camp pics

good to see you got out and had a great weekend dave, But there is one problem where are those ghostly legs that got blisted by the sun :D Man does that bring back memory of the time me and I think joey took bernard mott out in the boat at prides and he had short on. We told him to cover those boney legs up cause we notice they were getting red. He said he was fine and the next day he could not get out of bed togo to work. Ask him next time you see him if he remembers that. Or better yet ask him if he wants to wear shorts and go fishing down prides. Well our deer meat is getting realy down now , I guess the wife had something else in mine for dinner tonight, Cause I got out burger this morning and place it in the sink and it is in the fridge still froze. So I wait til the cook gets home or tell me we are going out. We got to book a fish one of these days dave where we can fill the fridge for the whole year. I been looking into a trip to alaska off and on in hopes to land a great catch so to speak. Well got to go now and wait for the better half to get home, later.
My legs aren't too bad now that I have been putting on some aloe vera. The wife's shoulders and back are worse than my legs. Besides hopefully going down to see you next spring for another Turkey hunt, I'm planning on going out west to brother in laws for a bow hunt in Sept. 2007. Looks like I'm going to have to break out my old bow and take the course. I could be headed out west sooner than later if I keep having to put up with the horsecrap from my insurance companies I represent. Bad day today, but it just keeps adding up. If it wasn't for most of the family here, then I'd be gone in a heart beat. The country out there is beautiful. Well enough bitching and I better get back to work. Got a long weekend coming up, but you know what, I got a wedding I gotta go to. What a way to ruin a good weekend. Trent, if you come home next spring we will put some fish in your freezer.
Sorry you had a bad day dave, Guess there has to be a wrench throw in our life at times to keep us from having it go smooth. Speaking of old bow, what kind do you have and what is the draw weight. And that gives you more reason to come here and buy your arrows at bass-pro. I'm setting up for next year and hopefully everything will be set ;) . I'm looking forward for time off/away from here and nov does seem along ways away. I bought a simmons scope at walmart today and hope to have it mounted on the gun and be able to go out and play this weekend. Cost me alot as always dave at walmart :D with the discount I seem to have fall in my lap. $44 not to bad for a 3x9x50 matt scope. Well time for bed later.
Good deal on the scope, pays to know someone in the right place. My bow is an old Browning Compound, if I remember correct I think the maximum pull was 65lbs and I used to shoot it a little over 60lbs. The think is nice and compact and light. I can't remember what arrow I was using, suppose I could dust a few off and check them. I do remember using Satelite heads for 'run of the mill stuff' and Rocky Mountain heads for the serious hunt. I had quite a drop to the arrow (arc) and had a few deer at longer ranges seem to duck the arrow. I would like to try some carbon arrows to see the difference. Do you guys (Still,Ben,Trent) have any preferences? What are the pros and cons of the two type arrows? How about head choice? I am starting to get excited thinking about deer season. I have two new fields that I might ask the home owners if I can set up there ( new tree stands), I am getting a little tired of using the old stand. Both are in little hunted areas, one field is farmed ( mowed or pastured) but the other field is growing up as the guy can't be bothered to mow it or bush hog it as the cost of fuel is so high. I am excited about this one, it is at an excellent spot and I would set up a real good permanent stand, maybe one for bow and the other for rifle. I better go for now. Looking forward to all your info on archery, guys. DS
Hey Mooseheadred.
So your son got you hooked again did he?
I have been using Aluminum arrows up ontill earlier this summer when I tried some carbons to compare. I was shooting 40 yards up through the woods in the back yard and was catching some limbs from time to time with the arch of the arrow. I tried a carbon and new that they supposidly flew flatter so I aimed a little low. Off the paper to be truthfull so I would have a full 3 feet of Styrofoam to stop the arrow above where I aimed.|oo |oo

As I watched in disbelief as the arrow sailed over the top of the target by about another foot min. I was sold on carbons.:confused: :rolleyes:

A friend I shoot and hunt with suggested beeman 500 carbons and found us some on the net for a good price so we bought some and are waiting for them to arrive.:( Correction we are waiting for the operatunity to go get them from my friends house in Houlton Maine.:D :p Cutts down on duty.
not to get you lost or anything dave, You got to fit the arrow to the bow you are using. I've yet to shoot carbon arrows for a few reason. First and formost I will not attemp a 40 yard shot on a deer onless I hit it and it stop out for a second shot.allso aluminum arrow are more in my price range and as you can see I had great luck with my shooting. Bottom line there are different way for different shooter. I use a fater arrow cause the people that say they new it all and I found out that my arrow was not consited on the target. Right now I use stalker arrow # 2117 with a muzzy 125 gran broad head and the proof is in the pudding so to say. Any thing with in 30 yards is very timit and been shot at befor. Other then that any thing that close with a good bow and arrow will not have time to duck.And reason why I ask what you had for a bow cause I got a bow here I was going to give it away. the wife slip last winter and she has a hard time to pull it back now and she thought that it was set up to high til I told her it was set on the lowless (45) draw. So she is not going to archery hunt this year onless her arm is better. I think she wants a new bow and once I give this away she will get her wish. ok enought said and here is the bow i'm talking about. it is a (Timberland stalker)(45to60)(3 pin)(stabler)(peep sites)and arrow rest plus rest bracket thing. And not to often any thing is free. if you want it let me know and if there is no problem getting it over the border then it will come with me this nov.


