Kenetrek Boots

Fish on!!!!! Epic winter/spring/summer time fun


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2011
So lately I have really been bitten by the fishing bug in a bad way. As a matter of fact so bad I didn't pick up a gun this fall minus my New Mexico trips. @jvanhoy made matters worse by posting his giant slab when he should be working on his houseboat.😂
Then it got me to thinking, I should post a fishing thread which I've never done on HT. Besides what better way of passing time during the draw boredom season. I'm anxiously awaiting the walleye and crappie run behind my house now. But I've definitely been chasing the bass hard and even enjoyed some monster striped bass and trout fishing lately.

In November I was sent on a work trip and my partner decided to pull the boat along for some evening buzz bait fishing. We had some epic times out after dark with bass slamming the baits after darkness set in. Those TN bass are mean!
Then once back from the work assignment we made several trips on my home lake out my back door. It had gotten pretty cold by now and the bass were deep for the most part and we had to change tactics to get them in the boat. Our lakes are deep and clear here in the mountains. Sometimes our winter bass can be 50ft deep. We caught most of them 20-30.20240208_142854.jpg20240212_164203.jpgIMG_2978.jpgIMG_2979.jpg20240201_183749.jpg20240201_183644.jpg20240201_183840.jpg20240123_181122.jpg
Then we went chasing the really fun fish last week striped bass. An awesome surprise hit us and we got into some monster browns while out. This lake backs up to a world class tailwater fishery for browns. It was an epic day to say the least. Just trophy after trophy fish. It was a blast and I'm still trying to decipher how great it was. The smallest brown we caught was 25 inches.
The fishing has continued to be great this spring. After the Feb striped bass trips walleye season began. I'm still eating walleye, as a matter of fact I have some ready for the pan this evening. Caught my best this year at 8.5lb.

Was also lucky enough to assist the biologist for two days performing the walleye survey in the lake/river.
Learned a lot in two days. Mainly that I'm a bad fishermen.
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