Canyons of Life

You are doing all you can for her right now, just as a father should. I know she has undying support and love from you and her mom and that you all will get through this. I will be praying for her
My wife struggles with anxiety and depression. Please know you aren't alone. Most days I just want to hold her and say it will be alright, somedays my selfishness takes over and I just want to walk away. But I can't and won't.

I hope your little girl can find some peace.
That is lot to handle and the 2nd guessing never seems to stop at least from what I have seen/dealt w. wishing you all the best JLS.
Thinking of and praying for you all. I’m glad to hear the outcome wasn’t worse than could’ve been. Stay strong. It sounds like your daughter is lucky to have you guys as parents.
I'm glad she's okay and keep the ship steered towards calmer waters
Don't think I've ever shed a tear reading hunttalk til now. Rough stuff bud, I've battled it for 15 years. It's definitely genetic and it sucks. I'm already afraid of which one or both of my boys will inherit this shit. Biggest thing imo and this is important. Once she gets it all straightened out and she will, whether it's meds or therapy or both please stay on top of it. That has been the biggest problem I have encountered. Once you get back to feeling normal you become complacent with it. Then it could be a month, could be 5 years and bam it rears its ugly head out of nowhere. I cannot tell you how much reading that tore me up. I don't even know you, hell your politics drive me crazy at times.😆 but if there was something I could do to help her with this I would be in the truck in 5 traveling cross country. This too shall pass, whole family will be praying for you and yours.
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I felt God tell me “You can’t do that, and it’s not your job. It’s mine.”
There's a lot of wisdom packed into this statement. There are so many things in this world that we don't understand. We're constantly being pulled in different directions, but at some point we have to find a balance within the tension, and ultimately I believe that means we have to surrender our cares to God and trust His plan or be destroyed by worry and misplaced bitterness.
I've been praying for you and your family as I've read this. There aren't words to convey to you and your family that would ease the anguish you find yourself immersed in. Just know that my family and I will be one of many praying for you and your family tonight.
Very good friend of mine is going through the same with his youngest son. I have been praying for him and will do the same for you and your family.
Damn @JLS Im literally at a loss for words right now. I’ve got three girls of my own and that just tore me up and then some. I respect and appreciate both the thought and courage that took to post and you and your family will be on my mind and in my heart. She and the rest of you will make it through this and be stronger as a family unit for it. Just being able to talk together and speak your truth are huge hurdles to jump and you appear to be on your way. I’ve lost two nephews to suicide and/or addiction over the past 5-6 years and what I wouldn’t give to spend time with them once again. Every time one of my girls is more quiet “than usual” it triggers a response in me knowing what those two boys must have been holding in. Wishing you my very best.
Thoughts and prayers for your daughter and the entire family. The greatest joys and the toughest moments I've experienced, all revolve around family. Like so many on here, I wish I could do more to help. If there is something that can help you in this difficult time, reach out on here.
I have no words. This is utterly heartbreaking.

All I can offer is admiration of the example you are setting for her (and others) by talking about it. It’s just so important to know that being vulnerable is ok, talking about your struggles is ok, reaching out for help and support is ok. There are so many people out there (including a bunch of strangers on the Internet) who are really pulling for all of you.

May you all find your way through, together.
Until someone faces anxiety and/or depression, it’s hard to relate and easy to say “just get over it.” I’m glad your daughter is getting the help she needs.
Not to relate or take away from your situation, but I can still remember the day my brother/best friend called me and was having a complete emotional break down.
He never really recovered nor did he ever agree to get help. I wish I would have done more for him and I really miss him.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your daughter, and your family.

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