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CJ soapbox [illegals]

See there CJ. My point exactly is that the Hispanic Citizen's vote will do Bush in over this because they will perceive this to be either a deportation move or they will be upset over the perception of an easy path to citizenship; which they themselves did not have. Bush has castrated himself with this one.
What's your take on this? Sounds like America's toughest sheriff is also Mexico's toughest sheriff now.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"My point is if you come here illegally and you are going to receive benefits from this great country, the United States of America, you should follow the law and register for the Selective Service. And if you get called up, you should fight for this country,"Arpaio said. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

full story--
Sheriff Joe

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-13-2004 14:53: Message edited by: cfree ]</font>
The last thing we need is a bunch of Felony lawbreakers in our military! And no matter how you slice it GW Bush is giving illegal felony lawbreakers a form of "amnesty", and to think for a second that they don`t/won`t stay here is totally naive. 90% who come here stay here,why would they go back to the poverty ridden shithole that they came from? remember there is no draft, so old sherriff "blow' are pie hole in once again blowing it out his ass!
why are we rewarding criminals???? it is against the law! none of them pay taxes, have insurance and they run to the emergency rooms every time they have a cold and us taxpayers keep getting stuck with the bills while they send their money back to mexico. they contribute nothing to this country so why shouldn't they be treated like criminals? send them back once when they are caught here illegally, the second time they are caught throw their sorry asses in jail.
The 2nd time they are caught?? From what I've seen they may be caught every week and returned to Mexico just to reappear again! I think the average annual cost of incarcerating one body is around $65,000,00 which is probably about twice the cost of just leaving them alone!
And that is pretty much the way it has been going!
Wait; I think I have found a solution! Strike an agreement with Mexico and allow them to nationalize all American owned investments and property. In turn we will grant all illegal Mexican nationals US citizenship. Now all the industry and money will be in Mexico and we can let our new citizens cross the border to get a freakin job in say a Mexican Radio Shack or Tandy electronics factory or maybe a shoe factory!
paws, good point, it would be real costly throwing them in jail. they are already costing us too much now. maybe we should make them legal that way they can start paying back some of what they are bilking from us in medical costs and other welfare programs. i'd be willing to bet that once they start getting deductions out of their paychecks ,it won't be long before they will be crying for raises because right now they are making out by not having any deductions. wait till they lose 100.00 or more a week and lets see how long they stay quiet. also by making them legal the govt. can keep tabs on them ,just like they do with us. this might not be a bad idea afterall.
Another "officer" critical! after being hit head-on by an "illegal" on the i-17 today! We had an "illegal' from mexico driving his white mustang the WRONG WAY on i-17 today he hit a Phx. police officer who was on his way to work, the illegal is dead and the officer is fighting for his life at the hospital, only ch-15 told the "truth" about the "illegal" none of the others mentioned the fact that he was illegal, so i called everyone of them and told them to start reporting the facts, and stop this politically correct bullshit! they go out of their way around here to hide crimes that illegals commit [its sickening]
Well guys heres another sad story, this time it's my Mom's.

My 84 year old mothers washing machine is broke so Tuesday night she loads her laundry in her car to drive to the Laundry mat (1\2 mile away) and takes my 10 year old daughter with her to help. She's heading up the road 2 blocks from her house and a guyt pulls out in front of her and she hits him.

He was cited, he was in the wrong, but guess what? 17 years old, no lisence, no insurance, no citizenship. He wasn't even arrested.
So now what recourse does my mother have? (that's a retorical question)
You know fastnaz I just might consider filing a civil suit against the INS. At 17 the perp is a minor and I'm sure that he is subject to "somebody's" supervision. If the insurance pays I'd sue for the deductible plus a million in punitive damages.
Yep Fast, it just plain sucks! your mom has to pay and the illegal punk gets off scott free, and the sad part is this happens many times a day every day, and the press refuses to report on it`s[frequency] and the illegal doesn`t even worry about I.N.S. or the law, it`s a "massive" cover up by the liberal press, and some cops i know say it would cause a "revolution" in this country if we knew how much crime went hand in hand with illegals. I`m glad none of your family was hurt in the accident.
Now ,I dont have a PHD ,but I think the answer to this would be simple. As we all know, we are responsible for our family debts. Now scince we do not know the legals relationship to the illegals. We ought to make the legals pay for the Bills the illegals make and walk away from. About 6 months of this and the legals would be at the border shooting the illegals. problem solved. All we would have to supply is a creamatory. In the process we would surily loose some of the legals.
Its the legals that push for leaner imigration laws, so their relatives can come up here to abuse or system ,let them pay for it.
Im talking about hispanics, that came up here ,and got legal .then had their families come up here illegally. Of course ,I am not talking about ,an American hispanic that was born here. By that I would be stepping accross the line. A lot of the American born hispanics dont like them either.

And ,Oh yes I have to agree 1000% we are paying for it.

[ 02-07-2004, 06:12: Message edited by: Bill ]
Off topic, just a bit, sort of - from illegals. From the Drudge report, I found this article, indicating at a soccer match between Canada and the US, in Mexico - the Mexican fans started chanting "Osama, Osama...." What a classy way to show their appreciation for the new amnesty/guest worker program that Bush just unveiled (and many Americans are against)

Soccer Game
CJ, Was watching the locate news today, instead of being on this thing, sure enough they talked about the cop in the accident but nothing was mentioned about the guy that hit him other than he was killed. Good Luck, JLG.
Yep JLG it`s sad, they [news] refers to him [the illegal] as simply the "wrong way" driver who was killed his name is something like "manual jesus flores jr." thats as close as i can get to his name, i called ch`s 3,5,10,12,15 and told them that it is simply unacceptable that they ignore the fact that this "killer" was an illegal and that they know it and have failed to give the public the facts. they won`t even call him "undocumented" althought after my calls ch-15 did say his name and they called him a "mexican national" also ch-10 [fox] did mention his name [once]but i have monitored this story and seen it at least 50 times, in the morning/noon/evening and only saw him [flores] mentioned twice, its really pathetic.
Just as an afterthought we have had 3 major drug busts out here on the west side in the last week, all three were being run by illegals and the news never mentioned that either! but they did mention that DEA had followed a van from the mexican border that led to the largest bust in phx. history! You see we must not upset the illegal community.
That bust at 83rd ave and McDowell was 2 miles from my house. I am in the process of getting my ducks in order to get out of this area. The only problem is it will not be far enough. I will probably end up somewhere in your neck of the woods, but that makes my drive into work 15/20 minutes longer. I have two places right next to each other, so right now my tenants, are cleaning up one of my places in exchange for rent. Should be ready to sell by the end of the year maybe sooner. I have a lot of interior renovation to do on mine, so it will be a couple of years. My wife has been on me for about 5/6 years to move and now its, something I want too. I just don't want to roped into a monster house payment, with my wife 15 years away from retiring and me still have 25 to go. I got a plan, just need to do it. CJ, are you still thinking about moving? I think it was Utah? Good Luck, JLG.
JLG: I feel your pain. We're in the same hood, mom's wreck was at 51st and Encanto. The bust wasn't far from us. Seems every night they have a gun fight or find someone dead in our neighborhood.

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