Straight Arrow
Well-known member
Therein lies the problem in that the federal judge has ruled that essentially there are no regulations for building within GNP boundaries. Flathead Conservation District (FCD) imposed a cease and desist order to halt the contruction on the banks of the creek in violation of Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Law (310 permit law) but the judge says that portion of McDonald Creek inside Glacier NP is outside the authority of the FCD and not subject to Montana's stream laws. There was some discussion of a permit requirement for construction, but apparently that's not a hard and fast rule. Sadly, this sets a precedent for development on GNP inholdings and perhaps any federal land inholdings that the landowner can do whatever they wish ... without permits or any rules, regulations, or constraints whatsoever.Seems regulations should have been in place prior. mtmuley
Hopefully this isn't the end of this issue as it's just not right in so many ways!