chronicaly wasted one....


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Slid and arrow through one yesterday morning. Not the real big boys I have been seeing but i had about 2.2 seconds to look him over before i released due to the thick cover and trotting buck. I will get the story and pics posted soon, and the hat showed up way better than it did in Moosies elk pics! Just kidding, you aint gonna live that one down bro! Anyway he is just an average WT but with only one weekend left i guess it will do. I will try to post them tommorrow.
WTG, Schmalts! Looking forward to the pics.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-10-2002 22:55: Message edited by: Colorado Oak ]</font>
Heres the story.. Got in a tree stand 20 yrds off a little field and as it was just light enough to see a real big 8 (140ish)came from behind and winded me. He made a big circle around me and went out sniffing in the field for some hair pie. I tried to grunt him in but he only came half the distance and meandered off the field into some thicker woods. My plan was to move into there after the sun rose anyway so i got down and bolted to a different stand 1/4 mile away to cut him off possibly since i knew he was headed for the thick shit for the daylight hours. I got up there and just knocked up my arrow and hear deer running towards me. I saw the doe but she never got into the shooting lane and turned out of my shooting path.I worried the buck would do the same so I took a chance and grunted once and the buck answered and trotted towards the shooting lane. I drew my bow as i saw him throught he thickets and when he hit the shooting lane i let out a loud fawn bleat with my mouth and he stopped dead. I had to judge him fast cause he was looking right at me so i saw he was better than a 1 1/2 year old at least so i gave him the death beam. I knew he wasnt the big one i saw just 10 minutes ago. I saw the arrow dissapear into the sweet spot and he bolted. He didnt go more than about 40 yrs and i heard nothing, then he ran again and this time crashed a lot. Now i cant see him after he went 10 yrs due to the cover but now im doubting my shot because i was using a rocket with 1 5/8 cutting diameter and he went a ways.
I got down and went to the river to relax a moment to give the deer a little quality time with his new breathing orfice. I saw a real nice rub on a tree and the backgroud was so pretty i took this picture.

Then I hoofed out of there to get my death gear. My buddy saw me and got out of his stand and we got the quads and trailer to go fetch him . On our way in after we parked the quads the big 8 i saw at first light chased a doe right out in front of us at 80 yrds. We got back to the stand and i climbed up and took a pic of the location and you can see a little orange dot in the middle of the pic, thats my bow on the ground and the orange is my fletchings.

We found the arrow right away, a good pass through but one blade broke off. good blood and all but that guy went almost 80 yrds believe it or not with a double lung hit with and expandable.
Anyway, he was smaller than i was hoping for but hell, there was only one weekend left of the early bow season so i guess he will do. Notice the nice clear shot of the hat Moosie, If i sent the pics to you in full resolution you could really see that logo come through... then again the logo came out good in the Goofy photo i sent you too. now i have too wait 2 weeks to hunt with the rifle....

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-11-2002 20:37: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
Congrats! Nice buck. BTW, what kind of camera were you using, those pics are CRYSTAL clear??? Thanks for sharing.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 1_pointer:
Congrats! Nice buck. BTW, what kind of camera were you using, those pics are CRYSTAL clear??? Thanks for sharing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I used a Casio 3.4mp, and i downsized them 60% before posting them so they are much nicer in true form. I really love the digital cameras because you can take a shitload of pics and then sort through them without paying for developing, and you can make sure they turned out too.
Thanks, yes Kiwi, I hope to see one of the big guys rifle season. I have seen more big bucks this year than the last 8 yrs put together. I think it has to do with all the doe we killed last year to close the buck/doe ratio gap.
It will be a long 2 week wait.....
actually i still have yet to post the best hat picture. I will wait to see if moosie wants it in the contest topic instead.

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