New member
Happy holidays to all
Sounds good to me dave , and I'm bring some beer from here as well.Figure I bring some of the inported beer back to it home land
. Well how was everyone weekend. I hope that the newly weds are getting along. seems like awhile since we herd from you ben. Hope that you are not lock in that new garage. I know you are on a long over due vac bruce, Hope that you are having a great week.Dave how did the game go with your company? Check this out I bought a 30 pack of coor light since I had a foir day holiday off and I never open a can at all
Must be coming down with something
Bet the wife is wondering what is amatter with me. Any ways fill us in on the vac bruce and see if you can get a computer hook up in the garage ben , and dave since you did luck out on the last game of crib just don't relaxs cause the rematch is coming in nov. Later guys.
Sounds good to me dave , and I'm bring some beer from here as well.Figure I bring some of the inported beer back to it home land