CJ soapbox [illegals]

How about this...is it really getting better????

Increased border enforcement called a partial success; efforts to continue

Susan Carroll
Republic Tucson Bureau
Sept. 21, 2004 04:50 PM

TUCSON - A top Department of Homeland Security official said the government's recent push to secure Arizona's border has resulted in more arrests of undocumented immigrants and people smugglers.

Asa Hutchinson, the undersecretary for DHS, said Tuesday that the Arizona Border Control Initiative has led to more than 350,000 arrests since March - a 56 percent increase from the same period last year - in the Border Patrol's Tucson and Yuma Sectors, which include all of Arizona and a small portion of California.

As part of the initiative, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona received more agents and resources, resulting in a 45 percent increase in felony prosecutions here during the operation, up to 1,431 compared with 973 at the same time during the previous year.

"I'm not here today saying we fixed the problem," he told reporters. "I'm saying we've made progress."

In March, Hutchinson announced plans to ship 200 permanent agents, 60 temporary agents, four helicopters and two unmanned drones to the Arizona border. In July, the agency added a repatriation program that offered captured border-crossers free flights into Mexico's interior, at a cost of $13 million. Officials in Washington, D.C., said the estimated cost of the operation is more than $29 million, but could not give a specific figure.

The initiative's goal was to gain control Arizona's porous, 350-mile border, the most popular gateway for illegal entry into the United States. It accounts for 40 percent of all arrests. The agency also aimed to reduce the number of deaths, but set another record in Arizona this year, with at least 168 bodies and skeletal remains reported by the U.S. Border Patrol since Oct. 1.

"Migrant deaths are still too high," Hutchinson said. "One death is too many."

The Border Patrol plans to keep the 200 agents and four helicopters permanently assigned to the Tucson as part of the initiative, but likely will ship the 60 temporary agents to other areas of the Southwest border at the end of the hotter months, officials said. The interior repatriation program is scheduled to end in late September or early October and may be started again next year, Hutchinson said. The unmanned drones, another test project, will also end Sept. 30.

In a meeting Monday with Hutchinson, Tucson Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas and other Tucson religious leaders called for a change in immigration policy, saying the current system is "broken and needs to be fixed."

Kicanas advocated creating more legal channels for immigrants and offering a path to legal residency for undocumented immigrants already living in the United States.
I've been really busy and missed the news since last time I posted. I caught it today and they stopped another car for traffic violations on I-80,finley township. 17 illegals from Mexico ranging in age from 40yrs to 6 months.

When I use to fish lake ontario I'd stop at the local bait shop/store and they had a sign up that said something to the effect of "only two pickers allowed in the store at a time". At the time I thought thats bullshit. Now I realize that they couldn't bitch about it cause they were probably illegals. don
We just had a Huge bust at our MVD. here in AZ...A bunch of dirty no good scum "agents" were selling "Real" drivers licences to drug dealers/coyotes aka human smugglers/ illegals,... now this is "treason" I.M.O. they face Federal and state fraud charges......looks like the anti prop 200 crowd has a problem..... I would list the names of the MVD agents that were busted..... but I would probably be called a "racist".... :confused: :eek: :mad: :mad:
Haven't caught the news since thursday, guess what, car stopped for traffic violations,5 people in it, two females, three males. The males were illegals from Equador(sp). I'll quit posting these now but I wonder how many illegals are really in this country. They aren't all bad drivers.don
Yeppers Pa Mt Man we have "drop Houses" with 20-30 illegals found almost every day, here in phx. metro, I don`t even bother posting them and the news hardly cares its so common anymore, Unless there is a Murder/Robbery /Rape involved they don`t report it ,in fact with this proposition 200 coming up for a vote, the main stream "liberal" news media avoids using the term "illegal" altogether, they prefer to "lump" all hispanics together which is very,very sad and unfair to Americans of hispanic decent.
How many illegals here? I don't know, but I know an example. A retired buddy stayed on a 13,000 acre ranch out in west Texas near where Mexico goes pretty far north before it hits the US. Its pretty remote, so its a good place for an illegal to cross, I guess. There is a train track less than 10 miles from the border.

The border patrol told my buddy they catch about 25,000 per year by stopping the train and inspecting cars for illegals. Its a major cost just to do that and get them back to Mexico. Then they turn around and repeat it. They don't have id cards or anything, so they don't even know the repeat offenders well.
I'm sure you're thrilled about this one CJCJ.

