PEAX Equipment

A word to the wise is sufficient

Just updated my tinder profile pic to the one I posted earlier in the thread and set my age range to 18-22. Looking forward to proving all you naysayers wrong.

Also changed bio to read, "I'll KEEP HAMMERING all night!"

gotta let them know you're a stud.
On the flip side there is a mom from my kids school that openly has an only fans. She might think it's cool or some boss move but all of the other parents are grossed out and concerned. Everyone knows, people gossip. The teachers know, parents have asked for thier kids to not be sat next to hers. It's honestly bizarre.
On the flip side there is a mom from my kids school that openly has an only fans. She might think it's cool or some boss move but all of the other parents are grossed out and concerned. Everyone knows, people gossip. The teachers know, parents have asked for thier kids to not be sat next to hers. It's honestly bizarre.
I'll be the judge of that..what's her name. I think I can fix her 🤣🤣
On the flip side there is a mom from my kids school that openly has an only fans. She might think it's cool or some boss move but all of the other parents are grossed out and concerned. Everyone knows, people gossip. The teachers know, parents have asked for thier kids to not be sat next to hers. It's honestly bizarre.
Elkmagnet to Mrs. Magnet.
"Hear me out we should look before we judge her, maybe it's tasteful."
A. I’m not sure how guys find these women on FB. Are they in groups named Old Men for Hotties? I get a random message from an unknown women once in a while but I don’t read the spam.

B. My money has been commingled for 28 years. My wife comments on the minor spending I do - like the $12 I spent on worms to ice fish. She’s sure as hell going to catch a payment to Europe or Africa to some hottie.
On the flip side there is a mom from my kids school that openly has an only fans. She might think it's cool or some boss move but all of the other parents are grossed out and concerned. Everyone knows, people gossip. The teachers know, parents have asked for thier kids to not be sat next to hers. It's honestly bizarre.
There's a great song about the other side of that Coin.
for those of us under 35 it's absolutely plausible for a 20 year old hottie to find us attractive.

and yet, we seem to be the age group that doesn't fall for this stuff...
This thread confirms that the average age here has to be close to 50.

Nothing abnormal about a good looking 20 year old finding me attractive.

There has to be some data somewhere that shows the average breakdown of OF subscribers and their age. I'd bet the biggest contributors are boomers thinking they've fallen in love.
This thread confirms that the average age here has to be close to 50.

Nothing abnormal about a good looking 20 year old finding me attractive.

There has to be some data somewhere that shows the average breakdown of OF subscribers and their age. I'd bet the biggest contributors are boomers thinking they've fallen in love.
They can’t keep theirs eyes off the pink hat, because I know they aren’t staring at me lmao
for those of us under 35 it's absolutely plausible for a 20 year old hottie to find us attractive.

and yet, we seem to be the age group that doesn't fall for this stuff...
Idk man I have a buddy who is in the middle of a divorce (picture the biggest Shitshow you can imagine) he's telling me he randomly met someone on FB. She's 35, but she has never been married, with no kids and with a trust fund (she was hot in the pictures). Then he tells me she can't drink because of a medical condition. I was like "yah that or she has a couple and gets relaxed and her huge dick is gonna fall out of her shorts." He didn't find it the least bit funny. Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire. It's hard to watch.
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Just updated my tinder profile pic to the one I posted earlier in the thread and set my age range to 18-22. Looking forward to proving all you naysayers wrong.

Also changed bio to read, "I'll KEEP HAMMERING all night!"

gotta let them know you're a stud.

You do need to let them know you're a stud. Good job. I met my now wife with my Bumble profile saying nothing other than "Fu*k Florida Georgia Line" except there wasn't an asterisk.
for those of us under 35 it's absolutely plausible for a 20 year old hottie to find us attractive.
I have a friend that at the time was I think 53 or so. A twenty something he worked with got ahold of his phone number and sent some, shall we say explicit photos. Seems she liked older dudes. He had to have a stern talk with her. Of course I had great fun teasing about it. So, it happens to older guys too. mtmuley

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