CJ soapbox [illegals]

Naw you see what happens, as I understand it, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing so an illegal alien can get various benefits in a "stovepipe environment" where one agency never makes the connection with another and eventually identify and correct the problem. Legals do much the same thing and make out like bandits. I know a family of seven who at the time, three years ago, were taking home $2,700.00 in cash and foodstamps monthly plus had all their medical bills paid for by the state. That gets real expensive real fast. And you can't get a handle on it until you got them tagged and trackable. Here in my area a single person can go to one office and pick up $300 plus dollars in food stamps and $107.00 in cash. In another area he can get his utility bills paid if he claims it is for heating. Then he can get himself a place to live with the rent based on his income or in this case free. A trip to the hospital ER with a complaint will get him a free check up and meds for what ails him. And so on. Do any of these offices ever ask the applicant if they are a citizen?
Washington Hunter, you have hit it on the head, Yes it`s not all of GW Bushs fault, However HE is the one in charge right now, and instead of taking care of the problem as he can, he makes "deals" with his buddy Vincente Fox![on immigration] He Sucks IMO and will never get my vote! I also heard today that he will allow Mexicans to cross the border with out being photograghed or fingerprinted, if they "promise" to stay near the border! He is out of his F$#%$#^cking Mind! [another Fox deal] By the way another 3 illegal stash house were found today! thats something like 2 weeks straight they have busted stash houses and i am not exagerating this, its on the news every single day! just ask anyone who lives in AZ.

[ 03-05-2004, 18:11: Message edited by: cjcj ]
Have you ever thought of bringing this up at a AZG&F "Round Table"? We mostly talk about fishing at these meetings, but I'm sure that the "undocumented" types fish here illegally too! Delw should fill you in with the time and date if you like. If not, I'll do my best to tell ya when the next meeting is.
John, we already know that illegals can get a "resident" fishing licence just by living in the state for 6 mo. so there is nothing that can be done about it[except deport them]. and that is not a function of AZGF. Phil a "stash house" is where the smugglers keep a large group of illegals before "distribution".
Now we have found out from Tom Horne [head of all schools in AZ] that Mexico is Busing their kids into AZ [lukeville AZ] for a free education! Taxpayers [property tax] pick up the tab, Mr. Horne who was elected on his "English Only" stance for public schools has asked our Attorney General Terry Godderd to investigate this Fraud! Bets are he won`t do Jackshit about it.
What you should really be upset about CJCJ is what else that report said.. Several of the crossing students are among the best in the school. Several have already qualified to attend Universities around the country.. Now doesn't that frost your balls?? These illegals come in here, get educated and actually are smarter than the kids who live here.. I wonder if incentive has anything to do with it?

You guys know what I'm thinking? Why not let the kids attend the school and clip them for the tuition that any other student would pay whose residence is outside the district? Either some liberal will pony up the dough on their behalf or they will quit coming once identified as a rider; riding the short bus and licking the windows!
Well Danr55 no doubt that the "illegals' are maybee more motivated, more than likely the schools in ajo/lukeville are much better than what they get in Mexico free lunches etc. its hard to tell in this case since its such a small school [97 students?] but you do make a very interesting point, i remember reading a article somewhere about a bunch of asian schoolchildren who were testing way above our own kids in the same environment, but yes sir it always "frosts my balls" when "anyone" reaps the rewards of the U.S.A. without paying into that system, just like the new soc. security proposal that will allow illegals to retire in mexico and collect "full" S.S benifits after working as little as ten years. I am almost sure that i am fighting a lost cause on illegal immigration because the majority of our elected anti-American polititions don`t give a rats ass as to what the majority of the American people think, hell i`m even reading polls where alot of liberals are againt amnesty and want illegal immigration stopped. but i have to still go down fighting. [just my nature]
Another stash/drophouse busted, this time in peoria az, 75 illegals ran from the scene 29 were caught, the homeowner was pissed as he had just remodeled the home [$20,000. 2 weeks ago] and he stopped by to check on things, he found his house "trashed" and unlivable new carpet ruined, bathroom, shit everywhere, windows boarded up,etc. He said as a warning, be carefull who you rent to, and check out your investment daily instead of weekly.
Well 2Fast, your guarantee is good on this one! just off the "wire" 50 illegals busted at a hotel near power and main in Mesa AZ, i think it was the 3 star inn or something?, Damn we sure are the hub for illegal alien activity arn`t we?, also i think alot of citizens are getting tired of this crap and reporting it more.
cjcj the funny thing is that ain't the one I was talking about. There will be more and yeah people are tired of it and turning them in. You know the funny thing is acouple of years ago I know someone that turned in several places for suspicious activity but nothing was done about it. INS just blew me.... I mean them off. It looks like the climate has changed lately.
Well we just had an illegal busted for "molesting" a 10 yr. old girl! He was driving an ice cream truck in mesa and pulled the young girl into the truck as she reached for some gum, he was 19 and has only been in the country a short time! thats one "Huge" reason that we as a country cannot allow people to come here without background checks [passports/visa etc.] this is not an isolated incident, this happens way to often, buy the mainstream news doesn`t want to get to many of us upset, so they downplay the "illegal" part of the story! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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