
Classic western Lever gun?

WA doesn't really have used gun stores anymore as best I can tell...

Pawnshops were a bust every time in went in one.
Good one in Ellensburg. I forget the name. On your left if you are on the main drag heading to CWU. A smallish white cinder block place.

Watch for the Lewis and Clark Trader gun shows. Their calendar is online. Lots of old lever guns. A couple of tables who specialize in it. You may have to drive to Spokane Fairgrounds for that
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For Neffa, I'd say the 95 Win in either 30-40 Krags or 30 Gov't.

Or quit being a slave to the ammo industrial complex and come to dark side and start reloading then you can shoot really cool cartridges.
One of my dad's hunting buddies had one of each. He was the reason my dad felt his 30-30 was not enough gun for muleys.
You realize that Fender makes a chit ton of dough relic'n new strats & telecasters...Murphy Lab doin the same with Les Pauls . . .

....color case in your trick bag, cough
I'd love to see someone take a bite out of Turnbull's monopoly. They are setting their own price.
Just FYI lever guns do not come with 3 position safeties…

Or any

Basically they give OSHA nightmares ;)
I see your wink Will, so I'm not slamming you.

I won a new production 1886 Winchester in 45-70 at an RMEF banquet. The lawyers have added a tang safety. The only gun I've ever sold.
1) Can't put a tang sight on it.
2) If you aren't man enough to understand a rebound hammer, you should not be in the woods.
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Two lever guns still have slots reserved in the safe.

Vintage Mod 71 in 348.
-- I see that there are a few sellers with Starline 348 or 50-110 brass in stock.

Modern Marlin 1895 XLR in 45-70
-- It would get a @p_ham makeover. Big loop and full length tube.
.30-30 is enough gun for any muley that ever walked this planet.
Dad took a mule deer almost every year back in the 1950's and 60's with his 30-30 Winchester ... and a proudly head-shot grouse one time.
As a teen I missed out on one of the biggest, most heavily antlered bull elk I have ever encountered, as my glove caught the hammer as I attempted to fire at this close-range elk.
It still gives me shot-failure nightmares!
I started with a 30-30, the first buck I shot I hit it in the shoulder, didn't break a single bone but caused him to stumble, the hill was so steep he didn't recover and broke his back during the fall...

But I still think it's the right cartridge
Caribou Gear

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