Naw you see what happens, as I understand it, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing so an illegal alien can get various benefits in a "stovepipe environment" where one agency never makes the connection with another and eventually identify and correct the problem. Legals do much the same thing and make out like bandits. I know a family of seven who at the time, three years ago, were taking home $2,700.00 in cash and foodstamps monthly plus had all their medical bills paid for by the state. That gets real expensive real fast. And you can't get a handle on it until you got them tagged and trackable. Here in my area a single person can go to one office and pick up $300 plus dollars in food stamps and $107.00 in cash. In another area he can get his utility bills paid if he claims it is for heating. Then he can get himself a place to live with the rent based on his income or in this case free. A trip to the hospital ER with a complaint will get him a free check up and meds for what ails him. And so on. Do any of these offices ever ask the applicant if they are a citizen?