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Changing caliber on a classic gun


Active member
Oct 7, 2017
California (for now)
I have owned a pre 64 model 70 featherweight 30-06 forever. It basically became a safe queen around 1980. I still shoot it every year but don't hunt with it much. It was never a real tack driver but I did take a lot of deer with it. Now that we have to shoot non toxic (the gun doesn't shoot it well) and the fact I always wanted a 280 I once again made some calls to a local gunsmith to discuss a new barrel in 280 as well as some other improvements. Just like I was told 40 years ago the gunsmith doesn't like messing with a classic gun and thinks if I want a 280 I should just buy it or use some other action for a custom build.
I used to read Outdoor Life and Jim Carmichel did this exact same thing to a pre 64 model 70. He said that custom 280 was his favorite gun for deer sized animals. I still think I want to turn the gun in to something I would actually use instead of something that just punches paper every year. If my other guns are more accurate I have a hard time taking the old model 70 hunting.
Why not change the gun to something I would actually hunt with? It isn't that valuable as far as classic guns go.
I think I will make a few more calls to other gunsmiths.
It’s your gun I’d do what you want and turn it into a 280 and get some use. I’m sure you could find a gunsmith who would do it for you
Exactly! I would keep the original barrel and sights together. You could have the action cleaned up and finished in bluing or something else that you like so that it matches your new barrel. Depending on what you wish to do, a complete clean-up of the checkering and refinishing the stock would really set it apart. Hey it's your rifle and you do what you want. You could get a nice synthetic stock with an aluminum bedding block in it to put the action into. Of course you deserve to get a new scope. That might be nice. Maybe a laminated stock, say nutmeg brown colors, and have it checkered. That would look sharp.

If the laminate does not have a aluminum bedding block, maybe pillar and glass bed the stock. Oh there are so many ways you could go! Your choice of calibers sets my heart aflutter also! The 280 Remington is an absolute sweetheart of a cartridge. When I did something similar to this to a donor Model 70 (270 Win) that I found, I had initially thought about going 280 Remington but then my wheels got to spinning and I thought that a 280AI sure would be neat to have. Kind of a super special 280 Remington. So that is what I did. I went with a 24" 1-9 twist Shilen match grade barrel with the same contour or just about the same as the factory barrel. I love that rifle and am so glad that I did it.

I say go for it and DO NOT let anyone talk you out of it. You will love your new (improved) rifle and you will build many memories to last a lifetime. Be a pretty special thing to give to one of your son's or daughters when they got bigger, maybe adults so you get some use out of it, and then they can use it for many many years to come. DO IT!


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I like nostalgia, but I like guns that I can/want to use even more. Not sure why the 30-06 doesn’t suit your needs, it’s a great caliber, but there are lots of great calibers, and if you want something else then go for it. I’m jonesing for another .270 (my daughter has taken over mine) or a 7/08, .260, or (gasp!) 6.5 man bun for a light recoiling deer and “fun gun”. By no means needed, just want to try something different.

I will eventually own a pretty wood stocked rifle (I have 3 old wood stocked rifles that were heirlooms handed down to me with lots of “character”), but I mainly gravitate towards my stainless/synthetic 30-06/308 rifles that are more accurate and “rugged” than my older guns. The heirlooms get hunted with occasionally, but usually in thicker timber where shots will be close and precision is less important. If I could reasonably rebarrel and restore the 760 then I would consider that, but that would be more expensive than it’s worth
It's not that a 30-06 wouldn't work it is just the way the gun is set up it doesn't work for me now. Someone famous once said "only accurate guns are interesting" so it is not interesting as is. I don't really want to sell it since I have owned it so long but I would like to use it. A 30-06 barrel would not be out of the question. I always liked the 280 but never owned one. I am not the only guy that has a 60 year old gun that won't shoot copper very well. I know 2 hunters who gave up on older rifles and purchased new ones for copper.
One gunsmith a few years ago wanted to rework the original stock and keep the gun looking original if he did the work. That is OK with me but a new barrel is where I think I will start if I find someone I trust. Unfortunately at my age the gunsmiths I used to trust are not in business any longer.
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If it’s not accurate and you want a 280 I’d recommend a rebarrel. Don’t overlook the 280AI either.
Contact Lee Christianson. He is a M70 guru and will definitely get you fixed up. Have him rework the factory trigger also.
It's not that a 30-06 wouldn't work it is just the way the gun is set up it doesn't work for me now. Someone famous once said "only accurate guns are interesting" so it is not interesting as is. I don't really want to sell it since I have owned it so long but I would like to use it. A 30-06 barrel would not be out of the question. I always liked the 280 but never owned one. I am not the only guy that has a 60 year old gun that won't shoot copper very well. I know 2 hunters who gave up on older rifles and purchased new ones for copper.
One gunsmith a few years ago wanted to rework the original stock and keep the gun looking original if he did the work. That is OK with me but a new barrel is where I think I will start if I find someone I trust. Unfortunately at my age the gunsmiths I used to trust are not in business any longer.
Yeah, me and Col. Townsend Wheeler see eye to eye on your quote about accurate guns, so I definitely feel you
Do it I don't think you will regret. I am not a model 70 expert but I love the bluing on the old ones. Not sure when they changed process and I think feather weight has aluminum parts. In your search for gunsmith I would consider how it will be blued. Also if you reload another vote for 280AI. One of my favorites.
I look at it this way, it’s a Classic but not rare. That and it’s mine.
Ive got a Model 70 Super Grade RMEF that could be a safe queen, it’s that pretty. Dropped it in a laminated stock and took her out hunting. Turned our to be one of my favorite rifles.
I have a fluted SS barrel installed and drop it in a good synthetic stock. Work up a great 280 load and enjoy your old safe queen.
Another vote for barrel in 280.
And several makers out there that produce fine barrels without breaking the bank.
Douglas and E.R. Shaw come to mind right off the bat.
Both capable of fine accuracy, especially for a hunting rifle.
Of course non of this makes any sense because my other model 70 is the most powerful deer gun ever made. 7mm Rem mag. ;)
I also shoot a 7mm-08 so I would have 3 different 7mm rifles.
Big fan of the .280, mine was my primary big game rifle for 20 years. Now my son uses it while I use a rifle I had a different barrel put on. I loved the gun, but needed a different caliber. If you like the rifle, you’ll love it with a new barrel on it.
I was in most of your situation until this month. Dads old Ruger tang safety never shot well. A 3 shot group would be baseball sized normally. I was about to send the gun to JES reboring to turn it into a 35 Whelan. I tried one more load before sending it out - my magic 150 grain 06 load that goes about 3050 FPS- problem solved. 5 shots about an inch group at 100 and right on at 225 yards. Good enough to hunt.


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