
Chukar in SW ID??


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
Might be heading that way next weekend and was wondering what the bird numbers have been like this year??
Thanks for the info!!! I'm gonna find out for sure today if we're heading that way or not. If so, we're gonna help thin the numbers regardless of rain, mud, and snow! ;)
I was out tromping about today..........It'll be tough getting into a number of areas like 37 advocated. I have some lower accesible areas that have some birds tho.
Hollar if you are coming.
F&G to release chukars at C.J. Strike


Edition Date: 01-04-2006
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The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will release 1,500 pen-raised chukars at C.J. Strike Wildlife Management Area in the first three weeks of January.

The chukar releases are an experiment to add another hunting opportunity at C.J. Strike, a popular spot for pheasants and quail.

Hunters can pursue chukars without a WMA permit, but they must have a 2006 hunting license.

F&G will have three weekly releases of about 500 birds each but won't announce when or exactly where the chukars will be released.

Chukar limits on C.J. Strike WMA will be three per day and six in possession through the end of the season, Jan. 31. The limits are eight and 16 elsewhere in the state.

The size of the WMA and its varied habitats provide ideal conditions for dispersing hunters as they pursue pen-raised birds, said Jeff Gould, F&G Lands Program Manager.

F&G will evaluate hunter success and satisfaction during field interviews.

WMA pheasant hunters will be surveyed statewide by phone and asked whether they prefer a mixed bag opportunity at the WMAs they hunt.

Additional information about C.J. Strike WMA can be found in the WMA section of the department's Web site at
1 Pointer,

if all else fails, head up the Middle Fork of the Boise road (towards Atlanta) The road is usually open year round. Drive up the road until it feels right, then get out and hit the hills.
Thanks for the info fellas. Just got off the phone with my pard and he's a bit worried about the Owyhee (sp?) 'gumbo', so we aren't heading that way. Instead, we're gonna try our luck at early steelhead fishing at Orofino. A friend of his from Moscow caught three this past Saturday. We may head up to Moscow after the fishing and see if there's a hun or two...
The Owyhee gumbo wasn't too bad today (1/12). The ground was frozen when we started and only getting a little soft when we were done. I got three chukars with one shot! A first for me!

Here's what happened. The wind was blowing about 15 miles an hour and Scout and I couldn't find any chukars until we got into the bottom of some draws. On one of her points about 50 birds got up at once in a real narrow draw with a straight up rock wall on the other side. They couldn't spread out and were flying in real tight formation. I picked one out and touched off a load of 7 1/2s and three fell! Surprised me so much I didn't even get off the second shot. Just as well. If I'd got three more with the second shot I woulda been over my limit! :D Scout couldn't believe it either! I had a tough time convincing her there was a third bird out there to retreive! :D
I wish it wasn't so muddy, as I love chasing chukars. Congrats on the triple. However, I did get to catch a wild-run steelhead (no pics), shot my first hun, my first goose, and my first limit of geese. Not a bad weekend.

My buddy just moved to Burley and is looking for a good Drathaar pup, know any good breeders in ID?

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