camp pics

well if you got it bad bruce then I better not post the pics I got a couple weeks ago and the new film I need to get develope as well.My back is some what ok and all I need to do is work another two months and have enought time save up to take the following two months off dave.Well one day down and 4 togo, we are out of work so the day makes for a long one here and today was no exception, felt like three day have gone by.I need to get out and buy a dozen arrow so I can start shooting again, I think they are 30 some "BUCK" @ basspro. Sorry bruce I had to say that.Well I need to get dishes done and dirty some more for supper.Have a good one guys and stay cool.
hey boys,hows things going,im geting ready to do a litle scouting ,mabe this weekend,august is right around the corner,deer season coming up also,so many things to do,so little time.hey dave did you do alot of fishing this year?im sorry i could not make it,i really would have like to have made that trip,bruce ,you still got that robin hood fever do yahump wheres all the pictures trent?you always seem to be at the right place at the right time:D must be nicehump take care boys,catch you all later;)
like I said ben I don't want to fuel bruce to much. I got my pic back last night and my scouting is all done and i'm set for hunting season. By the way dave I even got a couple pics of turkey saying hi to the cam. I think they are rubbing it in . Well got to get ready for work, later.
Go ahead Trent the fire is already burning so put the photo up. I would like to see them as well. Got word today that a buck has been seen in the area of one of our stands. That is fuel enough for any fire.
ok you ask for them

here they are, I see no horns and this is from the upper trail dave, remember the 3 bucks we seen. Think if I try the lower trail they might be using?


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last couple pics the top one is a coyote


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those were two different days those dogs came threw.Think that trap thingy sounds good dave.


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last couple pics


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ok there you go , my scouting is all done :D And I hope that you guys have your fix for now :rolleyes: . Like I said life is rought here for hunting ;) I manage to get by :p . The turkey send there regards dave hump And I need to get dinner ready. Going to have ? sheperds pie with deer burger. We are just about out of meat from the three deer we got last year. By the end of august we will be out or pretty close to it. Going to have to try for a 4th deer if we get the tags in the draw. Later and this time next week I should have a full film again, I think tomorrow if the weather is not to hot I will go out and set the cam up for a head/walking away shot,Later guys.
Nice pics Trent. That one of the fox looking right at the camera when it flashed almost makes him look possessed. Freaky looking animal if you ask me but then again who asked.
Nice pictures Trent. Those does will be great decoys. Same with the hen turkey. The picture with the, looks like a grey fox to me, with the white thing in its mouth, what do you think the white thing is? Looks like a chicken, but its hard to tell. Keep those pics coming. Looks like you moved the camera closer to the old apple trees.
actualy it is in the same place dave.But I'm going to move it so I get a straight on shot, it will limit my pics as far as what stays off the trail. but I like to get a few head on shots or walking away shots. Plus it going to put it on the lower trail to see what is using that one. It be strange to see bucks on one trail and doe on the other. They say bucks are (batchors)(how ever you spell it) and hang out together. Well got to get things done,later.
MORE Pictures please. Well I just bought a new to me 1993 Nissan king cab 4x4 truck to replace the one that the frame broke on yet again. The frame lasted a hole week this time before it broke in another spot so off the road it came. Found the new one ten min. latter. When I get a chance I will post pics.
evening everyone, How is the weekend going for you guys back home. Here the weather is hit and miss with rain. The mosquito here are beyond your imagination. I half to spray my self from head to toe and make sure I don't miss and area just to be able to walk up the hill and check the camera. I want to move it today but I did all I could do just to get to it and check the count on the film. I hope that the heat/bugs/rail give up soon and we can get back to normal out door life. congrats on the truck bruce and we await the pics. Have a good night all and enjoy the rest on the weekend. 76 days to go and the hunt begins.
What a nice weekend, weather wise. I went to the coast to do a little bit of flounder fishing. Took my grandson and wife on Saturday and then took my mother and father on Sunday. It was perfect on the bay. We all got too much sun on Saturday and now we are nursing sunburns. My grandson had sunblock from his cheeks down, now he looks like those guys on the 'Cresendo pizza' advertisements on TV, you know the guys that their faces are burnt from looking in the oven at their pizzas cooking. My 'longjohn white' legs got burnt because I wore shorts and bare feet. And I never show my leg skin to the sun, so you can imagine how white they were! Anyway, fishing was very poor. All we got Sat was two flounders ( grandson got the biggest one again) and alot of Sculpins, no mackeral in yet. Sunday was worse yet, alot of Sculpins and my mother caught a little flounder not worth cleaning. It was still a great weekend tho. DS


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