An acquaintance recently gave me 300 of these. Not sure what to do with them. Probably the closest thing to 7.62mm that I load is .308win. Any reason I couldn't use these in .308? How do they compare to CCI 200s?
I have used them in an AR10 in 22 250 And a Ruger american. They always went bang when I wanted never went bang when I didn't want.
You can probably work up a load for anything needing a large rifle primer with them.
They work just fine in most rifles. They are just a little tougher so you don't have slam fires in certain rifles. As long as your firing pin spring is decent, they will go bang.
If you have a Colt Light Rifle with original firing pin spring, they most likely won't work.
They are magnum so reduce your load by a grain or two and work back up. I have not had any problems with them other than lever guns that have reduced spring tension on the hammer.