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Classic western Lever gun?

Well there is this

I don't remember what the Russian caliber was, but this would definitely be interesting.

The Russians ordered 300,000 rifles chambered in 7.62x54r, of which like 295,000 were delivered. They took stripper clips.

Having just got a Winchester M94 in 30-30, I would have to say get the Marlin M336.
I find that the forend on the M94 is way too thin and I have trouble holding on to it whilst working the action.
With the Marlin it is also easier to disassemble and clean the bore from the rear.
Many hunters assume that the old 30-30 is a short range brush cartridge. But by hand loading the Sierra spitzer 125 grain bullets, shots out to about 250 yards are within reason. I sight in for a zero of three inches high at 100 yards. This makes for a decent antelope rifle assuming scope sight is used. - TR

Many hunters assume that the old 30-30 is a short range brush cartridge. But by hand loading the Sierra spitzer 125 grain bullets, shots out to about 250 yards are within reason. I sight in for a zero of three inches high at 100 yards. This makes for a decent antelope rifle assuming scope sight is used. - TR

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What kind of gun are you using those in? And are you loading the magazine or single loading, if it is a repeater?
I'd go with a Savage 99 in 300 Savage for western hunting. Ammo isn't cheap, but it is still around. Rotary magazine means not being stuck with FTX's or flat noses, and I do find them to be sleek and enjoyable to carry. It's a legitimate 300 yard lever gun who was ahead of its time, and you can find some nice ones for a good price.
Mossberg 464 is a keeper! 30-30 is the Prince of the forests and foothills where shots rarely exceed 150 yards or so. TRhog 6.JPG

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