CCI no. 34 primers

Brian in Montana

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
Ramsay, MT
An acquaintance recently gave me 300 of these. Not sure what to do with them. Probably the closest thing to 7.62mm that I load is .308win. Any reason I couldn't use these in .308? How do they compare to CCI 200s?

I have used them in an AR10 in 22 250 And a Ruger american. They always went bang when I wanted never went bang when I didn't want.
You can probably work up a load for anything needing a large rifle primer with them.
They work just fine in most rifles. They are just a little tougher so you don't have slam fires in certain rifles. As long as your firing pin spring is decent, they will go bang.
If you have a Colt Light Rifle with original firing pin spring, they most likely won't work.
They are magnum so reduce your load by a grain or two and work back up. I have not had any problems with them other than lever guns that have reduced spring tension on the hammer.
I've been using them for several years now in my 7mm-08, as that was all I could find for awhile. I haven't noticed any differences or need to reduce loads from book values, but it's not like I'm running a strain gauge on my barrel 😅
I watched a very good video the other day on magnum primers in place of regular and the speeds were pretty identical. In other words it's a non issue. I was looking for a 243 as apparently everyone buys up LRs right now. I already have been only buying pistol primers in magnum. My 38 special loads don't care and neither does 44 special. Much easier to stock up only only one primer. I use them just fine for practice loads to full house loads. I am also talking about rifles. The video they reloaded same round shot out of same rifle over same chrono at same time. Only the primers were different. 3 LRs 2 LRMs. All with like 15 or 20 fps of eachother. I think primers matters much less than folks act like. Powders, now that matters very much. I would buy those no 34s in a second if they were a good price
I've been using them in my Rem 700 30-06 and my son's Savage 110 6.5CM for 3 or so years. I started low and worked up my load and it has been fine. I have not had any failure to fire in either rifle. Like has been mentioned it was all that could be found for a while.
I walked into the local Runnings and was surprised to see CCI 200's on the shelf. Probably 8 bricks. Picked one up $80
If they are finally coming back, I'll keep stocking up and I do have a good supply of CCI 34's when I need 'em.
My impression from responses are these would be a bit hotter than cci200s, maybe closer to cci250s, and possibly a little harder - to avoid slamfires in an auto or semi-auto platform like an AR-10?
the cups are "supposedly" harder, but If Sierra bullets don't use them, then be rest assured they aren't what they hyped up to be. Slam fires are caused by primers not fully seated in primer pockets, and bolt slamming forward with free floating firing pins. Primers seated where they belong do not get set off if fully seated. Firing pins do no have enough inertia from bolt travel verses a hammer behind it.
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