Ode to Uncle Elton

Now he's free from the cancer. It's a strange infliction that as it kills it's host, it kills itself. Sorry for your loss Randy, I wouldn't wish that disease on my worst enemy. RIP uncle Elt.
Very sorry for your loss. I really like the picture from 1998. What a great smile and fun time that must have been.
Rarely am I ever at a loss for something to say, but I never know the right thing to say in these situations. Sorry just doesn't ever seem like enough.

You both were fortunate to spend some great times outdoors together.
Randy, thanks for bringing your uncle to those of us who never met him. You and he are in our thoughts. Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss, but the tributes you've paid to him over the have been remarkable. Rest in piece Uncle Elton.
My condolences and prayers. I have been experiencing some of your feelings and it's tough......lost my mom about a month ago.
Sorry for your loss.
Goes to show ya how important these memories are that we are making...
You and your family (and Danvet) are in my prayers.
God bless the Uncle Elt's in our lives. Sorry for you loss . . . . Randy. Prayer for Elt, his family, and friends.
Sorry for your loss. It's great that you got to help him experience what he loved again before he left. Pretty much all of my elders passed on long before I realized how much I'd miss them in the years to come. I very much enjoyed reading the thread. Again, sorry for your family's loss.
I've been trying for 2 days to think of what to say about Elt. Finally I realized if you knew Elt he made an impression on your life. If you didn't have the honor of having met him you won't understand what a character he was.Especially as a young trapper he had a tremendous impact on me.I remember how broken up he was when our friend Mark Reese was taken from us way too young by cancer. Hopefully ther are animals to trap in heaven and Mark and him can have some fun.
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