Tom you actually ever tried catfish grabbing....i tried it twice on toledo bend once and lake o the pines once both in texas got bit once and second time caught a snapping turtle!
That's why I don't want to try it, snapping turtles, cotton mouths, eels, aligators, gars, to many things to stick your arm in around here besides a catfish. I used to sleep on top of my jeep hog hunting at night, instead of being out on the ground with them, the rattlesnakes, etc. Lake of the Pines has gators too, doesn't it? I don't get over there, its pretty far.
every now and again one will show up but fish and game usually relocate it to caddo lake! gar never bothered me I was always to scared of the gater snapping turtles
We even have salt water sharks in fresh water lakes around here. The TPWD guy said they are not a threat to humans. haha Take a look at this one caught there monday.