Kenetrek Boots

Favorite catfish bait

I have tried about everything.

If I can't use Strawberry Kool-Aid chicken hearts/gizzards, I'm not wasting my time fishing.

Trust me on this one. lol

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I’ve had a pretty good success doing jello chicken breast but have always wondered if hearts, gizzard, and even livers soaked in jello would work a bit better.

Do you have a recipe or is it just raw hearts and gizzards and a packet of jello?
It's so simple.

Fresh cut bait

Big live bait.

Done, and Done

(Cat tournament guys like blood - concentrated fresh cut bait.)
I’ve had a pretty good success doing jello chicken breast but have always wondered if hearts, gizzard, and even livers soaked in jello would work a bit better.

Do you have a recipe or is it just raw hearts and gizzards and a packet of jello?
Chicken hearts and gizzards and a couple packs of strawberry koolaid
There is a good sized reservoir near us that reportedly has big channel catfish in it but in several trips l havn't caught one yet. I have been using worms and commercial stink bait. What is your go to catfish bait? I have always been more of a brook trout streem fishing guy so I have no idea what I'm doing.
Find the shittiest smelling awful stuff you can stomach handling, hang it securely on the hook, and toss it in. You’ll get results.
I have not seen this mentioned yet but our best luck is with frogs. Northern Leopard is the best, but pickerels also work in a pinch. Catch a bucket of them and let the kid's smash em with a rock right before you put a circle hook through them.

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