Chest Holsters for Lefties?


New member
Apr 29, 2020
Belgrade, MT
Looking for a chest or bino harness holster for a Taurus raging hunter for a lefty that’s normally “in stock”. I have been looking and it looks like I’m going to have to go custom, but I didn’t know if I maybe overlooked something.
Time is of the essence, because if I have to go custom I need to order now in time for fall. I’d be happy to hear everyone’s opinions on the different brands and any insight you may have on a possible in stock lefty holster for my revolver.
Diamond D Leather in Wasilla, AK has leftie versions.

Without asking @Big Fin for permission to post the URL, Google is your friend.
If you are passing through Wasilla, they will fit it for you in the store.
I have used exactly one, and did quite a bit of research before buying. It's the Gunfighter's Inc. Kenai; definitely not cheap but I've been happy. I have worn it under a jacket and pack all day without issue, which isn't that easy to get right.
Razco kydex that attaches to FHF bino pack. I think they also make a stand alone version. Very comfortable, out of the way and handy. I can shoot my bow with it on, no problem.
I have used exactly one, and did quite a bit of research before buying. It's the Gunfighter's Inc. Kenai; definitely not cheap but I've been happy. I have worn it under a jacket and pack all day without issue, which isn't that easy to get right.
Yep. Hands down the best option I have found for carrying a pistol with a pack.
One thing I like about it is it's easy to wear under a rain jacket in bad weather; sure it gets a little steam by it's way more protected than going on the outside.
When I was looking for a left hand chest holster for my S&W M460V a couple of years ago, I wound up with a Diamond D Leather Guides Choice. It is a very nice holster but it was a tight fit and it took some work to get it broken in to quickly and easily draw my revolver. At that time, it took a little over two months to get it.
Razco kydex that attaches to FHF bino pack. I think they also make a stand alone version. Very comfortable, out of the way and handy. I can shoot my bow with it on, no problem.
What’s the weight of the pistol you’re running in your razco?
Are you integrating it with your bino harness somehow? Or are you wearing both “harness” systems at the same time?
I wear my FHF bino harness right over the top of it. No problems at all. I don’t think I have any photos of myself wearing it, but if you look up Beau Baty’s Wyoming elk hunt on Randy’s YouTube channel he’s wearing the exact same setup the way I do.
I Run my AGC over my Kenai and it is ok, I like my bino harness pretty snug though and it’s not super comfortable, still trying to fine tune. It’s way better than attaching directly to the bino harness though. I have also attached it to the pack but then when you are glassing it ends up in the dirt or away from you. It’s all about what works best for you.
I've a couple Diamond D and a couple of Kenai. The oldest DD carried a 454 for 20 years out on the peninsula. Discolored now but otherwise sound. Hard to go wrong with either brand. Never found the crappy weather or several cold water dunking to over a 20 year career to damage the leather if you're inclined to go that way.
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