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camp pics

Happy holidays to all

Sounds good to me dave , and I'm bring some beer from here as well.Figure I bring some of the inported beer back to it home land :) . Well how was everyone weekend. I hope that the newly weds are getting along. seems like awhile since we herd from you ben. Hope that you are not lock in that new garage. I know you are on a long over due vac bruce, Hope that you are having a great week.Dave how did the game go with your company? Check this out I bought a 30 pack of coor light since I had a foir day holiday off and I never open a can at all :eek: Must be coming down with something :confused: Bet the wife is wondering what is amatter with me. Any ways fill us in on the vac bruce and see if you can get a computer hook up in the garage ben , and dave since you did luck out on the last game of crib just don't relaxs cause the rematch is coming in nov. Later guys.
I had a good weekend, little bit of work around the house, little bit of golf, little bit of this and that. It was nice and relaxing. I did get to take my grandson to river for a fish. The little guy caught and landed two fish on his own. But it wasn't long before he had to get in the water himself. We had a blast. Talk to you guys later. DS


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Nice pics and i'm glad you had a good weekend, That day there seem to be a great sunny day.Here it is sunny as well,Weather person here could not predict the weather if there life depended on it.I think I will be going out to daughter house this evening. By the way you getting any of my emails that are suppose to be threw verizion dave. Cause I'm having problems sending them and I fear that if you are not getting them then the forest department not getting them as well. I want to get my tag in for a chance at the draw. Let me know next time, til them have a good one, l8ter.
Well I am home for a few days here now. (Wednesday right now) I am going to take it quite easy the rest of the week and do things with the kids. To let you know how the vacation is going on Monday I slept in untill 11 am. Have not done that for years. I guess the old body was tired out and needed the rest. Take it easy folks and Houlton had a nice 4th of July fireworks display and enjoyed my time with friends. All is good.
Hey Guys,im Back,still Working On The Garage,i Have It Roof Tight,shingled And I Am Working On The Siding On The Third Side,so Hopefuly,soon I Will Be Able To Enjoy A Bit Of A Break,sorry I Havent Been In Touch ,ive Been Working Till Dark Pretty Much Everyday,after Is Everybody?take Care Guys:d
Well I know I didn't get my tag drawn, But then again I didn't put in for it and was tempted a few times til I woke up. $500 is alittle to high for me to dish out on just the license alone. Good to see things are going great ben, Dave get you license and if you get a moose then I be raiding you freezer this coming fall.Good luck to you to bruce.
Well weekend is here and gone, I decide to put out the cam again. Since there been alot of activey out on the property :rolleyes: I want to see if it is changing the animals travele routes. Not that I needed to hook the cam up after I went to the trail on the high spot where the field is :eek: It is being use alot. Any ways I put it out there last night and today there is four pics that been taken already :D By the way since dave will not let me turn down a chance on a turkey this coming fall befor I come home for my deer/get together. If I do happen to tag out on a wild turkey we should get together at my camp and try it out for the first time together. If you have not had wild turkey yet, Only deal is dave since I got to try then you are going to be the cook on the bird guy.Pressure works both way bud ;) Will take care guys and good luck on the moose draw this monday, later.
Weekend has come and gone, too fast. Is it ever warm. I had no luck on moose draw. I did get away salmon fishing Sunday PM and Monday Am, but no luck. Another day or two of the water dropping and it would have started real good where I was at, but of course we had a very intense storm, alot of rain, and lightning in a short period dirted the water.
Well if you guy are lucky you friends might come threw and ask you along. It is raining here and places are flooding all over.I guess we are allso going to have a heat wave this weekend as well so I won't be getting nothing done grrr. I allso found out today that there is a house being taken appart and the person going to do that works on the site I work at.I took a drive over there this evening and this place is huge and i'm hoping to be able to get enought wood to build a camp out side and in as well. They are giving away the lumber to anyone that wants it so I'm hoping to be able to get involed. Well time for me to log off for the evening ,later.
Man it has been slow and hot up here. I have spent the most of my free time working on a bedroom in the basement for my now 13 year old.:eek: :eek:

Yup look out there is a teenager in the house. But for her birthday I registerd her to take the firearms course and the hunters safety course. I think she like that gift the best. Way to cool as far as I am concerned.:cool: :cool: :cool:
Just let then know that there will be a time when they need to provide for you bruce and keep the meat on the table. As far as heat it is bad here as well, not even going out to daughter house to do anything.Got home and turn the ac on and for the rest of the evening it will be (better be) a quite night.Well have a good one and it is suppose to get cooler as the weekend gets here , later.
moose draw

hey guys ,guess what!3rd time in the last 7 years i get my tag drawn,i definetly have a horseshoe up my u know what,went salmon fishing last saturday,no luck but had a great time,garage is finished on the outside,so i can take a break,my tag is for zone 7 renous,i can,t wait:D
congrats ben and good luck, hope you do better this time then last year. Get one to big and don't have the room for it then I be able to swing by and drop my tailgate. When will the doe tag draw come threw and did everyone put in for it?. Well got to go and heel alittle, fell from five feet up. landed on my feet but for some strange reason my sides hurt alittle. any ways later.
Good to hear someone got a moose license, 3 times in 7 years, man you should be buying lottery tickets with luck like that. Trent, I know you'd do anything to get off work to go hunting, but hunting season is 3 months away and I don't think you can stretch that 'sore back' thing out that long, ha,ha.
I'm not sure when doe draw results are out, seems to me like it was in quite a while. Doesn't matter anyway, because you'll probably just drive around on my bike and have a 9 pt--180lb buck just stand there and wait to get shot--------------no, I guess that was last year. LOL
I got it bad folks. The hunting dreams have started aready and I just can't get close enough to get the bow shot off on the big one. I need to get back to the range soon and do some shooting to curb that erge.
Take it easy folks

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