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Canyons of Life

Man that was hard to read, I can’t even imagine how difficult it is for you right now. Thank you for sharing, reminding us how precious just our everyday lives are, and sending prayers your way!
JLS . Man that hits hard . I hope everything works out for you and your family .
I cannot even imagine. I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this. I hope your daughter gets the help she needs. I hope you ALL get the help you need and you can look forward to brighter days ahead.
Asking for help is hard, admitting there is a problem is not in our nature. Do not beat your self up, we don’t ask until it gets to be too much. My thought and prayers are with you and your family. There is light at the end of the tunnel, she just has to be brave enough to put one foot in front of the other.
Given the situation, seeking professional help was a good first step in this journey your daughter will take. I will pray for your daughter(s), your wife, you, and your family. It was very brave of you to share something like this, but I have a feeling you helped someone else by telling your experience. Thank you.
Wow! Can't imagine your pain. Stay strong. She's still here! My kids are getting extra hugs tonight.
We will be praying for your daughter and family. Please reach out if you ever need anything.

Family counseling may be a good idea once things settle down. I think it’s important to let her know you’re all in this together and that everyone can use a little help.
Total loss of words and nothing I can think of seems to mean enough. Thinking of you and your family. You're showing incredible strength, leadership, and love by talking about it and getting her the medical support she needs. Take care for yourself as well. Hang in there...pulling for you and your family.
God bless you and your family @JLS i have two daughters and can’t imagine what it would be like to go through that weekend you had. Prayers for her and the whole family.
Praying for you guys @JLS !!! I know we’ve never met, but I’ve grown to admire you on this forum. You’ve shown great courage stepping into this situation and sharing the struggle. You’re in my prayers, friend!
Father of two teen daughters here. Tough on a normal day and lately those are few and far between. Anxiety, depression abound. The world is so hard on these kids lately. And it can be excruciating for parents to feel so inadequate as we can’t just snap our fingers and make everything all right. Thank God your daughter is here and getting help. That’s #1. Keep your other kids talking, #2. Take a few moments to consider yourself too, these stresses weigh heavy and they need you healthy and present more than ever. You are doing all you can to come through this. Post anything anytime you have lots of people praying.
Wow. My heart truly hurts for you and your family. I can't imagine what that must be like for you as a father. I will pray for you and especially for your daughters. Peace
I can't imagine and am at a loss of words. Please know I am praying for you and your family.
Praying the God of all comfort would comfort y’all in a troubled time. Praying she knows her true identity in Christ and would find her God given purpose and walk in it.
No lie, I struggled with anxiety and depression most of my adult life until I fully committed my life to Christ. Suicide always seemed like an option but that is a lie from the pits of hell.

It is for Freedom that Christ died to set us free.
So I’m believing God that the generational curse of suicide is broken off of your family and that y’all are fully healed, restored, and transformed in Jesus name.

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