camp pics

Hey Guys ,went Out Hunting Last Week,no Shots,but I Did See Deer,11 In Total So Far,how Is Your Hunting Going So Far?i Heard A Weird Story Last Week.'' During Moose Season 2 Guys Were Doing Some Four Wheelin,with The Four Wheelers,they Stoped To Have A Beer On The Trail And This Big Bull Moose Came Out Of The Bushes,''suposedly''they Did Not Intimidate Him By Calling''witch I Find Hard To Believe''the Bull Charged Themthe Guy On The First 4 Wheeler Jumped In The Bushes And I Gess The Moose Went Crazy On The Four Wheeler ,he Pitched And Tosed It Arround Like A Toy,i Guess He Tore It All To Pieces,it Was A 600 Artic Cat Witch I Am Sure Weighs In Over 600 To 700 Pounds,they Picked It Up With 2 Half Ton Trucks,aparently He Broke A Horn On One Side ,14 Points Just That Side,this All Happened In Albert County I Will Try To Get Details,...ben Good Luck Hunting :d
Hi guys, thought I'd tell you an odd one. Friday evening I went to put out my apples at my stand. On the way there I saw four deer in the field, and of course I wasn't hiding myself so they watched me walk along the edge of field to my trail to stand ( which is in the woods). I went to stand put my apples out and then walked out another trail and then around to see field again. Lo and behold the deer were leaving the field heading for my apples. This was just in a matter of 20 minutes from when they saw me walking in field the first time. Well, Saturday evening I did the same thing, re: walked on the edge of field as they watched me again. This time I stayed in stand, and sure enough I wasn't there 15 minutes when they came right in from field to vaccuum up the apples I put out. See attached photos. There was a doe and two lambs and a small 5 pt ( 3 actual points with two small browtines). They were there around 20 minutes then left. As I was getting out of stand I scared a bear off that was coming in as well. Didn't get any pictures of it as it was flying out of there fast. Anyway, It seems I have the deer trained now, but I won't shoot any of these deer. Maybe when the season opens if they are still around then I'll get my father or son to shoot the buck. We will see. Ds


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I'll take either deer there dave,At the last week that is. Well dejavue all over again thie year. I went out on open day of archery and not to much went on the first hour. I got red squirrel in the area now and they won't shut up. Around 8:17 I look up on the hill and caught movement as a six point was making his way down towards me. I drew back and had him right under the stand at 13yards and release and off he went. I sat there for 20 minutes looking at the arrow sticking out of the ground covered in blood. I got down took my stand out of the woods came back and start where the arrow was and follow it to the hole with the water in it and right close to the hole there was alot of blodd but for some reason I seen him moving ahead of me so I back off and wait another hour then took up the tracking. I new right where he was and should of wait til today but I didn't and spook him once again. Then I walk away as much as I hated to back off I waited til today. I sat in the tree stand for two hours and then got down and took up the trail again only to find that it could not of been a fatel shot cause I trail 3 time farther then I EVER exspect a deer to go. So I felt good to know he is still out there and hope to get a second chance at him again. Today as I made my way back to the stand I notice mocment in the field dave only to be welcome back by a few cows that got out of the big field. I and daughter and her husband herd them back to the field and after trying to get ahold of the owner I came back and decide to call it a day and set up on a tree lower to our blind so with all the cow and human sent will force them down lower and the pics of the last bucks were on the lower trail as well. So as I came back up the hill with the tools to cut branches for shooting area I notice movement on the hill and you guess it they were back, I ran up the hill chase them back threw a stick and hit one on the back only for her to just look at me as to say that didn't doa thing. I go back down the hill grab the saw and turn and there 5 cows run threw the woods to the daughter field to graze, I threw down the tools and was about to have beef in the freezer when I herd a four wheeler coming so I went up the hill block off the other6 cows that was about to come over. Explain the whole thing to the kid that was there and he said he would put them in the barn til there parent came home from a (COW SHOW). So that was it for me and I pack up and came home early.Well what can I say, chin up tomorrow will be a new day and hopefully things will be better. OH by the way as I wait that hour by the water hole I notice a doe and this/last year kids walking down the trail, she new something was wrong and turn and head back to where they came from. Time to go get some sleep and have a better day tomorrow later and good luck to you all and lets here about you days in the field events, later.
Well I got out and yesturday was a great day as far as weather. I got in the stand on the lower end and as the day light hit I new I was at the wrong spot. I'm up 21 feet but cause of the slope going up the hill the trail made me look like i'm 5 feet up. I had a gut feeling I should get down but I didn't |oo And around 10am I see feet behind me on the trail heading my way, As a little kid came out and I was set on tagging the big doe she pick me off befor she even came out of the bushes. she turn and took two jumps and stood there looking at me and the little one was right there infront of me not knowing what is going on. I wait and the kid decided to listen to moma and leave. I Curse and wait 30 minutes and got into the tree I should of been in. And the rest of the day was nothing but squirrel haven , mating and running all over the place, I count at one time 8 grey and 4 red squirrel and one chip. I need to clean up on the "reds after deer season. Grey are quite even if they see you.Well I had today off but it is going to rain so I am going to go to work today, have a good week and good luck to you all, later.
:BLEEP: :BLEEP: :BLEEP: |oo |oo |oo I must be hunting the wrong area.

