
Cluster Headaches


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2014
I suffer from chronic cluster headaches which is said to be the worst pain known to man. The condition is said to affect 1 in 1000 mostly men. I have wondered if when you look at a football stadium packed to the gills, how many people in that crowd have been diagnosed? Given the size of the population of this forum, I wonder if anyone else here deals with cluster headaches? Just asking out of curiosity.
my dad dealt with them for maybe about 10-12 years? they tapered off and eventually went away in his mid 40's or so.

sure were brutal.

sounds like there isn't much evidence they are hereditary. either way, i'm free and clear so far. but, if it were to happen to me like it did to him i should be getting them here in the next few years. hope to god i don't.
I suffer from chronic cluster headaches which is said to be the worst pain known to man. The condition is said to affect 1 in 1000 mostly men. I have wondered if when you look at a football stadium packed to the gills, how many people in that crowd have been diagnosed? Given the size of the population of this forum, I wonder if anyone else here deals with cluster headaches? Just asking out of curiosity.
I've had them since I was young. They popped up randomly about every 5 to 7 years, lasting for several months with daily episodes. Oxygen was first prescribed with so so help. Last episode, Excedrin PM knocked them out cold. I'm probably overdue for another round of headaches, but hope they decided to go away for good!
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My friend has dealt with them since I've known him in college over 10 years. They come in waves, which he is currently having them, so will have one or so a day for weeks and then will go months without them. Only thing he has found effective in treating them is oxygen tank. I did not know they were that prevalent in men.

I was always told kidney stones were the worst pain for men, not to say these are not painful, just hadn't heard these to be the worst pain for men.
I was always told kidney stones were the worst pain for men, not to say these are not painful, just hadn't heard these to be the worst pain for men.

I have never had a kidney stone so I can't relate to that pain. Cluster headaches are hard to describe as to the level of pain they cause. When I am between clusters I cannot even imagine the pain level so I know it is hard for others to understand.

Closest things I can come up with to describe the pain is:
#1. Being shot in the face
#2. Having a steel rod shoved in the corner of your eye, through your skull and out the back of your head
#3. Take the worst ice cream headache you have ever had, shrink it to the diameter of a pencil, concentrate it on a path described in #2 and have it last for an hour non-stop.

Have this level of pain twice a day, everyday, for 6 months.

They come in cycles (known as clusters, hence the name) and last from 6 weeks to 6 months with a month or two between cycles. Been dealing with them since I was in my 30's (59 now) and have never met anyone who has them.
my dad dealt with them for maybe about 10-12 years? they tapered off and eventually went away in his mid 40's or so.

sure were brutal.

sounds like there isn't much evidence they are hereditary. either way, i'm free and clear so far. but, if it were to happen to me like it did to him i should be getting them here in the next few years. hope to god i don't.
My Mom and her Mom suffered with Migraines. I had a couple instances in my 20's that I would say were migraines but were a one and done. I don't know if heredity has anything to do with mine or not. I hope you dodge the bullet for sure as I wouldn't wish these on anyone.
The cluster headaches showed up when I was 30ish and I thought they were seasonal allergy related due to the congestion associated with an "attack". I still remember the young doctor who I saw who took one look at my history and said, "Holy crap, you have cluster headaches! I have never seen these before". Thank God for that doc who was probably only a couple years into her career. Without her diagnosis I wouldn't have access to the abortive meds.
My friend has dealt with them since I've known him in college over 10 years. They come in waves, which he is currently having them, so will have one or so a day for weeks and then will go months without them. Only thing he has found effective in treating them is oxygen tank. I did not know they were that prevalent in men.

