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Cleaning guns that are not used?


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2021
North Mississippi
My Grandfather and Grandmother both left me their guns after passing. Actually, I got them when they were no longer able to use them. They only owned shotguns and a couple 22’s and I never use them. I’ve had them in my safe for almost twenty years. How often should I be cleaning or at least oiling them. I sold one to a friend a few years back and regretted it afterwards. I have no intention in selling anymore.
The guns:
1958, 1954 Browning Belgium made 16 gauge Autos
Remington 1100 12 gauge magnum
(2) Remington 1100 12 gauge 2 3/4
Remington model 514 22lr/22 short bolt action
The one I sold.
1959 Browning 12 gauge A5 magnum 32 extra full choke.
It would be a shame to not use them. So every year hunt a weekend with them then clean them when you get home
I do need to make the time to use them. I have many well intentioned plans to get back into small game hunting, raise some beagles and go after some swamp rabbits and even bust some squirrels. Even thought about putting a slug barrel on grannies 1100 magnum for deer. I’ll burn up some shotgun shells in the meantime! 👍
A lot depends on where you live. Great Plains are very dry. Guns don't require much attention. Midwest or Southeast is a different matter! I've heard guys store guns with silicon sachets to help control humidity. Anybody tried that?
At the end of my hunting seasons each fall, usually in late December, i pull everything out of my safe for a cleaning. Even the ones I didn’t use. Each firearm gets at least a wipe down and a patch down the barrel with a light coat of oil.
I do a complete gun safe cleaning 2 times a year. Wether they are shoot or not. Everything gets cleaned.

1 in the heat of summer.

1 in dead of winter.

Takes me about 4 hours or so each time.
At the end of my hunting seasons each fall, usually in late December, i pull everything out of my safe for a cleaning. Even the ones I didn’t use. Each firearm gets at least a wipe down and a patch down the barrel with a light coat of oil.
I do wipe them down every winter after hunting season, I was talking more of breaking them apart and deep cleaning.
A lot depends on where you live. Great Plains are very dry. Guns don't require much attention. Midwest or Southeast is a different matter! I've heard guys store guns with silicon sachets to help control humidity. Anybody tried that?
Hornady makes a silica gel box that I used when I lived in the Midwest. It was pretty cool, they changed color when they absorbed moisture. All you needed to do was throw it in the oven and let it bake off the moisture and pop it back into the safe.
I use this on every gun. All my handguns too. I have mane guns i have never shot or rarely shoot. All my guns get this when stored. Couple times a year I work the action. But this is the best out there. Easy to use ( only us e a little)

A lot depends on where you live. Great Plains are very dry. Guns don't require much attention. Midwest or Southeast is a different matter! I've heard guys store guns with silicon sachets to help control humidity. Anybody tried that?
Yes if not using a dehumidifier, then packs or containers of desiccant but they need periodic checking and redrying. Also after cleaning put firearms in those silicone infused sackups. Seem to work
I grew up with a Rem 514, so I have a soft spot for that one. Fun, and accurate little rifles!

I've got one as well, my mom and her siblings learned to shoot with it when she was a kid, then I used it, now i've got my girls on it. Fun little rifle for sure!
I'd wear some of those food handler's gloves during the process. if you oil the bore store the gun muzzle down and plug it with a cork. IMO it's not really necessary to deep clean if you don't use them. Just inspect and treat appropriately.
I do wipe them down every winter after hunting season, I was talking more of breaking them apart and deep cleaning.
If you aren't shooting them a TON then there is zero reason to deep clean. Just inspect for.rust annually and give them a fresh wipe.down with a very light coat of oil and return to the safe.
There are about a dozen decent methods to prevent moisture/rust while in storage. Make sure to use one and check on it once or twice a year.
If your safe is in a climate controlled area install a golden rod. Wipe them down and put them in a gun sock..they be good for a while...I have stuff I haven't touched in at least 2 years looks fine. YMMV
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