Check out what I mean under my 2006 log in the deer threads.|oo |oo |oo

I come stop him from eating anymore of your apples if you would like me too Mooseheadred?
How are the buck signs in that area where all the deer is bruce? Speaking of signs, is the boy making any. Are there scrapes and rubs been seen? Bruce ever set up a mock scrape to see if any bucks visit there ? Try making a big scrape using a stick to see if the bucks step in it. Another thing is how is the weather there been for the last couple weeks? Rain alot, Can you cross the brooks or is the water to high. Dave I notice a place close to where I took that buck last year. I was looking at the aerial photo and notice to the left of that cut there is the brook and just on the other side of that there is another cut. If you went up and across the tracks and that road just to the right I think it will take you to that area. Allso where the cuts hit the woods and back to the cuts again I think you will find a few crossing signs.I can not wait til i'm off work and relaxing/hunting. Ben no word on how your hunting is going, any buck signs ? I'm bring my cam and need to set it up on some scrapes to see whats going threw. Take some pics if you come across buck activity, Have a good thursday friday evening bruce of bow hunting. Later dave all everyone, i'm going out for a couple hours after work tonight.later.
They are there Trent but like you said the weather is still to warm for them I think. The rut has not started yet and there are some scraps but I have not been moving around to much because of the time of day I have arrived at the spots I want to watch.
Hi guys, I was up in Dungarvan area for a couple of days doin some ATVing. Beautiful country, only saw two partridge. Saw lots of deer, and lots of deer and moose sign. Roads are excellent, but there has been alot of herbicide and pesticide spraying. I'm not a big fan of that. Scouted a few areas to fish next year and had a great couple of days. Two deer we saw at about 600 yards crossing a road were huge. I have never seen any deer that big. We thought, at first, that they were moose. But you could tell in the way they walked and the height of legs. I didn't get a photo of them and didn't get to glass them to check for antlers, but there were three of us that were really impressed. Did get a couple photos of other deer, see attached.


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nice dave, who camp did you guys stay at. I seen acouple deer on the lower trail tonight so I got down early and cut a dead tree down and going to set up so I can shoot on either trail. Tomorrow suppose to rain all day so I will go out and finish cutting the branches on the tree i'm going to climb. I'm tire and full so I'm off to bed, later guys.
Hello, Trent. The guy who owns the camp is a Forest Ranger in Blackville (Hal) and the other guy with us was Kenny. Remember, he was the guy that used to work at the station with me. Good luck on the hunting everbody. Take care. DS
alll that mean if we go hunting we can not break the law :D *LOL* Look like a great place to hang out at. I just got back from setting up for this saturday hunt. On my way back as I start it down the hill there was two deer to my right that took off heading to the area i'm hunting. I guess they must of cross the road. Well need to get food into me, later.
Evening guys how was your last evening hunt ben and bruce. I start out in the morning hunt and that fell threw cause I had to tarp a roof cause it was leaking ;) . So I went to walmart drop my film off and went back to tarp the roof and around 4 I was able to get a couple hours in befor coming home. The weather person can not make up there mind , today was ok tomorrow it was suppose to rain and now only in the afternoon. I'm not complaining cause I get to go out and try again to put the day in. I'm not seeing the deer and the farmers has not cut the corn crops early like they did last year. I think the deer are living in there til I got my pics back tonight and after seeing a few deer on them I'm up at 5 out at 5:45 in the stand 6:20 and day light at 7:15. Oh I was trying to get a shot at a turkey tonight as at the last minute 8 hens came up the hill but every time I try to mave they stop and look. I don't know why :rolleyes: But they never came in for and attemp at all. Well I hate to do this I know you guys hate seeing deer but here are a few I got from the tree cam. So you know why i'm going out tomorrow morning again.
I got alot of doe as well but I figure you guys like to see the bad boys, Last couple then i'm off to eat and rest then sleep. I like to be able to tag out on this boy and place that meat in the freezer befor coming up, later.


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Good luck tomorow buddy. I did not get out today at all. Between rain, wind and to many things to do here I didn't even want to go. It would just be does again anyway. If it wern't for the kids wanting to go out I was considering putting everything away untill next year. My heart is not in it anymore.
Chin up bruce I know the feeling, go out see deer then leave with even a shot and get up the next time over and over again will tire you out. Even with the pic on the cam I don't feel like going out this morning. hunting will wear you out, I know if I see nothing with in four hours this morning I'm calling it a day. I will come home and take a afternoon power nap, well I got to litery haul a$$ to get going , later.
Well that be it for me for this weekend , I got out and set up and had a fox under my stand first thing and around 7:14 two kids were under my stand and around 8:45 they came back. Around 10 I was ready to pull the pin when I herd clucking so I wait and watch and count 23 turkey. It was like last year with them every where. After that I got down and came home. I will try it again this coming weekend if weather is permiting and then that will be it til I get back for shot gun season. Tummy upset with me so I got to go , later.
Those deer look like good meat Trent. Fixed my tree stand up today, so I am all ready for the season. There are a few little bucks my way as well. I had the grandson out yesterday for a few hours ATVing. We didn't shoot the bear, but we did get the bird. Lots of good season left Bruce, Trent and I will meet you in town some evening.


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Cool bear pic, and we know you didn't kill the bear your grandson did since he has the gun *Laffs*. I got a few things together tonight as far as packing. Need some winter cloths since its been a year from my last trip. Well have a good week and see you soon dave. later bruce, ben you still moose hunting or you get lost or something? later.
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