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A word to the wise is sufficient

I had a friend fall for the same thing , only on Facebook . But in his defense he's had a couple of strokes and isn't all there . His son stepped in and took control of his finances after a couple checks being sent .
He would call me and tell me all about the scammer , nothing I said could convince him it was a scam . It was so sad to hear the optimism in his voice , knowing what the outcome was going to be .
That's it. Just completely besotted over a fake person.
That's it. Just completely besotted over a fake person.
My brother’s dad did the same thing. Sold his house and gave her all the money. Met her on FB. Never seen her, never spoke to her on the phone. He still talks to her and lives out of an RV.

Can’t use a stroke as an excuse though. He’s just an idiot.
We had an older guy at work fall victim to the scammers as well. I’ve heard countless stories of both men and women falling prey.
I have the best marriage in the history of the world. Mrs. Fan is beyond amazing. I can't imagine throwing it all away for a roll in the sack. No sex, no matter what the terms are, is good enough to risk what I have.

Even if the marriage is just OK, the cost is outrageous. I just can't imagine taking that opportunity.

Sad. Sorry to the OP. Family screwing up is sad. Prayers.