of relief in the treatment of these conditions. We have a lot of manual therapy techniques at our disposal and dry needling treatments tend to be a game changer...and the evidence supports this. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
Have had acupuncture in the past and have seen results though I have often wondered if it was the acupuncture or just the end of a cycle. I do know that I enjoyed the treatments as I got to take a nap for an hour a couple times a week. I (and maybe others) am very interested in what ever information you can share as far as PT related treatment or exercises that may prevent, shorten or provide acute relief before or during a cycle. Some of us would cut off body parts if it would prevent the cycle from ever starting.
I deal with chronic migraines. I can count on both hands the days I haven’t had a migraine in the 7 years I haven’t had one. Botox was the only thing seems to knock down the severity of them but it’s not worth the aggravation to get the injections.
Dude, that is absolutely terrible! I really hope you continue to look for something that brings relief. I know that between cycles I tend to just be thankful they are over and hope that they never return. I cannot imagine dealing with pain like that for as long as you have.
Have had acupuncture in the past and have seen results though I have often wondered if it was the acupuncture or just the end of a cycle. I do know that I enjoyed the treatments as I got to take a nap for an hour a couple times a week. I (and maybe others) am very interested in what ever information you can share as far as PT related treatment or exercises that may prevent, shorten or provide acute relief before or during a cycle. Some of us would cut off body parts if it would prevent the cycle from ever starting.
My last cycle, 7 + years ago, as soon as I felt the slightest hint of pain, I would take an Excedrin PM tablet. It stopped the pain in its tracks. Within a week, the cycle was over. It worked for me, hopefully it can work for other headache sufferers.
Have had acupuncture in the past and have seen results though I have often wondered if it was the acupuncture or just the end of a cycle. I do know that I enjoyed the treatments as I got to take a nap for an hour a couple times a week. I (and maybe others) am very interested in what ever information you can share as far as PT related treatment or exercises that may prevent, shorten or provide acute relief before or during a cycle. Some of us would cut off body parts if it would prevent the cycle from ever starting.
My best piece of advice would be to find a clinic near you that has therapists that are certified in dry needling. It would be a plus if they claim to have someone who treats headaches on a regular basis. A lot of outpatient PT clinics will offer "free screens" so you can go in and talk with the therapist to see what they think about the treatment of your condition. I'm not sure where you're located, but I may have some recommendations for clinics if you are in Arizona, Nebraska, or Montana.
There have been studies on cluster headache treatment with psilocybin, although one may need to go to certain areas in Oregon...
I get migraines. I know when they are coming when I experience partial vision loss. Sometimes a couple per month. Sometimes I go several months without one. A number of years ago I talked to my doctor about them. He suggested a narcotics prescription. I told him that I really wanted to stay away from drugs. He asked what I was doing to control the pain. A double shot of Yukon Jack chased by a beer, followed by a one hour nap in a dark room. He told me if that was working… carry on !
I get migraines. I know when they are coming when I experience partial vision loss. Sometimes a couple per month. Sometimes I go several months without one. A number of years ago I talked to my doctor about them. He suggested a narcotics prescription. I told him that I really wanted to stay away from drugs. He asked what I was doing to control the pain. A double shot of Yukon Jack chased by a beer, followed by a one hour nap in a dark room. He told me if that was working… carry on !
Haha, old school Jack remedy. Beats trading one problem for another with doctors.
I have dealt with them for the last 40 years! Last neurosurgeon I consulted with after back and neck MRI's speculated my signs are pointing to CTE , which he admitted he and his cronies know very little about. Head injuries accumulate as some of you know! I hope those of you suffering can get some relief soon!
Whenever a "cycle" starts my family goes into detective mode looking for anything that will break the cycle. I found a web site https://clusterbusters.org/ that is a group of people who deal with these headaches or are support givers. One of the members has done some pretty extensive research as a headache sufferer himself. What he has discovered is that most cluster headache sufferers have a vitamin D3 deficiency. He has developed a vitamin regimen (see attached research) that has shown to reduce the effects or frequency of attacks. Will be starting the vitamins this week hoping to find a way out of this hole I seem to be in.

HUGE DISCLAIMER!!!! I am not a doctor nor am I qualified to give medical advice. Consult a doctor before beginning any course of action found on a hunting forum.


  • CH Preventative Treatment Protocol for Neurologists - Jan 2017.pdf
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My brother and I both get migraines but are different. His start with vision loss and will last for days. Mine start as tension headaches and feel like a ratchet strap around the head with a dull ice pick to the eye and will lead to throwing up if I don't get medicine fast. Have noticed it takes more Advil and excedrin to get them to stop.

The worst I had was in Tennessee, I had a sinus infection which induced a sinus headache with a tension headache combined with a migraine that resulted it a total delusional man dry heaving because there was nothing left to throw up after being up all day and night. In-laws took me to ER, I don't remember it too well from being in shock I guess. Mother in law said they asked me a bunch of questions and one was how was my life. She said I told them I had a great life and a great wife, the best wife I anyone could ever have. I don't remember any of that but guess at least my answer worked out for me.
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