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blurry pics but you get the idea. weahter here is hitting the record and I'm feeling it today when I work at the old shop with out AC. Well I got to get dinner on the go. later and if you are playing word whomp look to the message side . I go there and say hi to you but you are to focus on those goffers LOL later
Hey Trent if Dave does not want it I would like to talk to you about it. I do not expect it to be free but do you think it would weigh less that the old Bear whitetail II I shoot now? I am looking for a used bow that is lighter and in that draw weight range. Also what is the draw length as mine is only 27 1/2".

Any way just thought I would put that bug in your ear.

I forgot to take pics of the truck tonight untill it was dark and they did not turn out so I will try to remember tommorow night. Sorry guys.
Hey Trent, I appreciate the offer but I already have a dust collector. Maybe you should trade or sell. Can't talk the wife into it eh. Sometimes they just don't appreciate the things we do for them, LOL. When you see me on the word whomp it is usually me and the wife having a contest. We each play a game and count how many words we didn't get and do 5 rounds. The person with the least words not gotten is the winner and gets bragging rights until the next time we play. We are very competative and she usually wins. We usually play a game at lunch hour and then in evening.
I think I am sold on the carbons, now I gotta check on size, etc.
Well check out the carbon arrow and after you find out what you need then let me know and I will see what the price is here for them. That way you can save either here or I said to dave bruce I will see what it will take to come across with it and go from there.Well I got to go and et that scope on today I hope.Oh dave one more message and you become a senior poster with all of us. Then we all can feel old *Laffs),later.
I have brought some bows and some arrows across with no problem as long as they were made in the US.

Now I remembered to take photos of the truck so here is the old one and notice the rusty bumper.

New one.

Old one


New one oh and yes it is a 4X4 with the v six in it.


it works well too.:D
peekabooo I see you dave. What happen you fall out of bed this eraly in the morning *LOL*. Weather here going to cool down alittle today with the shpwers and thunder showers they are calling for, got to go ,later.
Nice Truck Still. Looks in excellent shape for a 1993. Don't be getting any moose/deer blood on that baby. Oh ya, whats up with the his and hers tillers. You got a plot planted somewhere?? LOL.
Oh by the way welcome Senior Poster, now you are one of the crowd. By the way I can see how your wife beats you in wordwhomp. Seems you loose at alot of games. Guess last time I was there it was your lucky day/night. later
You like the his and hers tillers. Don't try it she won't use hers.:D :D

Nope just trying to get one out of two and my neighbor thinks he can do it. I wanted one to try and get a food plot for deer up and running but that has not panned out yet.
As far as blood in the truck I hope there is will be all kinds of it back there this year.:p :D
Evening guys , hope that things are going great for you all. Here things was not to good with all the crap I had to go threw to get a scope that work. Any ways to long of a story and not going to go there.Make it short I got another scope and after it was bore sited and a few ajustment from me it is working pretty good. First pic is at 50 yards to site it in good. And the seco100 yards after fine tuning it alittle more. The 100 yard was alittle low on the orignal taget by a 1/4 and alittle low on the stick on as well. Any ways here they are---->


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morning guys , how was your weekend (other then short). It was a great weekend here we had a bbq/corn boil sunday with the girls. I think they are spraying here for the bugs cause there was very little compare to what hell they been putting us threw. I got more pics but not to many good ones. I move the camera as well to get some straight on shots. Well time to put in the week,later.
Hi guys, We had a long weekend here in good olde NB, Trent. I had no outdoor activity so it was kind of a bummer. Wedding Saturday, Birthday party Sunday, and odd jobs around the house yesterday. Wasn't much fun for a weekend but at least its good to get some of that stuff out of the way prior to some fishing weekends coming up. Have a good week guys. DS
Long weekend involved a lot of wifes family at there cottage but all in all a great weekend.:D I guess I was snoring a little on Monday night cause when I woke up on Tuesday the wife was in the next room with the door closed.:confused: :rolleyes: :eek: :D

Things are slow and shooting is fun but I still need a lot more practice. I have chance to go to Old Town to a 3D shoot and meet some new people but we will have to see what happens there. Funding may have gone into the new truck.:rolleyes:

Have a great day.
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