I was always told kidney stones were the worst pain for men, not to say these are not painful, just hadn't heard these to be the worst pain for men.
By "man" I was referring to humanity as a whole. They say that labor pain is a walk in the park compared to cluster headaches. Not a doctor but curious if your friend has tried Triptans (Imitrex or Zomig) as an abortive treatment. Oxygen doesn't always help me. Hope he exits the cycle soon.
My wife gets very bad migraines. She has to be on medication just to dull the pain. Can't imagine how bad cluster headaches would be. I sympathize for you my friend.
My wife gets very bad migraines. She has to be on medication just to dull the pain. Can't imagine how bad cluster headaches would be. I sympathize for you my friend.
I feel for your wife and I know how hard it can be on a spouse or partner of someone who deals with severe pain. My wife deals with my headaches and hates to see me go through it. God bless you for your understanding and support of your wife.
My Mom and her Mom suffered with Migraines. I had a couple instances in my 20's that I would say were migraines but were a one and done. I don't know if heredity has anything to do with mine or not. I hope you dodge the bullet for sure as I wouldn't wish these on anyone.
The cluster headaches showed up when I was 30ish and I thought they were seasonal allergy related due to the congestion associated with an "attack". I still remember the young doctor who I saw who took one look at my history and said, "Holy crap, you have cluster headaches! I have never seen these before". Thank God for that doc who was probably only a couple years into her career. Without her diagnosis I wouldn't have access to the abortive meds.
A young doctor fresh out of med school diagnosed me around 25 years ago. He said, "you have cluster headaches. A lot of people kill themselves because of lack of diagnosis and the pain."

My dad had kidney stones and I saw the pain he went through several times. It was bad, the headaches were bad too.
My dad had kidney stones and I saw the pain he went through several times. It was bad
The last Monday of hunting season I attributed my back pain to a pulled muscle helping grandson retrieve his deer. But midnight found me painfully coming off the mountain down to the ER for a CT scan which found a kidney stone lodged up high in the kidney. Urologist went in and smashed the stone with a laser. It was not pleasant, but likely less painful than passing the intact stone through a sensitive "corridor". After couple days rest I was okay.
The last Monday of hunting season I attributed my back pain to a pulled muscle helping grandson retrieve his deer. But midnight found me painfully coming off the mountain down to the ER for a CT scan which found a kidney stone lodged up high in the kidney. Urologist went in and smashed the stone with a laser. It was not pleasant, but likely less painful than passing the intact stone through a sensitive "corridor". After couple days rest I was okay.
My dad had to pass a stone on a backpack trip to the Wind Rivers in the 80's. He looked like he had gone 10 rounds with a grizzly after it passed. First and only time he shot himself up with pain medicine, he pack along for just in case.
My dad had to pass a stone on a backpack trip to the Wind Rivers in the 80's. He looked like he had gone 10 rounds with a grizzly after it passed. First and only time he shot himself up with pain medicine, he pack along for just in case.
Back pain was enough. I can't even imagine what your Dad had to endure in the outback. He must be a tough hunter, hiker, wildlife glasser and sharp stone passer.
I had them when I was younger. First time I was convinced that I had an aneurism. The pain will drop you to your knees. No medication or treatment of any kind was effective. Fortunately, they weren't long in duration and I haven't had any in years. I hope you get relief soon!
#2. Having a hot steel rod shoved in the corner of your eye, through your skull and out the back of your head

I had them until I was about 35. After that they tapered off. Not predictable, but working all night and getting blood sugar out of whack seemed to be triggers for me. Too easy on an all-night tech issue to fuel yourself with coffee and carbs. I never found anything that would stop one once it came on. I don't remember my first one, but I remember my last one.

My oldest son is 36 now and still suffers from them. He says these are why he started "medicinal" pot. If that works for him I won't judge. They are horrible.

For those not familiar, these are also known as "suicide headaches". You can imagine the scale of something that would make consider ending it all to make it stop.

Good luck Cam.
I have severe migraines about 15 days a month. Some are not as bad as others but damn if they aren’t the most painful thing I’ve experienced. I take the Aimovig injection once a month and still require abortives that only work sometimes. A bad episode will land me in the ER (every few years), where they normally hit me up with Demerol. I hope you get better soon Cammy.
I feel for you and hope they go away soon. I too deal with migraines along with a pile of other issues and feel like I'm aging at a record speed. The chronic pain is the worst but I'm glad I'm not in a wheelchair or six feet under.
For those not familiar, these are also known as "suicide headaches". You can imagine the scale of something that would make consider ending it all to make it stop.

I feel fortunate to live in a time where there are abortive therapy's. I can't imagine how people in the 1800's when the headaches were first documented lived with them. I have spent many a night begging God to make the pain stop and have to admit that there have been a couple times I have asked him to just let me go. Guess it wasn't in his plan for me to leave.

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