Car lot employees accused of aiding smugglers

Jacques Billeaud
Associated Press
Oct. 4, 2004 04:48 PM

Twenty-one employees of used car lots were indicted on charges they helped sell vehicles to smugglers who sneak drugs and illegal immigrants into Arizona from Mexico, prosecutors said Monday.

The used car dealers put false names on the titles of vehicles sold to smugglers and created fake liens so that automobiles seized near the border would revert back to dealers, authorities said.

Prosecutors said the cases take aim at a key part of the smuggling trade: transporting migrants to Phoenix and other points after they have walked across the border.

"A really critical link has been broken," said Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, whose office led the investigation.

For the last year, authorities have tried to make business harder for smugglers and to reduce related violence in Phoenix, a hub for transporting immigrants to other parts of the country.

Goddard said the scheme to supply smugglers with cars is a sign of their creativity. Previously, smugglers often stole vehicles for their operations.

Authorities said they didn't know how prevalent the scheme was in the smuggling business.

Selling cars to smugglers, called coyotes, also was lucrative for the accused dealers, some of whom saw their revenues increase fivefold, Goddard said.

Eleven small car lots in metropolitan Phoenix and 400 vehicles were seized as part of the alleged scheme.

Some of those accused of taking part in the alleged scheme also were charged with money laundering and conspiracy to transport drugs.

In a separate but related case, seven other people were indicted on federal charges of conspiracy to smuggle immigrants.

The smuggling operation was discovered while the investigation of the car lots was being conducted, authorities said.

Some of the seven held high ranks within their smuggling organizations, said U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton.
Yes Guppie9 that is good news that they nailed some of them....But our "Gay Boy" attorney general is real wimpy on illegals.. he must have been forced to help with the sting... It is truly sad the extent of how far this illegal immigration problem goes....We actualy have a group of politition fighting [prop200] and they are liars and con men/woman... our Governor is trying to stop it ...they are lying and putting out "misinformation" about this voter referendum....and they are throwing big money in an effort to stop it [prop 200] from passing...if they are succesfull i might just stop voting!
CJ stop voting and you've let the carpet mucher and the like win. It is disgusting though to see criminals being protected by our elected officals, hard to believe that someone who swore to uphold our laws is breaking or helping others break them at EVERY chance.

BTW Damn good job on the investigators that busted that ring
Yeah...it makes me happy that I don't live in Arizona anymore. That and the fact that I could never draw a tag if I still lived there.

We're pretty lucky in AK...not many Canadians trying to sneak across the border!!!!

And CJ...don't ever stop voting.
Thanks April that just shows what an Anti-American jerk Mike the Moron is...i guess he supports fraud in our government...what in the hell is he doing talking about AZ issues? what a "pathetic" worthless bastard he is...
Another reason to hate lawyers...Grant Woods political whore and former AZ att. general... is trying to make sure our votes don`t count.. on [prop 200] this ballot inititive has been approved and validated by the state recorders office as having enough valid signatures to get on the ballot [which it is] and be voted on by the people... with less than 2 weeks before the election they Woods/Jack Napalitano, and other liberals are so afraid it will pass... that they are trying to stop the votes from even counting....If they are allowed to get away with this...Why even Vote?
Just an update [prop 200] a state mandate that is designed to stop Illegals from receiving "state benefits" has survived another [the 3rd] court challenge.... The Judge said it is on the ballot and the votes WILL count...Now the anti- prop 200] group is throwing a bunch of cash at it...with misleading adds. full of outright lies and misinformation...I can`t wait to see the results on tuesday...win or lose the people have spoken!!
Prop 200 passes easily...but the liberal freaks just can`t accept what the people want...Alfredo Guttierez called it "Racist" legislation...and vowed to fight it in court....Funny it says right in the propisition that the law must be enforced regardless of race,religion,creed etc.....man some people are just SORE losers..the people have spoken... [to bad the courts will screw us]
Mexico passed the exact same law years ago, to where you are required proof to show your residency before you can vote or get bennies in mexico

We had over 235 illegals rounded up at various bus stations in the phx. area last week.....last night in "El Mirage" AZ they found over 70 illegals that didn`t speak Spanish or english... they spoke Korean! man thats weird! they said they came up thru Mexico.
Well we had another routine shooting at I-17 and glendale ave.[Phx.] 2 hispanics no doubt illegals...we have over 4,000. illegals who are all criminals..that have been ordered "Deported" for various crimes. ...These shootings happen all day everyday in Phx. Metro..
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